Heartburn what is it? Heartburn medications

Heartburn what is it? Heartburn medications
Heartburn what is it? Heartburn medications

Heartburn is one of the common signs of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Approximately 5-19% of the adult population experiences this unpleasant phenomenon at least once a week, and 7% daily. The symptom that appears about an hour after eating, most often described as a burning sensation behind the sternum, is heartburn. What is gastroesophageal reflux disease? This is one of the causes of heartburn, which occurs as a result of improper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter. Fortunately, with the appropriate treatment, this disease can be cured.

Causes of heartburn

Until recently, it was believed that heartburn in the stomach appears due to excessive secretion of gastric juice. However, it turns out that reflux is due to a malfunction of the lower sphincter, which does not open when it should. The reason for this phenomenon is very often too weak contraction or very loose work of the entire esophagus.

heartburn what is
heartburn what is

Reflux may be due to hiatal herniadiaphragm - stretching of the diaphragmatic (muscles separating the chest from the abdominal cavity) opening through which the esophagus passes.

In a normal situation, the muscles should tightly cover the final segment of the esophagus and thereby support its work. Another cause of heartburn can be a too full stomach. In this case, he can not cope with the digestion of food and pushes part of the contents back into the esophagus. Very rarely, the cause of reflux can be an abnormal structure of the gastrointestinal tract.

Factors that increase heartburn

Uncomfortable burning sensation in the stomach or esophagus, usually occurs after overeating, eating too fatty, spicy, seasoned or excessively carbohydrate-rich foods.

Heartburn is aggravated by these factors:

  • Wrong diet.
  • With a change in body position.
  • Excessive physical activity.
  • During work requiring a bent posture.
heartburn medications
heartburn medications

Heartburn medications tend to relieve the symptoms caused in this way. But in some cases, a burning sensation may indicate a more serious illness.

Heartburn symptoms

The main symptom is a burning sensation in the esophagus, which is caused by heartburn and stomach pain. It can stretch along the entire length of the esophagus and, therefore, reach the chest. Sometimes it increases with a sharp change in position. In addition, a sour taste in the mouth and belching may accompany. Heartburn occurs, as a rule, after eating, when the process of digestion takes place. Soft tissue calcification is caused by fatty and heavy meals, as well as overeating.

Why shouldn't the contents of the stomach be in the esophagus?

Hydrochloric acid and stomach enzymes should not enter the esophagus. Only the wall (inner layer) is protected from the corrosive action of acids. The mucous membrane of the esophagus is more sensitive in its structure to the enzymes of the stomach. Therefore, the acid environment slowly destroys the walls of the esophagus, causing at the first stage loosening and redness - inflammation of the mucous membrane.

Complications after illness

The first symptom of damage to the esophagus may be redness of the mucous membrane. The next stage is the appearance of erosion, small damage to the integrity of the mucous membrane (small wounds). When it comes to the appearance of ulcers, that is, deep defects, we can talk about serious problems with the esophagus.

baking soda for heartburn how to dilute
baking soda for heartburn how to dilute

In some cases, seals are determined, which are the result of wound healing. Sometimes the epithelium is replaced by another type: gastric or intestinal (in the case of a progressive disease that has lasted for many years). This phenomenon is called Barretta's esophagus. This is a symptom of severe reflux disease and increases the risk of esophageal cancer (a precancerous condition).

Complications of inflammation of the esophagus include:

  • Narrowing of the esophagus.
  • Ulcer and bleeding from it.
  • Puncture of peptic ulcer with clinical consequences.
  • The so-called Barretta's esophagus.

All diseases of the gastrointestinal tract require a visit todoctor. If you suspect malaise (characteristic symptoms: heartburn, nausea, belching), a visit to a specialist is recommended. The doctor decides what examinations need to be done to confirm or rule out the suspected disease. Also, if necessary, he will prescribe medications for heartburn and other manifestations of the disease.

X-ray examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract

During the examination, the radiologist assesses the path of passage through the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, recognizes anatomical anomalies relating to these organs (hiatal hernia, esophageal stricture). However, this study does not allow to determine whether there are inflammatory changes in the esophagus.

what to drink for heartburn
what to drink for heartburn


More detailed information is provided by the examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract, carried out with the help of an endoscope, that is, gastroscopy. It allows you to assess in detail the surface of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum, exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the esophagus, the presence of damage to the mucous membrane (erosion), as well as the appearance of possible complications: ulcers and narrowing. The study helps to recognize serious diseases: Barretta's esophagus and early stages of esophageal cancer.

