Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Why does the temperature rise after the flu shot

Why does the temperature rise after the flu shot

Distinguishing a normal natural reaction of the body to a vaccine from a pathological one is not difficult: you just need to understand the mechanism of action of the vaccine

Autoimmune thyroiditis. The worst. What to expect? Signs and symptoms

Autoimmune thyroiditis. The worst. What to expect? Signs and symptoms

Autoimmune thyroiditis is a common endocrine disease that is often overlooked without timely diagnosis. In order to know what to expect from the disease and how to recognize it, you need to understand the mechanism of its manifestation and the method of treatment

Superficial gastroduodenitis: symptoms and treatment

Superficial gastroduodenitis: symptoms and treatment

Inflammatory process of the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach is a superficial gastroduodenitis. With timely therapy, the symptoms quickly stop, and the prognosis becomes favorable

Tracheitis: symptoms of acute and chronic inflammation of the trachea

Tracheitis: symptoms of acute and chronic inflammation of the trachea

The article describes inflammation of the tracheal mucosa, describes the etiology of this disease, as well as the features of the course of acute and chronic tracheitis in adults and children

The most basic signs of tracheitis

The most basic signs of tracheitis

Tracheitis is one of the most common diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This disease is accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane of the trachea, which, in turn, is manifested by severe attacks of coughing and deterioration of he alth. Are there other signs of tracheitis? Are complications of the disease possible?

Hypoglycemic syndrome: causes, symptoms and signs, diagnosis, treatment

Hypoglycemic syndrome: causes, symptoms and signs, diagnosis, treatment

Hypoglycemic syndrome: a general description, the causes of its occurrence. Features of various types of hypoglycemia. Effects. Hypoglycemic coma. Symptoms and diagnosis. General principles of treatment. Hypoglycemic syndrome in children

Hypertension Headache: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Doctors' Recommendations

Hypertension Headache: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Doctors' Recommendations

Does hypertension cause headaches? With high blood pressure, many people have a headache. Painful sensations interfere with the usual and full-fledged lifestyle, so you need to carry out timely treatment. Before starting therapy, you should consult a doctor - it is important not only to mask the unpleasant symptoms of a pathological condition, but also to eliminate the underlying problem

Umbilical hernia in adults: reviews of the operation, symptoms and treatment

Umbilical hernia in adults: reviews of the operation, symptoms and treatment

Why does a doctor suggest umbilical hernia surgery? What is this disease in adults? Where does it come from, why is it necessary to do the operation, and why is delay dangerous?

Arterial hypertension grade 2, risk 2: what does it mean?

Arterial hypertension grade 2, risk 2: what does it mean?

Arterial hypertension grade 2, risk 2 - what is this type of hypertension? What consequences is it fraught with, what contributes to its appearance, is it possible to cure this disease?

What does a human louse look like, and how to get rid of it?

What does a human louse look like, and how to get rid of it?

What is the reason for the appearance of lice in humans, and what do they look like? What are the symptoms of pediculosis, and why is it dangerous? How do these insects feed and reproduce? How to get rid of them? All these questions will be answered by this article

Ptosis - what is it? Types of ptosis

Ptosis - what is it? Types of ptosis

This article describes the disease of ptosis of the eyelids, its types, causes, methods of treatment. Attention is also paid to the gravitational ptosis of the face

Why does a burr appear on the finger, and how to get rid of it?

Why does a burr appear on the finger, and how to get rid of it?

A burr on a finger is not a pleasant phenomenon. Unfortunately, almost every person at least once in his life faced a similar problem. Cracks and raised skin near the nail plate cause a lot of trouble and pain. So is it possible to remove burrs, and why do they appear? The answers to these questions will be of interest to everyone

Hunger edema: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period, medical supervision and counseling

Hunger edema: causes, symptoms, treatment, recovery period, medical supervision and counseling

Causes of hungry edema, their symptoms and impact on the patient's condition. Choosing the right treatment and visiting a doctor. Taking medicinal herbs, juices and making an effective diet to improve the condition and eliminate edema

How meningitis manifests itself and how long it takes

How meningitis manifests itself and how long it takes

Meningitis is one of the most life-threatening diseases. It can also be caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi. But whatever it is caused by, the disease has many common symptoms, which are listed below

Serous meningitis: symptoms in children, diagnosis, prevention

Serous meningitis: symptoms in children, diagnosis, prevention

What symptoms that a child has should alert parents in terms of the possible development of meningitis? Where it comes from and how you can protect yourself from it will be discussed in the article

Rotovirus infection: treatment, symptoms, how the disease is transmitted

Rotovirus infection: treatment, symptoms, how the disease is transmitted

Rotavirus infection is considered one of the most serious diseases for children. It quickly leads to dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting, often accompanied by an acetone state and high fever. If you notice that your child has symptoms of an illness, use the information below. But if 6-8 hours have passed, and you see that you yourself cannot cope with the disease, do not take risks longer - go to the hospital. If we are talking about a baby, it’s not worth waiting at all

What are the symptoms of Crohn's disease? How is it diagnosed?

