Bruise under the nail: causes, description, methods and methods of treatment

Bruise under the nail: causes, description, methods and methods of treatment
Bruise under the nail: causes, description, methods and methods of treatment

Bruise under the nail is a problem that many people have. And she is very serious. Not everyone attaches importance to a dark hematoma that appears under the nail plate (usually the big toe). You can not neglect medical help in this situation - you must urgently go to the traumatologist and begin treatment. Otherwise, there may be serious complications. About them, as well as about the causes and principles of treatment, we will discuss further.

Causes of occurrence

A bruise under the nail cannot appear just like that. For a hematoma to form, it must be preceded by one of the following events:

  • A strong blow to the finger.
  • Pinch.
  • Squeezing.
  • Playing football without special footwear (cleats) intended for this purpose.
  • Development of some specific diseases (diabetes mellitus, melanoma, increased vascular fragility, heart disease).
  • Longwearing tight or uncomfortable shoes.
  • Medications that affect blood clotting.
  • Fungus, accompanied by itching and peeling of the plate.
  • Wearing specific shoes. It's vital for skaters, skiers, etc.
bruise under fingernail
bruise under fingernail

Also, permanent trauma to the finger or the specific anatomical structure of the limbs can lead to the appearance of a hematoma. Bruises under the toenails often appear in people whose second is longer than the first.


Of course, the bruise under the thumbnail is impossible not to notice. But, in addition to a visual change in the nail, this pathology may be accompanied by the following characteristic manifestations:

  • Blackening the plate.
  • Feeling of throbbing pain under the nail.
  • Severe puffiness.
  • Redness of the finger.
  • Bluishing of the subungual space.
  • Numbness of limb.
  • Limited finger movement.

It should be noted that if a hematoma appeared due to long wearing of uncomfortable shoes, then there is no acute pain. Unpleasant sensations intensify when the load on the fingers increases.


How is everything going? The formation of a bruise under the nail of the big toe (or any other) begins 1-2 hours after the injury. Prior to this, the person is only concerned about redness and swelling. But a hematoma is formed after the release of blood from burst blood vessels and its accumulation under the plate.

Then everything happens in stages:

  • A small pink dot appears.
  • The nail bed is painted in a bright crimson color.
  • The nail turns blue. Pain and numbness appear.
  • A large purple spot is forming. The pain stops being so intense.
  • A few days later, the hematoma turns blue. Its edges become sharp, and the area decreases. There is no discomfort, pain is felt only when pressed.
  • By the end of the first week, the bruise becomes black and small (3-5 mm in diameter).
bruise under thumb nail
bruise under thumb nail

Usually a hematoma resolves in 7 days. But if it is large, then it will take more time. It is also necessary to seek medical help. A traumatologist is a specialist who will give competent recommendations. By following them, you will be able to get rid of the bruise under the nail in the shortest possible time.

Diagnosis and first aid

Why is it important to see a traumatologist? Because a hematoma formed under the nail may indicate a fracture. And there is no need to explain what the wrong fusion of bones is fraught with. Even if there is no fracture, an examination by a traumatologist is mandatory. After that, the doctor will prescribe treatment. If the hematoma is small, he will treat the damaged area with a special antiseptic and apply a bandage.

In case of convergence of the nail plate, the injured area will be treated with tetracycline or synthomycin ointment. You may need to use daily wound healing agents, the best of which are Troxevasin and Venoruton.

bruising undertoe nails
bruising undertoe nails

If the hematoma has spread to most of the nail, the doctor will drain the plate. Then a sterile wet bandage will be applied to the finger. If the hematoma has spread throughout the subungual space, then it will not be possible to do without surgical intervention, which involves the removal of the plate.

How to help yourself?

Not always and not everyone has the opportunity to quickly turn to a qualified physician. In this case, you will have to help yourself. The first step is to cool the bruised place - this will reduce the pain. You need to wrap your finger with gauze, and then substitute it under an icy stream of water. Or you can apply an ice pack to the bruised area. Cool the injured area for 3 to 6 minutes. Then you need to take a 15-minute break and repeat the procedure.

