Neurometabolic therapy: drugs, essence of treatment, results

Neurometabolic therapy: drugs, essence of treatment, results
Neurometabolic therapy: drugs, essence of treatment, results

Surely many people have heard about neurometabolic therapy. It is widely used in various medical fields - in narcology, psychiatry, neurology, resuscitation, surgery, etc. It is also used to increase the overall resistance of the body to the action of extreme factors, as well as to activate metabolism.

What is she like? What are its principles? What drugs are used? Well, this should now be briefly told.

Approach in brief

Neurometabolic therapy is one of the most advanced techniques used in the treatment of mental disorders. Indications for its implementation are impaired cognitive functions of the brain. If failures are detected in his work, then cognitive abilities are impaired and suppressed.

These are fairly common manifestations. They have to be treated both in psychiatric and psychotherapeutic practice. Even if the disease is irreversible.

After detoxification, when alcohol or a drug has already been removed from the body, a person is in a very weak state. It is characterized by mental and somatic disorders. Therefore, it is difficult to immediately begin psychotherapy.

Before this, you need to prepare the patient morally, eliminate cognitive impairment. This is the goal of neurometabolic therapy. It is carried out to restore the normal activity of higher nervous activity.

neurometabolic therapy
neurometabolic therapy

Essence of treatment

Neurometabolic therapy, which is usually complementary to mainstream treatment, has a beneficial effect on a variety of mediator systems - dopaminergic, acetylcholinergic, serotonergic and GABAergic.

What drugs are used? Active neurometabolites, the use of which helps to improve cognitive abilities, mental activity and memory. The result can be achieved even if the patient suffers from one of the following syndromes:

  • Asthenic.
  • Astheno-depressive.
  • Permanent alarm.
  • Autonomic dysfunction.

Neurometabolic therapy stimulates neuromuscular and central cholinergic signaling. Achieving the following goals:

  • Restoring normal ion transport.
  • Stabilization of the membrane potential of the neuron.
  • Stimulates the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Improve attention and memory.
  • Stimulationphysical activity.
  • Recovery of lost learning abilities.
neurometabolic therapy drugs list
neurometabolic therapy drugs list


Having de alt with the concept, you can proceed to the study of drugs used in therapy. Neuroprotectors are medicines that protect the cells of the nervous system from the effects of negative factors on them. Here is what they do:

  • Help in rapid adaptation of brain structures to pathological changes.
  • Preservation of functions and integrity of neurons.
  • Improve brain metabolism.
  • Normalization of the energy supply of nerve cells.

In general, drugs used in neurometabolic therapy help to correct mediator, membrane stabilizing and metabolic balance.


These funds belong to the group of neuroprotectors. They eliminate neuropsychiatric disorders and improve metabolism in the nervous tissue. It is believed that their consumption helps to rejuvenate the body, restore the previous speed of memorization, and also activate the learning process.

Known drugs in this group include:

  • "Piracetam". Stimulates the synthesis of RNA and lipids in cells, increases the concentration of ATP in the brain. The tool significantly increases mental performance.
  • "Cerebrolysin". It is an aminopeptide-enriched, partially degraded whey protein. It has a natural origin, and therefore there are no contraindications, as well as side effects.
  • Semax. Neuropeptide agent of synthetic origin. This drug forms resistance to hypoxia, ischemia and stressors. It also has angioprotective and antioxidant effects.
  • Ceraxon. The drug helps to restore damaged nerve cell membranes, alleviates the manifestations of neurological symptoms, and even helps to get out of a post-traumatic coma.
  • Pikamilon. Under the influence of this drug, cerebral circulation is significantly improved and metabolism is activated. There are no negative effects such as lethargy, drowsiness and CNS depression. This drug is an excellent antiplatelet agent, tranquilizer, antioxidant and antihypoxant.
courses of neurometabolic therapy what is it
courses of neurometabolic therapy what is it


It is also necessary to talk about them, since we are talking about the specifics of courses of neurometabolic therapy. What are these drugs - antioxidants? So called means that neutralize the negative effects of free radicals. Their use helps to improve oxygen utilization, prevent its deficiency, renew and improve cells.

