There is no such person on Earth who has never encountered a runny nose. Unfortunately, many do not even imagine what frequent and prolonged nasal congestion can turn into. So ignoring the runny nose over and over again, in the end, a person will feel all the "charms" of the sinusitis disease.
What is sinusitis
Sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary sinus mucosa. Sinusitis is a form of sinusitis. Sinusitis is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses that progresses against the background of an infectious disease. Sinusitis can occur alone or in combination with other types of sinusitis.

Reasons for appearance
Activators of the disease are very diverse. There is no single cause of sinusitis. However, the main factors in the development of the disease can be identified.
Causes of sinusitis:
- Infection. With a decrease in immunity.
- Allergic reaction.
- Medicine.
- Predisposition.
- Vasomotor sinusitis.
The first signs of the disease remain unnoticed by humans. He simply ignores them and does not undertakeno action, and in some cases does not even suspect the development of sinusitis. Meanwhile, the first signs of the disease are weakness throughout the body, fatigue, muscle pain, fever. More obvious signs of sinusitis appear much later.

The most striking symptoms of the disease:
- Pain in the sinuses.
- Breathing problems.
- Lack of smell.
- Wearing and painful reaction to bright light.
- Pain in the forehead and temples (such painful sensations make themselves felt at one particular time of the day).
- Green-yellow mucous discharge from the nose.
The presence of a disease such as sinusitis in a person most often indicates a disregard for one's he alth or the inability to undergo proper treatment. After all, this disease is mostly a complication of untreated infectious or viral diseases.
Treatment of disease
Sinusitis is dangerous if left untreated? These are the first thoughts that arose after the discovery of signs of illness in a sick person. The main reason why sinusitis is dangerous is a threat to the brain, since the inflammatory process is located directly near its shell. Due to these circumstances, it is recommended to cure it at the initial stage, rather than wait until the disease becomes advanced.

Undoubtedly, the first step for a sick person is to visit a doctor. specialist, towho should be consulted with diseases of the nose is an otolaryngologist. He will conduct a study of the sinuses, send for an x-ray and, based on the results, make an accurate diagnosis. Only a doctor is able to accurately determine what sinusitis is dangerous and how to treat it in each individual case. To date, many medicines have been developed that will completely get rid of the disease. Therefore, do not be afraid to visit an otolaryngologist, because surgery is the last resort in the fight against sinusitis.
Drug treatment leads to the successful elimination of sinusitis with the strict implementation of all doctor's recommendations. This therapy includes taking antibiotics, antihistamines. The former are used to eliminate microbes, the latter to reduce mucosal edema. These drugs are supplemented with vasodilating drops, which help to reduce the excreted mucus from the nose.
Punctures for sinusitis
The doctor resorts to surgical intervention in the form of a puncture in the exceptional case when the purulent fluid in the maxillary sinuses has collected in a huge volume and is not able to come out naturally. This procedure is performed so that complications of the sinusitis disease do not begin. What is the danger of a puncture, with sinusitis, the otolaryngologist will inform you before it is carried out.

Undoubtedly, the very thought of surgery scares many people. However, these fears are empty, because this method of treatment is highly effective, provided that the procedures are followed and followed.and doctor's requirements.
When sinusitis, the human body does not get the opportunity to perform natural processes (breathing, getting rid of mucus). Punctures allow them to be renewed.
After surgery, antibiotic therapy is prescribed. It relieves inflammation and normalizes the condition of the nasal mucosa.
Sinusitis after a puncture resumes only in case of incomplete cure.
Consequences of sinusitis
With improper treatment or its complete absence, sinusitis goes into an advanced stage of the disease. And this is the strongest burden for the human body.
What is the danger of sinusitis in advanced form? Inflammatory processes of the disease are transferred to nearby organs, weaken the he alth of a person as a whole, and the infection can be carried with blood throughout the body.

Most common complications:
- Transition to a chronic form. The disease in this form is difficult to treat. Drugs must be taken for a long time to completely get rid of sinusitis.
- Transmission of infection to the visual organs. This transmission of the disease can eventually cause visual impairment.
- Transmission of infection to the ears. Having penetrated, it causes inflammatory processes, as a result, otitis media appears. It takes a lot of work to cure this complication, since drugs aimed at eradicating the infection do not fall into the area of \u200b\u200binflammation.
- Sepsis is dangerous because of its location,which is close to the brain.
- Meningitis - inflammation of the meninges.
- Periostitis - inflammation in the bones. It is treated only with heavy antibiotics, which are injected directly into the site of inflammation.
Pregnancy and sinusitis
Why is this disease dangerous during pregnancy? It is worth starting with the fact that expectant mothers need to protect themselves from all diseases, and not just sinusitis. It should also be taken into account that during the planning of the child, the future father should not get sick either. Since later it will affect the he alth of the baby.

During childbearing, a woman's immunity decreases. A particularly low level of protection of women's he alth falls on the first trimester. And this is exactly the period when all organs and systems are formed in the fetus.
Sinusitis of a pregnant woman contributes to the development of the child:
- Fetal hypoxia.
- Pathologies of the kidneys.
- Sepsis of the cavities of the brain.
- Meningitis.
- Myocarditis.
In turn, when a woman becomes ill during pregnancy, her blood pressure changes, and the adverse effect is on the lungs and heart. Moreover, it is possible to diagnose sinusitis in a future mother only with the help of sonography of the maxillary sinuses. Such a procedure will have to be resorted to, since X-rays are prohibited for pregnant women.
Like any person, at the first symptoms a pregnant woman needs to visit an otolaryngologist. And for those who suffer from a chronic form of the disease,be sure to be cured before planning a child.
What is dangerous sinusitis in children
The main distinguishing feature of children's sinusitis is the latent course of the first stage of the disease. Parents mistakenly confuse the first signs of the disease with a cold, and see the true cause of a runny nose after increased headaches and fever. The child gets to the otolaryngologist only after all possible causes of the common cold are excluded from the pediatrician. Thus, a lot of time is wasted before a correct diagnosis is made.

Delay in diagnosis prevents timely treatment. And this, in turn, is extremely dangerous for the child. Because in children, complications of sinusitis are expressed in inflammation of the eyes. This is because the sinuses are located near the eye sockets. At first, the complication visually looks like swelling and redness. This stage of the disease is difficult, but it is possible to cure with medication. And later comes the phase of the disease, when pus collects behind the eye socket, which can only be removed with the help of an operation.
The he alth of the child must be monitored extremely carefully. After all, his immunity is weaker than that of an adult, so children get sick more often and more severely.