Ways to prevent heartburn symptoms

  • After eating, wait at least an hour before lying down or engaging in strenuous activities.
  • Above all, avoid a position in which the chestthe cell is tilted forward. In case of problems with heartburn, too tight belts should not be worn.
  • Elevate your upper body while you sleep by placing extra pillows at the head of the bed, for example.
  • Avoid foods that can cause heartburn. What is malnutrition and what foods can provoke gastroesophageal reflux disease, you can find out from a specialist.
  • Chocolate helps relax the sphincter muscles.
  • Due to the consumption of orange, lemon or grapefruit juice, heartburn occurs. The acidity in the stomach sometimes exceeds the permissible limits.
  • The fats, protein and calcium found in milk stimulate the production of gastric juices.
  • Why is heartburn permanent? Especially noticeable manifestations can be after taking fatty foods. These include: butter, cheese, sauces, confectionery and more.
  • Mint helps to relax the muscles of the esophageal sphincter, which promotes reflux.
  • Onions, like spices, irritate the mucous membrane of the esophagus, thereby increasing the burning sensation in the stomach.
  • Avoid drinks that can cause heartburn. What are carbonated drinks and alcohol for the digestive tract? They can contribute to the ailments that are associated with reflux. All kinds of soda should be avoided, as they are one of the main causes of flatulence and heartburn. Alcoholic beverages such as wine, beer, and other spirits relax the muscles in the esophageal sphincter, thereby increasing the risk of heartburn spreading. Alsocoffee and tea irritate the mucous membrane and help to relax the sphincter.
  • Reduce your food intake. People suffering from heartburn should eat small amounts of food, but often. A heavy meal in the evenings is especially harmful.
  • Control your weight. Overweight people are much more likely to develop gastrointestinal diseases than people with normal body weight.
heartburn in the stomach
heartburn in the stomach

Heartburn treatment

What therapy is heartburn amenable to? What kind of treatment requires a lifestyle change? Good habits should be your main goal, as they play an important role in the case of heartburn. Eating chili, salsa, and pepper can cause a dramatic increase in acid levels in the body, which can speed up the process of this disease.

  • Customize your diet. It is also important to refrain from overeating. The most appropriate method to combat heartburn is to eat three meals a day. If you feel the need to eat, you can have a light snack between meals.
  • Drink plenty of water. It plays an important role in regulating stomach acid. Most he alth experts recommend drinking at least eight to ten glasses of water a day. You should refrain from drinking liquids such as juices, coffee, and milk with meals because they can increase acid levels in the body. Also, avoid alcohol and don't smoke, as both of these stimulants contribute to heartburn.
  • Practical Tips:try sleeping with two or three pillows under your head so that your whole body lies lower than your head on the bed. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing as this is unhe althy. Avoid wearing tight jeans and T-shirts.

Drugs that help with heartburn:

  • Antacids: "Renny", "Almagel". Take 5-10 ml three times a day for five days.
  • Antisecretory agents: Omez, Pariet, Lanzap. Take 20 mg before meals in the morning. The course is about five weeks.
  • H2-histamine blockers: Famotidine, Ranitidine. Take 300 mg per day for ten days.
  • Drug "Motilac". Take one tablet whenever vomiting, nausea, or heaviness occurs.

Home remedies for heartburn

What to drink for heartburn? An unpleasant ailment can be prevented with natural remedies.

heartburn and stomach pain
heartburn and stomach pain

Some of the popular treatments for heartburn:

  • If you want to relieve stomach pain and upset, take ginger. The fresh root can be added to food or tea.
  • Green tea is very effective in reducing the symptoms of heartburn. It aids our body in the process of digestion and soothes the sensitive tissues of the stomach.
  • What to drink for heartburn? Herbal teas are also very effective in combating problems associated with heartburn. Those that contain small amounts of ginger, licorice root, chamomile, and mint help restoremucous membrane of the stomach. After dinner, you need to brew ready-made tea and prepare an infusion: add a teaspoon of selected herbs to a glass of boiling water. It is better to drink it before going to bed for half a glass.

If the problem is severe, your doctor may recommend heartburn pills. The price of such drugs is in affordable ranges: from 60 rubles to 1500 rubles. But still, many people are afraid to take conventional medicines because of the side effects. In this case, it is worth considering using baking soda to reduce unpleasant symptoms.

Soda for heartburn

Baking soda is an alkali that neutralizes stomach acids. Basically, it is a natural antacid. However, you need to be very careful when using alkali, although baking soda is effective for heartburn. How to dilute it so as not to violate the dosage and at the same time completely neutralize the stomach acids? Baking soda is an effective treatment for heartburn. This drug can be taken over a long period of time.

Trial by reviews, baking soda helps with heartburn. How to breed her? Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of water. Make sure the powder is completely dissolved, then drink. It is generally not recommended to drink more than seven cups of this mixture in one day. When soda does not help get rid of heartburn, you should immediately go to the doctor. People suffering from high blood pressure should refrain from taking this heartburn remedy as it contains a high amount of sodium. Also, this method is not shownfor pregnant women as it causes water retention in the body.

why heartburn
why heartburn

Heartburn is a reason to see a doctor

Don't underestimate the pain and burning sensation in the stomach when heartburn occurs. The causes, folk remedies used to eliminate them, may differ depending on the severity of the disease. Home medicine can be used for rare manifestations of this ailment, but when the symptoms are persistent, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.
