Diseases and conditions 2024, October

The cause of bad breath in a child and the restoration of fresh breath

The cause of bad breath in a child and the restoration of fresh breath

A he althy body radiates he alth in everything, and a changed smell indicates the appearance of any infection in the body. What is the cause of bad breath in a child, and how to treat the baby's body in this case?

Laryngitis: treatment in adults

Laryngitis: treatment in adults

Did you get over laryngitis? Treatment for adults will be special! Therefore, read carefully, draw conclusions and be he althy

Blood from the mouth: causes, treatment, emergency care

Blood from the mouth: causes, treatment, emergency care

Why blood can come from the mouth, the causes of this unpleasant condition, what diseases can cause such phenomena, and how to help the patient in this case - read about all this in the article

Pain in the rectum: causes and treatments

Pain in the rectum: causes and treatments

Pain in the rectum can be caused by various reasons. They can be both intense and moderate. At the same time, the factors of occurrence are fundamentally different from each other. In order to determine the diagnosis, as well as to be cured, it is necessary to understand exactly what disease has arisen

Symptom of alcohol poisoning and home treatment

Symptom of alcohol poisoning and home treatment

Symptoms after alcohol poisoning occur for several reasons. We will talk about them below. It should also be noted that such unpleasant signs of intoxication are pronounced. It's hard not to notice them

Ileofemoral thrombosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

Ileofemoral thrombosis: causes, symptoms, treatment

What disease can the human venous system be susceptible to? Why does this problem occur, and how to treat it?

Surgery on the esophagus: diagnoses, postoperative period, diet

Surgery on the esophagus: diagnoses, postoperative period, diet

Esophagectomy is the removal of the esophagus, a last resort in the treatment of the digestive tract. This method is chosen for oncological diseases and other pathologies of the esophagus, when conservative methods of treatment are ineffective. Depending on the severity of the course of the disease, the stage of development, the esophagus is removed partially or completely

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - treatment and recommendations

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - treatment and recommendations

Some of the diseases are easily treatable - it is enough to change your lifestyle and undergo a course of therapy. But there are also those in which full recovery is difficult. The latter include pulmonary fibrosis. We will consider in this article the symptoms of this disease, as well as the main recommendations of doctors

What happens if you drink vinegar? What to do if the child drank vinegar?

What happens if you drink vinegar? What to do if the child drank vinegar?

Vinegar has been known to people for many millennia. Ancient winemakers were the first to notice that in an open vessel, the drink they produced becomes an acidic liquid with a rather specific aroma. The Jews at that time did not even have a question about what would happen if you drink vinegar. After all, they used it as a simple drink. But most likely, this vinegar was nothing more than sour red wine

Cholera: symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment

Cholera: symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment

Cholera symptoms appear hours after infection. High immunity and excellent he alth will not save you from a bacterial infection. Prevention of the disease is simple rules of daily hygiene

Hygroma - what is it? Hygroma: causes and treatment

Hygroma - what is it? Hygroma: causes and treatment

A hygroma is a small cyst that forms in the tissues of the body. It is considered an occupational disease. The causes of hygroma formation are not fully understood

Dislocation - what is it? Help with dislocation

Dislocation - what is it? Help with dislocation

Dislocation - what is it? You will learn the answer to the question asked from the presented article. In addition, we will tell you about what types of dislocation are, what is their cause, symptoms, treatment, etc

Myxoid soft tissue liposarcoma

Myxoid soft tissue liposarcoma

Myxoid soft tissue liposarcoma is a malignant neoplasm. Under the influence of various adverse factors, the process of tumor formation in the fatty layer starts. Over time, it increases in size and compresses the surrounding tissues and nerve fibers. In addition, liposarcoma is able to grow into muscles and bone structures. The main treatment for the disease is surgery. It is complemented by radiation and chemotherapy

Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon: causes, symptoms, treatments and prognosis

Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon: causes, symptoms, treatments and prognosis

Adenocarcinoma of the sigmoid colon is a malignant tumor that develops from the glandular cells of the large intestine. Fecal masses are formed in the sigmoid colon. That is why it is important to use daily foods that help stimulate peristalsis

