Contact dermatitis is a dermatological disease that is formed in response to any pathogen. The scenario of the course of the disease is allergic in nature, that is, the human body, for one reason or another, responds to the action of an irritant with high sensitivity. In order to recognize this disease, one should pass classic allergological tests, thanks to which it is possible to determine the irritant.
Pathogenesis of simple contact dermatitis
As a rule, contact dermatitis is a disease that takes a long time to develop. Symptoms appear only in case of prolonged contact of a person with an irritable condition. In this relationship, allergists record that allergens are often considered to be elements with which a person has contact at the place of his work, or these are allergens that the patient regularly encounters at home. Among household allergens, cosmetics and detergents, pharmaceuticals, jewelry, building materials, paints, metal andother objects that can provoke an allergic reaction.
It is worth learning more about simple contact dermatitis, symptoms and treatment in adults and children.

Simple contact dermatitis can occur as a result of the direct influence of the allergen, and as a result of a complex reaction of the immune system. For the formation of the disease, a secondary or prolonged effect of the irritant on the skin is necessary. At the first contact of the allergen with the skin, a process called sensitization takes place. This is the activation of the immune system, the development of a kind of reaction to the pathogen. It doesn't show up at all in appearance. With the secondary exposure to the allergen, it is recognized and a pronounced immune response is manifested by a special inflammation. Re-adjacent infectious disease, usually enterobacterial.
Key Factors
Provoking conditions (allergens) for acute contact dermatitis:
- Vegetable (biologically active elements of organic origin).
- Components of artificial materials.
- Household chemicals (solvents, powders, paints, glues, detergents, including soap products).
- Industrial chemistry (phenols, alkalis, acids, aldehydes, kerosene, alloys and their compounds).
- Cosmetics (skin care and color cosmetics).
- Jewellery (substances used to process alloys and paints applied to products).
- Medications for external useuse.
- Rubber (elements included in its structure).

Since the disease can have an acute and chronic course, the level of severity and the rate of spread will also be directly dependent on this. Distinctive manifestations of contact dermatitis will be: swelling, redness, skin rash, itching. In addition, there is every chance of blisters and weeping areas in the affected area. If we are talking directly about allergic dermatitis, then further manifestations will be located directly at the point of contact of the skin with the reagent. And it is noted that the younger the patient, the more pronounced the process. Over time, that is, in the chronic course of the disease, the skin in the area of contact with the allergen becomes more rigid, thickens, becomes dry, and its pattern intensifies. Cracks may occur. In severe forms of dermatitis, the general condition of a person can be disturbed and trembling, fever, impotence, etc. appear.

Contact dermatitis in children
Children have been and remain the most susceptible to the influence of various reagents. In infants, everything can arise from the first pacifier or infant formula, toys or undershirts. And further, the older the preschooler becomes, the more he has contact with the environment around him, the more threats await him. And everything is aggravated by the fact that the guys need a much lower dosage and exposure time to get a complete picture of dermatitis. Children, you need to remember thismore mentally unstable. Therefore, it will be common for a small patient if he becomes capricious, becomes tearful and absurd. And it will always climb with handles to the affected areas. This must be guarded against. If you do not follow the actions of the baby, in addition to the long healing process, the preschooler is also able to introduce an infection by scratching his skin. And these are the difficulties that have already arisen, preventing the cure.
Diagnosis can often be made on the basis of the medical picture of skin lesions and contact history. It is necessary to take into account information about the patient's profession, his hobbies, interaction with household items, vacations, clothing, and the use of various cosmetics. If you suspect that the disease develops due to perfume, shampoo, or other means used at home, it is possible to conduct an analysis. The intended substance should be applied to the skin remote from the site of the initial development of dermatitis, for example, on the fold of the forearm.
Application test
Diagnosis of simple contact dermatitis also consists in conducting a skin application test. It is performed with a dubious diagnosis and a lack of result from therapy. With it, typical contact allergens are applied to the skin of the back from above by gluing a patch into which minimal amounts of typical contact allergens or plastic chambers are integrated. An epicutaneous application test with a short-term application of a thin layer of a substance is carried out using two adhesive strips, whichcapable of applying and interpreting every doctor. The skin under the patch is assessed two to four days after application. False-positive results are noted if the element in the used concentration causes an irritant effect, and does not generate an allergic reaction, and if the reaction to one antigen generates a non-specific reaction to other antigens or antigens to which cross-reactions are formed. False-negative reactions are formed if skin allergens do not include an antigen that causes inflammation. To confirm the diagnosis, data on contact with the tested allergen are required.

