Among female diseases, vaginitis is one of the most common. It does not pose a particular danger to the female body, the only inconvenience is that the symptoms of vaginitis are very similar to the symptoms of other, more serious diseases.
Vaginitis - inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.
Vaginitis symptoms:

1. Abundant discharge.
2. Feeling hot, possible fever.3. Irritation of the mucous membrane, sometimes a slight swelling.
All these symptoms of vaginitis cause some trouble, but you should not be afraid. However, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. And the point is not only that you need to start treatment immediately (although this is also important). But something else is much more important: the symptoms of vaginitis are very similar to the symptoms of other diseases, for example, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. But they already carry a rather serious threat.
Types of diseases
The following types of vaginitis are distinguished by the nature of the course and prescription of the disease:
- Acute (symptoms of this type of vaginitis are usually manifested in whites that are watery orpurulent, as well as burning and a feeling of heaviness).
- Subacute (occurs in anticipation of an acute, as a signal to do prevention).
- Chronic (a distinctive feature is the relapsing nature of the disease).
But besides vaginitis, there is also vaginosis. These two diseases should not be confused. Vaginosis is a violation of the flora of the vagina.
Causes of bacterial vaginosis
The causative agent of the disease are ordinary bacteria. They constantly live in the vagina, but in a he althy woman their number is insignificant and mainly lactic acid bacteria predominate. However, under the influence of circumstances, microbes can begin to intensively divide. Such reproduction can occur during pregnancy, ovarian hypofunction or poor hygiene.
Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis:

1. Burning sensation in the perineum.
2. Thick white highlights.
3. Discomfort during urination.4. Heaviness in the lower abdomen.
Treatment of vaginitis and vaginosis
Treatment can be local or general, depending on which bacteria is causing the vaginitis. Sometimes parallel treatment and a sexual partner is required. A prerequisite for effectiveness is the rejection of sexual activity for the entire course of treatment.
If the symptoms of vaginitis are expressed by purulent discharge, it is recommended to douche with antiseptics, after the disappearance of the discharge, astringent agents can be used for douching. At the same time, drugs are used thatcontribute to the overall strengthening of the body. Topical application of antibiotics in the form of an ointment is also used. Features of the treatment of vaginitis during pregnancy
Pregnancy itself can trigger vaginitis. There are two features here. On the one hand, it is necessary to cure the expectant mother to the end, so as not to infect the child during childbirth. On the other hand, the “interesting” position of a woman imposes certain restrictions. Therefore, individual methods of treatment are necessarily selected, the dosage is reduced.
Complete and timely treatment of the disease is the key to future he alth!