Chalus valgus: surgery, rehabilitation, complications and reviews

Chalus valgus: surgery, rehabilitation, complications and reviews

Surgery for hallux valgus is performed in the case of a complex pathological deformity of the big toes, as a result of which small growths form. This disease develops in older people. It is very important to diagnose and treat in a timely manner

Skin rashes in HIV infection: features, description and treatment

Skin rashes in HIV infection: features, description and treatment

Skin rashes with HIV begin to disturb a person a few weeks after infection with the immunodeficiency virus. A large number of various spots, blackheads and blackheads can form on the human body, which are very difficult to remove with standard means

Hepatitis C PCR: blood sampling procedure, decoding of indicators, treatment, reviews

Hepatitis C PCR: blood sampling procedure, decoding of indicators, treatment, reviews

Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver caused by the Flaviviridae HCV virus, which consists of one or more RNA molecules. As a rule, a series of diagnostic measures are carried out to establish hepatitis C in a patient. PCR is an analysis that accurately confirms the diagnosis

Treatment of sinusitis with a laser: description of the method, indications and contraindications

Treatment of sinusitis with a laser: description of the method, indications and contraindications

Sinusitis is a pathology of a purulent-inflammatory type, which can be acute and chronic. Many methods are used to treat the disease. Treatment of sinusitis with a laser is an effective method that does not require a radical action - a puncture. With such therapy, it will be possible to quickly eliminate the manifestations of the inflammatory process. This treatment method is described in the article

Red throat in infants: treatment, list of drugs

Red throat in infants: treatment, list of drugs

There is not a single child who has never had a sore throat. Diseases of the oropharynx are very common, especially during the epidemic season in autumn, as well as in early spring. It is possible to cure a red throat in a baby only in accordance with medical prescriptions. The fact is that pain, along with other unpleasant symptoms in the throat in children, may indicate the occurrence of completely different diseases

Hip bursitis: symptoms, causes and treatment with folk remedies

Hip bursitis: symptoms, causes and treatment with folk remedies

Problems with joints sooner or later seriously complicate our lives. Inflammatory processes not only cause severe pain, but can also partially or completely immobilize a person. Bursitis of the hip joint (the symptoms of this pathology appear gradually) is one of the most frequently diagnosed diseases

Burning in the lower back: causes and treatments

Burning in the lower back: causes and treatments

Burning sensation in the lower back can be caused by diseases of such organs and systems of the human body as the musculoskeletal system, pelvic organs, cardiovascular system, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, gastrointestinal tract. Among other things, a burning sensation in the lumbar region may be present in women during pregnancy

Osteoporosis of the spine: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Osteoporosis of the spine: symptoms and treatment with folk remedies

Most of us sooner or later face various problems of the musculoskeletal system. It can be osteochondrosis or an even more severe disease called osteoporosis. Symptoms and treatment of this disease are the topic of our article

Osteoporosis of the hip joint: symptoms and treatment, diagnosis

Osteoporosis of the hip joint: symptoms and treatment, diagnosis

Osteoporosis of the hip in women and men reduces bone strength. By the way, representatives of the weaker sex during menopause most often suffer from this disease. Therefore, the symptoms and treatment of osteoporosis of the hip joint should be known first of all to all women. Often, pathology leads to fractures. There may also be other signs of calcium deficiency in the body

Nail diseases: causes, types and prevention

Nail diseases: causes, types and prevention

There are many more nail diseases than meets the eye. In this article, we will look at the most common

What are toxins? Is it dangerous for the body? Cleansing from toxins

What are toxins? Is it dangerous for the body? Cleansing from toxins

Toxins are poisonous substances in our body. Some of them, the so-called exotoxins, enter our body with food or air

Increased blood potassium: causes and treatment

Increased blood potassium: causes and treatment

The composition of the blood is very diverse. It contains many substances that are responsible for carrying out certain processes in the body. It is very important to maintain a constant ionic composition of the blood. A special role among the ions belongs to potassium. The trace element ensures the normal functioning of the heart. It is involved in biochemical processes in the brain. All of these systems can fail if there is elevated potassium in the blood. The reasons for this condition require detailed study

Why the tongue was overlaid: causes, symptoms of diseases, treatment

Why the tongue was overlaid: causes, symptoms of diseases, treatment

The tongue is a special organ by which you can find out if there are any diseases in the body. Any changes in the gastrointestinal tract can be detected in the early stages. Show your tongue to your reflection in the mirror and examine it carefully

