Inflammation of the kidneys: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the kidneys: symptoms and treatment
Inflammation of the kidneys: symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the kidneys is a progressive disease called nephritis. Pathology equally often affects women, men, occurs in children of different ages. The inflammatory process can develop in the pelvis, calyx, as well as tubules, vessels and glomeruli of the kidneys. Prolonged hypothermia can serve as the basis for the occurrence of inflammation of the kidneys. Also, the disease can develop as a complication of existing infectious pathologies caused by pathogenic bacteria.

Kidney inflammation
Kidney inflammation

Jade Classification

Inflammation of the kidneys is classified in different ways and is divided according to the origin into primary and secondary nephritis. The first type manifests itself in the form of individual pathologies. Secondary inflammation of the kidneys develops as a complication of a previous disease. For example, a protracted infection can cause pathology.

Depending on the shape,distinguish the following types of jade:

  1. Acute inflammation. Usually caused by pathogens, reflected in the glomeruli of the kidneys.
  2. Chronic. It tends to be active after a "lull". In this form, the death of kidney tissue is observed, which leads to the accumulation of toxic substances in the body.

Jades are also divided according to the type of pathogen that caused the disease:

  1. Bacterial.
  2. Viral.
  3. Non-infectious.
  4. Toxic.
  5. Allergic.
  6. Post-vaccination.

Character of the disease

There is a division of nephritis according to the nature of the disease. According to this indicator, inflammation of the kidneys in men and women is divided into:

  1. Glomerulonephritis. Pathology is a chronic inflammation characterized by gradual inhibition of the renal glomeruli, impaired urination, and blood purification functions. With the progression of the disease, the glomeruli are replaced by connective tissue: as a result, chronic renal failure develops.
  2. Shunt jade. When the immune system is disrupted, formations appear in the kidneys that disrupt the functioning of the organ. As a result, a shunt type of pathology is diagnosed.
  3. Pyelonephritis. When bacteria enter the organs, damage to the tubules, pelvis and calyces is diagnosed. This pathology is one of the most frequently diagnosed in comparison with other ailments. Usually pyelonephritis occurs with hypothermia.
  4. Interstitial nephritis. With inflammation of the tissues between the glomeruli and tubules,tubular apparatus of nephrons, interstitial nephritis is diagnosed. Pathology is caused by pathogenic bacteria, but sometimes drug intoxication leads to illness.
  5. Ray jade. As a result of strong exposure, nephron failure may occur. As a result, ray jade is formed.
  6. Hereditary jade. Sometimes the pathology is inherited and manifests itself from an early age.
  7. When purulent processes occur in the kidneys, apostematous nephritis occurs.

Causes of inflammation

Primary and secondary inflammation of the kidneys in women and men cause different causes. So, if an autoimmune disease is caused by developing pathologies, nephrons are inflamed, then glomerulonephritis can serve as a provocateur. In the secondary form of the disease, the following causes are distinguished:

  • diabetes;
  • infections;
  • renal amyloidosis;
  • tumors;
  • alcoholic necrosis;
  • poisoning;
  • allergic reaction;
  • complications during pregnancy.

Hypothermia, beriberi, physical inactivity, malnutrition, stress can increase the risk of pathology.

Inflammation of the kidneys symptoms in men
Inflammation of the kidneys symptoms in men

Clinical manifestations of inflammation

Symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys depend on which disease is progressing. In the acute form, signs of inflammation appear brightly, pronouncedly. With all pathologies, hyperthermia to high numbers, headaches, chills are observed. The chronic form is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation and remission. As a resultchronic renal failure progresses.

There are common symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys, characteristic of all types of nephritis. These include:

  1. Puffiness.
  2. Pain in the lumbar region.
  3. Pain during urination.
  4. Increased blood pressure, up to critical levels.
  5. The appearance of cloudy urine mixed with flakes or blood.
  6. Thirst.
  7. Dry skin.


Signs of kidney inflammation can be:

  • increased body temperature;
  • the appearance of pus in the urine - with pyelonephritis, pathological processes develop rapidly, with the accumulation of pus in the tissues, which is excreted along with urine;
  • pain in the lumbar region;
  • urine becomes cloudy, flakes appear in it, sometimes blood clots.

Most often, pyelonephritis is diagnosed in children and women. Symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys, as well as tests and ultrasound diagnostics, confirm the pathology. The acute form usually affects one kidney, while the chronic form usually affects both.

Inflammation of the kidneys symptoms
Inflammation of the kidneys symptoms


This is a complex pathology in which the affected kidney cells are replaced by connective tissue. As a result of the disease, kidney failure develops. With glomerulonephritis in children and adults, the following clinical manifestations are observed:

  • edema;
  • fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity;
  • a large concentration of protein is detected in the urine.

Symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys in men aged twenty toforty years of age are more common than in women. A feature of the course of the disease is that it simultaneously affects both kidneys.

Pathology in pregnant women

Often, pathology occurs during pregnancy. When the first signs of the disease appear, it is necessary to immediately send the woman for treatment to the hospital. During pregnancy, compression of the pelvic organs by the uterus, as well as a change in the usual hormonal background, the presence of chronic diseases can lead to pathology.

If the treatment of inflammation of the kidneys is not started in time, then there is a big risk for the he alth of the unborn child and mother. If intrauterine infection of the fetus is detected, then after birth pneumonia and enterocolitis may occur. Therefore, it is important to immediately consult a doctor when the first signs of kidney inflammation appear in pregnant women.

To avoid inflammation, during pregnancy it is important not to overcool, monitor nutrition, regularly take urine for tests, since it is she who determines the state of the urinary system.

