Gastric parietal cell: description, features and functions

Gastric parietal cell: description, features and functions
Gastric parietal cell: description, features and functions

In the human stomach are glands that digest food. These include parietal cells. During normal functioning of the glands, a person does not experience unpleasant or painful sensations. Proper nutrition is essential for the proper functioning of the body. If a person often eats unhe althy food, then the stomach glands, including parietal cells, suffer.

parietal cells
parietal cells

Digestion in the stomach

The stomach consists of three parts:

  • cardiac - located near the esophagus;
  • fundamental - main part;
  • pyloric - near the duodenum.

Inside is the mucous membrane, which is the first in contact with food coming from the esophagus. In addition, there are muscular and serous membranes. They are responsible for motor and protective functions.

In the mucous membrane there is an epithelial layer, which contains a large number of glands. They secrete a secret that allows them to digest food. Gastric juice is produced constantly, but its amount is influenced by hormones and the brain. Thoughts about food, the smell make the glands work more actively. This produces up to 3 liters of secretion per day.

Types of gastric glands

Glands in the stomach have a variety of shapes. The number is in the millions. Each gland has its own function. They are of the following types:

  1. Cardiac glands are responsible for the production of chlorides and bicarbonates.
  2. Fundals produce gastric juice. They are the most. They are found throughout the stomach, but the largest amount is concentrated in its lower part.
  3. Pariate cells create hydrochloric acid. In addition, they have to create the Castle factor, which is involved in hematopoiesis. Removal of the part of the stomach that contains these cells leads to the development of anemia.
  4. structure of the stomach
    structure of the stomach

What is a parietal cell

The cell is shaped like a cone or a pyramid. The number is higher for men than for women. Parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid. For the process to occur, the participation of histamine, gastrin and acetylcholine is required. They act on the cell through special receptors. The amount of hydrochloric acid is regulated by the nervous system.

Previously, with stomach ulcers, part of the organ was removed for better functioning. But in practice it turned out: if the part in which the parietal cells were located was cut out, then digestion slowed down. The patient had complications after the operation. At the moment, this method of treatment has been abandoned.

Features and functions

A distinctive feature of parietal cells is their single location outside the mucous cells. They are larger than the rest of the epithelial cells. Their appearance is asymmetrical, the cytoplasm contains one or two nuclei.

Inside the cells are tubules responsible for the transport of ions. From the inside, the channels pass into the external environment of the cell and open the lumen of the gland. There are villi on the surface, microvilli are located inside the tubules. Also a feature of the cells is a large number of mitochondria. The main function of parietal cells is to produce ions that contain hydrochloric acid.

Hydrochloric acid is required to destroy pathogenic bacteria, reduce the decay of food debris. Thanks to her, the digestion process is faster, proteins are absorbed more easily.

stomach epithelium
stomach epithelium

Factors affecting gland function

The following factors influence the correct functioning of the stomach glands:

  • he althy eating;
  • human emotional state;
  • stress situations;
  • chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • long-term use of drugs that irritate receptors;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • gastric ulcer;
  • smoking.

When there are disorders in the work of the gastric glands, chronic diseases occur. Failure to follow the rules of a he althy lifestyle provokes the risk of degeneration of he althy cells into malignant neoplasms. Gastric cancer is not recognizedstraightaway. The fact is that the process begins gradually, and the patient does not go to the doctor for a long time.

Glandular function is important for the digestion of food, so it is important to prevent the development of stomach diseases, get regular medical check-ups and avoid surgery if possible.

location of the stomach
location of the stomach

Autoimmune gastritis

Sometimes a person develops autoimmune gastritis. A disease in which the body perceives its own cells as enemies and begins to destroy them. In practice, such gastritis is rare and is characterized by the death of the gastric mucosa and the destruction of the gastric glands.

As a result of a malfunction in the body, the production of gastric juice is reduced, and there are problems with the digestion of food. At the same time, the level of intrinsic factor Castle decreases and vitamin B12 deficiency appears, which leads to the development of anemia.

Usually, autoimmune gastritis develops into a chronic form. In this case, the patient has concomitant diseases of the thyroid gland. The disease is difficult to diagnose and cannot be completely cured. Patients take medication throughout their lives.

The appearance of antibodies to the Castle factor and parietal cells reveal immunoglobulins, which indicate that vitamin B12 has ceased to be absorbed.

autoimmune gastritis
autoimmune gastritis

Causes and symptoms of autoimmune gastritis

The exact causes of this disease are still unknown. But there are a number of assumptions explaining what can start the processself-destruction in the body:

  1. Genetic factor. According to statistics, 10% of diseases arose due to hereditary disorders.
  2. Failure in the immune system. There is an assumption that disruption of the endocrine system allows the body to reprogram to destroy individual cells.
  3. Alcohol and smoking can increase the risk of various diseases.
  4. Rough, poorly chewed food irritates the stomach lining and can contribute to the development of autoimmune gastritis.
  5. acid in the stomach
    acid in the stomach

Symptoms of the disease differ little from other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. First of all, patients pay attention to:

  • pain in the stomach;
  • heaviness and discomfort after eating;
  • nausea;
  • breaking stool;
  • burp;
  • stomach growling;
  • constant flatulence.

In addition to the main signs, a person can be tormented by symptoms that he does not attach importance to. Low blood pressure, constant fatigue, sweating, weight loss and pale skin are secondary signs of the disease. In doctors, the main reason that indicates autoimmune gastritis is the condition that antibodies to parietal cells are elevated.

gastric mucosa
gastric mucosa

Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune gastritis

To make a diagnosis, the doctor collects data about the patient. Anamnesis, current complaints suggest what kind of disease torments a person. To confirm or refute the diagnosis,the following activities:

  • general and biochemical blood tests;
  • immunological analysis for antibodies to parietal cells;
  • level of secretion of gastric juice;
  • FGDS;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • determining the level of vitamin B12.

Based on the examination, the doctor determines the diagnosis. Autoimmune gastritis is not treatable. All drugs are aimed at reducing discomfort and improving the quality of life.

In case of severe pain, painkillers and antispasmodics are prescribed. Additionally, you need to take enzymes to improve the digestion of food. Drinking a course of B vitamins and folic acid. A diet is prescribed with the exclusion of products that have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa.