Can I wash with angina: features, recommendations and reviews

Can I wash with angina: features, recommendations and reviews

Tonsillitis is a very unpleasant disease that causes severe discomfort to the patient. Fortunately, the pathology does not pose a threat to life. The question of whether it is possible to wash with angina is quite relevant, especially for those who are accustomed to daily water procedures. How dangerous is it to take a shower or bath while you are sick? How to do it right? Answers to such questions are given in the sections of the article

Is it possible to walk with angina: features of treatment and recommendations of doctors

Is it possible to walk with angina: features of treatment and recommendations of doctors

Angina is one of the most common throat diseases that requires timely treatment. Many are interested in: "Is it possible to walk with such a diagnosis?" And how not to harm the body? For this, it is important to follow the recommendations of the doctor. Good rest and proper treatment is the key to a quick recovery

Chickenpox in the mouth: how and what to treat

Chickenpox in the mouth: how and what to treat

Chickenpox in the mouth in children is a fairly common disease, which often does not worry parents much. This is because, as a rule, babies tolerate this disease well. However, if you do not show proper attention to the disease, then it is possible to get complications that will remind you of yourself all your life

How to make inhalations for a cold for children?

How to make inhalations for a cold for children?

There are several ways to get rid of a runny nose. However, inhalation is the safest. This procedure is the inhalation of steam mixed with various medicinal herbs or special medicinal substances, and in some cases it is simply necessary and expedient. It is not worth refusing to carry out inhalation from a runny nose for children, since this will allow you to stop the inflammatory process that occurs in the nasal cavity, as well as speed up the healing process

Measles in children, first signs, causes, symptoms, treatment and advice from pediatricians

Measles in children, first signs, causes, symptoms, treatment and advice from pediatricians

Measles is the most sticky childhood infection. The viruses that the sick person releases when sneezing, coughing, and even while talking are very mobile: they wander around the apartment, stairwells, and can seep through the ventilation system. And yet, most often it is possible to become infected with measles through close contact with a sick child

Lichen in a child: varieties, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Lichen in a child: varieties, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment methods

Lichen is a common disease in children. It is accompanied by redness of the skin, itching and burning. Lichen is a collective medical concept. It combines a number of fungal and viral diseases that manifest similar symptoms. Features, varieties of lichen in a child, as well as methods of its treatment will be discussed in the article

Parasites in the human liver: symptoms and treatment

Parasites in the human liver: symptoms and treatment

Violation of natural processes in the liver often occurs precisely because of the parasitism of helminths. Such a disease has a rather strong symptomatology. Infection often occurs due to poor personal hygiene

HIV virus: structure, interaction with cells, structure and properties of the virus

HIV virus: structure, interaction with cells, structure and properties of the virus

HIV is affecting many people today. Society is trying to protect itself from being infected by the virus. It is known that the result of the development of the disease caused by HIV is fatal. From childhood, people are taught simple protection rules that help reduce the chance of contracting a virus. In the article, we will find out the detailed structure of the virus (HIV), how it attacks and interacts with the cells of the human body

Hip joint: pain, treatment, concomitant diseases

Hip joint: pain, treatment, concomitant diseases

There are many causes of hip joint injuries. It can be an injury due to a fall or a severe bruise, fracture. In the article you will find a lot of useful information that will help you understand what diseases are associated with the hip joint and how to treat them

Lymph node on the neck: treatment and causes

Lymph node on the neck: treatment and causes

A lymph node on the neck, the treatment of which must be carried out, is very serious. Do not start the disease

How meningitis spreads - all about the disease

How meningitis spreads - all about the disease

How is meningitis spread? You can find out from this article. Today, this topic is extremely relevant, so it will be useful to get as much information as possible

Deviated septum: surgery and treatment

Deviated septum: surgery and treatment

Deviated septum, which requires surgery, is a rather serious problem. Do not run it and put off going to the doctor. Sometimes surgery is just not enough

Pneumonia - what is it?

Pneumonia - what is it?

Pneumonia - what is it? Many people know quite a lot about it, but not everyone knows the reasons why it can occur, although everyone needs to know this