When the bruise under the toenail or hand appears, and it turns out that it is quite large, it will be necessary to make a puncture. How this procedure is carried out:

  • The nail must be disinfected with iodine, peroxide or potassium permanganate.
  • Heat a sharp needle until it turns red, pre-treating with an antibacterial agent.
  • Pierce the central part of the hematoma through the nail. Blood should flow from the hole.
  • Fix a sterile plaster on the wound.
bruise under fingernail
bruise under fingernail

After that, for some time, you should be extremely careful in moving so as not to catch the injured place, or wear open shoes - otherwisethe wound is damaged. If the injury was on the arm, then it must be protected from infection by wrapping the affected area with a bandage.

Drug therapy

How to treat a bruise under the nail? To make the pain disappear quickly and the wound heal, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • "Rutin". This tool perfectly strengthens blood vessels. It is better to take it in combination with vitamin C.
  • "Ibuprofen", "Analgin" or "Ketorolac". One of these remedies will help eliminate pain. By taking any drug, it will be possible to wear shoes without discomfort and pain.
  • Heparin ointment. It is known for its antithrombotic effect. It is recommended to apply it three times a day. Use until nail is pale pink.
  • "Novocaine" and "Dimexide". They should be used as a compress. It is enough to moisten the gauze with products mixed in a ratio of 3: 1 and apply to the injured area. It is better to fix with a bandage. Wear 20-30 minutes.
bruise under toenail
bruise under toenail

If the bruise remains even after a puncture, removal of clots and a week of treatment, then you need to go to the doctor. Perhaps the cause of the hematoma was not an injury. And this is not a bruise, but a consequence of any serious problems in the body. After diagnosing and examining, the doctor will determine them and prescribe competent treatment.

Folk remedies

And they are also worth listing. Here are some popular folk remedies to help get rid of a bruise under a fingernail:

Baths. You need to take 3 liters of water,heated to 40 ° C, a tablespoon of sea s alt and 10 drops of any essential oil. Add 100 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice. Soak your feet (hands) in this bath for 15 minutes. Then dry and grease with a low-fat cream

How to get rid of a hematoma under the nail?
How to get rid of a hematoma under the nail?
  • Mask from bodyagi. You need to take 10-20 grams of dry powder and dilute with warm water. You need to pour in a little, stirring the composition - you should get a thick consistency. It will take no more than 50 ml. The gruel should be applied to the bruise and hold for 20 minutes. Then remove and wipe with a cotton pad dipped in chamomile decoction. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.
  • Homemade ointment. It is necessary to take laundry soap (35 g), rub it, mix with ammonia (30 ml), camphor laurel oil (30 ml) and lamp oil (50 ml), add turpentine (250 ml). Boil for 5-7 minutes. Let cool. Treat the affected area every 4 hours.
  • Gadgets. You will need to mix apple cider vinegar (250 ml), dry wine (250 ml) and sea s alt (10 g). It is necessary to moisten cotton pads or a napkin with this compound and apply it to the injured area every 2 hours.

And we must not forget about the impact on the body from the inside. St. John's wort decoction is considered the best pain reliever. It is easy to prepare - you need to take 3-4 tbsp. l. dried herbs, pour a liter of water and cook for 15 minutes. Then strain and drink like tea.

bruise under nail how to treat
bruise under nail how to treat


A bruise under the nail is treated quickly and simply, but if the patient decidesignore this problem, he will have to face complications. The fact is that due to the hematoma, a void forms between the nail bed and the cornea. And any infection or bacteria can easily get there. It should also be noted that the dead part will remain on the finger until the plate is completely renewed. However, the newly growing nail is rather fragile in its composition, which predetermines its inevitable deformation if the patient wears uncomfortable, squeezing shoes. Things like this should be avoided.

Not a bruise, but a mole

Sometimes a dark spot that appears under the nail is not a hematoma, but a nevus. Many are surprised at this, but this still happens - a mole can appear anywhere. The nail bed is no exception.

The fact that this is a nevus, the doctor will tell the person after the examination. And he will have to be especially careful in the future. After all, the same blow or bruise can provoke the degeneration of a mole into melanoma. By hitting the leg of a chair with your finger, you can start the process of cell malignancy, which is fraught with their uncontrolled division, the appearance of a tumor and the spread of the process throughout the body.

Fortunately, nevus can be removed with surgery. However, to begin with, the patient will be sent for dermatoscopy. In a word, having found a bruise under the nail, you should definitely visit a doctor. After all, it may happen that this is not a hematoma at all.