Popular neuroprotectors of this group are:

  • Mexidol. Increases resistance to stress, enhances resistance to negative environmental factors.
  • "Emoxipin". Prevents thromboaggregation, enhances the activity of antioxidant enzymes, prevents the formation of prostaglandins.
  • "Glycine". It is a well-known neurotransmitter that regulates metabolic processes in the central nervous system. Removes psycho-emotional stress, reduces the severityasthenia, reduces dependence on alcohol and improves brain function.
  • "Complamin". It has a positive effect on blood circulation, activates carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, and has a hepatoprotective effect.
  • "Glutamic acid". Improves metabolism, strengthens brain cells, protects the entire body from the effects of toxic substances. The neurometabolic therapy indicated for schizophrenia involves the use of this particular drug. It helps to cope with insomnia, psychosis, and also normalizes the transmission of nerve impulses.
neurometabolic therapy for schizophrenia
neurometabolic therapy for schizophrenia

Vascular Medicines

This is also a very large group of drugs used in the process of neurometabolic therapy. The list includes antiplatelet agents, anticoagulants, calcium channel blockers, and vasodilators. The following means are popular:

  • Anticoagulants: "Phenylin", "Warfarin", "Sinkumarin" and "Heparin".
  • Antiaggregants: "Acetylsalicylic acid". If it turns out to be ineffective, then "Tiklid" and "Plavix" are prescribed - analogues of "Aspirin".
  • Calcium channel blockers: Cinnarizine. The best drug with many effects - strengthens muscle fibers, increases blood flow, reduces excitability, relieves spasms, removes cerebroasthenic symptoms, etc. It is allowed to be taken even with amnesia, dementia, stroke, encephalopathy, etc.
neurometabolic therapy is unpromising or inappropriate
neurometabolic therapy is unpromising or inappropriate

Combined funds

We need them tooto discuss, since we are talking about medications, the intake of which implies neurometabolic therapy. With Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and other disorders, taking combined drugs is indispensable.

They have a vasoactive and metabolic effect - which is exactly what is needed to achieve the best effect. At the same time, the doses of medications taken are very small.

Popular such drugs from the combined group:

  • "Thiocetam". It has immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective and antihypoxic effects.
  • "Fezam". This drug dilates blood vessels, and also improves the absorption of oxygen by the body. Also, the tool accelerates the utilization of glucose, protein metabolism, and also stimulates blood supply and interneuronal transmission to the central nervous system. It is prescribed even for violations of thinking, mood and memory.
neurometabolic therapy drugs
neurometabolic therapy drugs


The preparations of this group include products of plant origin. The most famous representatives are tinctures of Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng and eleutherococcus. They effectively fight against hypofunction of the gonads, anorexia and stress.

Also, adaptogens help facilitate acclimatization, speed up recovery after any acute illness, and they are also indispensable in the prevention of colds. Individual drugs have the following effects:

  • Eleutherococcus extract. It tones and strengthens the body, stimulates the adaptive capabilities of the body. Speeds upmetabolism, eliminates drowsiness, improves appetite.
  • Ginseng tincture. Improves metabolism, stimulates the nervous and vascular systems. Differs in biostimulating, antiemetic and metabolic actions.
  • Chinese lemongrass tincture. Quickly restores the body after depression, has a stimulating and refreshing effect.


There is a misconception that neurometabolic therapy is very dangerous. In fact, if you correctly combine it with individually selected psychotherapy, you can achieve a significant improvement in 4 weeks.

According to statistics, 9 out of 10 patients experienced the following results a month after starting a comprehensive treatment program:

  • Headaches, insomnia, feelings of fear, dizziness and anxiety - all of these manifestations were either minimized or eliminated completely.
  • The ability to concentrate increased many times, as well as the assimilation of information, as well as memorization.
  • The manifestation of other disorders and disorders related to higher nervous activity decreased or completely disappeared.
neurometabolic therapy is very dangerous
neurometabolic therapy is very dangerous


Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the statement that neurometabolic therapy is unpromising or inappropriate is incorrect. This approach is effective in the treatment of vascular, endogenous diseases, as well as lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system. He also helpsEliminate cannabinoid and alcoholic polyneuropathy. Even in the treatment of drug addiction and alcoholism, this method has demonstrated its effectiveness.