What can you do yourself?
To restore damaged skin, you need to follow a few easy rules:
- Wear gloves in cold weather.
- To wash hands, use warm water and a little mild detergent.
- Rinse soap well and dry hands.
- Frequently apply moisturizers and skin softeners, as well as preventing skin dehydration. These are, as a rule, creams with petroleum jelly, lanolin, glycerin, ceramides, dimethicone, propylene glycol, urea, etc.
How to relieve inflammation?
It is recommended to get rid of inflammation with corticosteroids. If the disease is severe or chronic, with significant skin thickening, not localized on the face or in the area of skin folds, then Clobetasol or Diflucortolone is used for 2-4 weeks. In less serious casesapplied "Kuterid", "Mometasone" (also within 2-4 weeks). If there is inflammation in delicate places, then weaker corticosteroids are used at a lower dose: Triamcinolone, Betamethasone, Hydrocortisone for 1-2 weeks.
It is highly preferable not to scratch the unhe althy area, otherwise additional damage to the skin can create an optimal environment for enterobacterial infection.
Recovery takes about a month if there was no subsequent influence of the irritating agent. In the chronic form, symptoms may be present for several months or years.
You should also beware of the substance that provoked the disease, and remove the inflammation. Methods are approximately the same: wear gloves, overalls, mask and goggles, use corticosteroids for 1-2 weeks or calcineurin inhibitors (for example, pimecrolimus cream).

Ointments and creams
Creams and ointments from contact dermatitis on the face and body are used on the basis of glucocorticosteroids. They effectively remove inflammation and prevent the process from developing. But the period of their use is reduced (no more than 14 days) in order to avoid the formation of side effects, which include: dryness and thinning of the skin, the occurrence of stretch marks, rosacea on the face. Depending on the type of inflammation, various forms of topical preparations are used:
- Acute with wet rashes - emulsion.
- Subacute with crusts - cream or lipocream.
- Chronic with fissures andpeeling - ointment.
Among the variety of topical (for use on the skin) glucocorticosteroids, there are 3 most suitable ones: Lokoid, Elokom and Advantan. When joining the fungal and enterobacterial flora, combined creams and ointments for dermatitis should be used, which, in addition to the hormonal anti-inflammatory element, contain an antibacterial and antifungal, for example, "Pimafukort".
Inflammation, the signs of which are stopped, leaves behind dryness and shabby integuments. During this period, a dermatologist is able to prescribe agents that promote cell restoration and reconstruct their metabolism. A prominent representative is considered "Bepanten" (a medicine for dermatitis), used to heal cracks and eliminate dryness and flaking of the skin.
But the most commonly used Akriderm ointment, instructions for use, price and reviews of which are described below. Indications for use are quite diverse, but during pregnancy it should be used with caution. The price varies from 100 to 200 rubles. Judging by the reviews, this drug quickly copes with any occurrence of dermatitis, which is why it is called one of the best remedies.

Pills and droppers
In addition to creams and ointments for dermatitis, doctors have other remedies in stock. Some of them are antihistamines ("Loratadine", "Cetirizine", "Fexofenadine"),which are prescribed to reduce irritation and signs of inflammation: swelling and redness. They are especially important in the allergic form of the disease.
Enterosorbents, which have the ability to consume toxins in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract, play a significant role in the cure of dermatitis. Especially if the culprit of the disease was a medicinal product or a food product. In case of a complex course of the disease, which is not possible to cope with only local therapy, it is possible to use hormonal drugs in the form of tablets, injections and droppers.
Dosage and method of administration are selected taking into account the level of severity of manifestations. The course is short, effectively copes with the exacerbation, and secondary results are minimal. When using glucocorticosteroids, it is important to protect the gastric mucosa by receiving Omeprazole capsules in order to avoid inflammation of the mucosa. The acute form of the disease, the therapy of which was started in a timely manner and meets international standards, subsides rather rapidly and, with the least possibility, recurs or becomes chronic.

Diet and lifestyle
When a person is diagnosed with simple contact dermatitis and the factors provoking it are established, he receives the following advice:
- It is necessary to beware of the causes that give rise to dermatitis; try to replace products with hypoallergenic ones.
- It is necessary to control all purchased food for the presence of substances harmful to the patient.
- Clothes and shoes should bemade from natural materials, it is more correct to use specialized hypoallergenic powders for washing items.
The patient's diet varies depending on the conditions of the disease. Exclude foods that become a factor in cross-allergy and contribute to the appearance of signs on the skin. In general, it is better to beware of the use of preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, etc.
As you can see, the clinical recommendations for simple contact dermatitis are quite diverse. After all, this is an unpleasant disease that gives severe discomfort and gives rise to aesthetic difficulties and complications. The most appropriate is the use of Akriderm ointment, instructions for use, price and reviews of which are presented above. If you manage to defeat the disease, while simultaneously adjusting your lifestyle and diet, then you can completely forget about it.