Jade in children

Pathology in children can occur without clinical manifestations, or it can progress, manifested by fever, urinary incontinence, discoloration, and pain during urination. Seek immediate medical attention if these symptoms occur.

Inflammation of the kidneys symptoms and therapy
Inflammation of the kidneys symptoms and therapy

Diagnostic Methods

In order to determine what type of jade is present, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis. Physicians usually take anamnesis andappoint a number of tests, instrumental methods of examination.

During communication with the patient, the doctor determines when and under what circumstances the body temperature has risen. Be sure to specify what pathologies of the urinary system the patient used to suffer from, what methods of endoscopy were performed. A history of infections is also collected.

Urine and blood tests are mandatory. In order to see changes in the kidneys, ultrasound, CT, and radiographic examination methods are performed. The diagnostic method in each case is selected individually.

Treatment methods

Acute inflammation must be treated under the supervision of doctors in a hospital. After relief of pain and a decrease in temperature, patients are discharged. Further treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, but how to treat inflammation of the kidneys at home? Therapy includes medication, as well as traditional medicine methods.

Antibiotics for inflammation of the kidneys
Antibiotics for inflammation of the kidneys

Drug Therapy

Inflammation is treated with a course of diuretics, antibiotics and other medications.

Diuretics help remove all excess fluid from the body, and also help relieve swelling. To eliminate pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics are used for inflammation of the kidneys. In the process of choosing the type of medicinal composition, an analysis is carried out for sensitivity to infection. Common drugs prescribed for nephritis include: Penicillin, Amoxicillin, Amikacin, Gentamicin, Cephalexin and other drugs.

If therapy doesn't workAs a result, patients are prescribed plasmapheresis - blood purification from accumulated toxins. This procedure is carried out with the use of glucocorticosteroids, cytostatics.

According to indications, the doctor may prescribe:

  1. Antihistamines.
  2. Calcium preparations.
  3. Immunostimulants.
  4. Vitamin therapy.
  5. Means that lower blood pressure.
  6. Compounds that restore blood circulation in the kidneys.

Features of food

To cure a pathology, it is necessary not only to follow the doctor's recommendations for taking medications, but also to follow a diet. Patients are contraindicated in the use of fatty meats, smoked meats, pickles, pickled and fried foods, coffee, alcohol.

The diet includes more fermented milk products, egg white, vegetables, compotes. Every day it is necessary to consume as much liquid as possible to accelerate the removal of pathogenic microorganisms and toxins from the body.

After suppressing an acute infection, include lean meats, steamed fish in the diet.

Inflammation of the kidneys symptoms and treatment
Inflammation of the kidneys symptoms and treatment

Folk treatments

Treatment of kidney inflammation and symptoms can be done with folk remedies. Often they are prescribed in conjunction with medications, and are also used as a prophylaxis in the chronic form of nephritis.

Many plants have a diuretic effect, improve blood circulation in the kidneys, and suppress inflammation. They are able to remove toxins from the body, have a general strengthening effect.

BeforeAll you need to do is cleanse your body of toxins. For this purpose, blackhead, dandelion roots are used. To prepare a healing composition, you need to take a teaspoon of dandelion or blackhead roots and pour a glass of boiling water. The remedy is infused for 40 minutes, filtered, divided into three doses.

The following complex of medicinal plants helps to get rid of inflammation and kidney stones: field horsetail, lingonberry leaves and bearberry. Everything is taken in equal parts, crushed. A teaspoon of the mixture is steamed with 200 grams of boiling water and infused for two hours, then 0.2 grams of mummy is added. The remedy is taken three times a day. The duration of the course is three weeks.

The unique properties of horsetail allow you to use this plant as an independent remedy. To prepare the medicine, take two teaspoons of herbs and pour a glass of boiling water. After an hour of infusion, the remedy is filtered and taken in equal parts throughout the day.

Knotweed helps with nephritis. Two spoons of (tea) herbs are taken and poured with two glasses of boiling water. The composition is infused for four hours, you need to take one hundred grams up to four times.

Cornflower can be used for therapy. A tablespoon of inflorescences is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for about an hour. The finished product must be divided into three doses.

Birch leaves give positive results in the treatment of jade. To prepare the product, one hundred grams of raw materials are taken and poured with two glasses of boiling water. The composition is allowed to brew overnight. Take one hundred grams before meals.

In treatmentinflammation of the kidneys, herbal teas show good results. They normalize the functioning of the urinary system, soothe, relieve inflammation, remove toxins and eliminate pathogenic microorganisms.

Camomile, juniper, wild rose, bearberry, horsetail, calendula are used for making teas. Teas can be prepared from one type of plant or used in combination by combining different types of herbs. In the latter case, different herbs are taken in equal parts, mixed. For brewing, use from one to three teaspoons of the mixture per cup of boiling water. Tea is infused for half an hour, then filtered. Drink no more than three cups a day.

It is best to change the composition of the drink and prepare it from different herbs.

Inflammation of the kidneys treatment
Inflammation of the kidneys treatment

When treating nephritis, it is recommended to include jelly in the diet. It can be prepared from different berries and fruits. Effective assistants in the treatment of the disease in question are pumpkin and cranberries. Pumpkin seeds help to remove sand and stones. Cranberry is a natural natural antibiotic and antioxidant. It is recommended to make juices from this berry, prepare compotes, kissels, fruit drinks.

With timely and correct treatment of nephritis, you can quickly and without consequences get rid of this disease, preventing the transition of an acute form into a chronic one. And do not forget that any self-treatment is fraught with serious complications, up to surgical intervention. To prevent this from happening, you should not take medications on your own and use alternative methods of therapy, you must immediately consult a doctor, undergoexamination and only after that apply the course of therapy prescribed by the doctor.