What are the symptoms of Crohn's disease? How is it diagnosed?

Crohn's disease is not the most common, but rather life-threatening disease. It may not have any specific symptoms for a long time. The following are signs that will help you determine if you need to be tested for this condition

Serous meningitis: signs in children that should alert parents

Serous meningitis: signs in children that should alert parents

Children are more susceptible to serous meningitis, as they have not yet developed sufficient antimicrobial immunity. Parents of every toddler and teenager should have information about how this truly terrible disease can manifest itself in children

Serous meningitis: signs, diagnosis

Serous meningitis: signs, diagnosis

What signs can indicate that a person has serous meningitis, and what to do if you find them in yourself or your relative, is described further in the article

Symptoms of purulent meningitis: what should prompt you to urgently see a doctor

Symptoms of purulent meningitis: what should prompt you to urgently see a doctor

Purulent meningitis is a disease that is no joke. Headache against the background of high temperature are signs that require urgent consultation and examination by an infectious disease specialist. In absentia, especially online, such a diagnosis is not made. The article provides information on when it is worth hurrying with the diagnosis, how it is transmitted and where meningitis comes from

What is serous meningitis, how does it develop and progress?

What is serous meningitis, how does it develop and progress?

Serous meningitis is an ailment that is now becoming more common. It can occur as an independent disease, or it can complicate the course of "children's" viral infections - measles, rubella, chickenpox. Its symptoms are quite specific, although sometimes even an experienced specialist can distinguish between serous and purulent meningitis only by the results of a study of cerebrospinal fluid

Meningitis: symptoms and consequences of a disease that is increasingly common in children and adults

Meningitis: symptoms and consequences of a disease that is increasingly common in children and adults

Meningitis can be caused by many different microbes, and there are many similarities in its manifestations. The following describes the signs and effects that meningitis can cause in children and adults

Meningitis: how you can get infected and after what time it can manifest itself

Meningitis: how you can get infected and after what time it can manifest itself

"He who is aware is armed," says a well-known proverb. This is the best fit for meningitis: if you know how the infection can get to a person, you can take all possible measures to prevent it

Hypoglycemic coma: emergency care. How to help before the arrival of the doctor?

Hypoglycemic coma: emergency care. How to help before the arrival of the doctor?

Hypoglycemic coma is a life-threatening condition that can develop in a person with type 1 diabetes. It develops very quickly, however, there are harbing symptoms, upon seeing which, relatives should immediately provide assistance and call an ambulance

Meningitis: signs of the disease

Meningitis: signs of the disease

Meningitis is a life-threatening disease that is important to recognize in time. The following describes the signs that are its manifestations, as well as its differences from some other diseases

Symptoms of glomerulonephritis and its treatment

Symptoms of glomerulonephritis and its treatment

Symptoms of glomerulonephritis usually appear after some previous diseases (especially streptococcal tonsillitis), hypothermia, against the background of autoimmune and rheumatic diseases, less often due to toxic causes. Both kidneys are affected at once

Meningitis: the first signs in children from birth to adolescence

Meningitis: the first signs in children from birth to adolescence

What signs will indicate that a child has developed a dangerous disease - meningitis, what symptoms you can check for yourself are described below

Symptoms of Viral Meningitis in Children Every Parent Should Know About

Symptoms of Viral Meningitis in Children Every Parent Should Know About

Meningitis is a disease that can be a complication of some diseases - viral, bacterial or fungal, but can also develop as an independent pathology. Symptoms of viral meningitis in children most often appear during or after trips to the sea, from June to September

How can a person get infected with meningitis? What is its prevention?

How can a person get infected with meningitis? What is its prevention?

Meningitis is a disease that poses a threat to life and he alth. Its consequences are unpredictable and can be very serious. Therefore, the ways in which microbes enter the meninges are indicated below, and a number of rules are described that must be observed in order not to become infected with meningitis

Meningitis in children: how it manifests itself, what signs will help sound the alarm in time?

Meningitis in children: how it manifests itself, what signs will help sound the alarm in time?

The manifestations of meningitis in children are somewhat different from those found in adults. This is especially true for young children who are not yet able to say anything. Parents should be alert to any change in the behavior of their child, especially against the background of high body temperature. The most basic symptoms are listed below

What symptoms of meningitis help to diagnose

What symptoms of meningitis help to diagnose

What symptoms in children and adults might indicate that a person has developed meningitis? On what basis is such a diagnosis made and why? Read more

Arthritis of the hip joint: degrees, causes, symptoms and treatment

Arthritis of the hip joint: degrees, causes, symptoms and treatment

Arthritis of the hip joint is a fairly complex and dangerous disease, as it not only causes significant discomfort, but also makes it difficult to move and provokes the development of various complications. That is why it is important to diagnose it in time in order to treat it

Lower pain radiating to the groin: causes and treatments

Lower pain radiating to the groin: causes and treatments

If you are concerned about lower back pain that radiates to the groin, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of the syndrome. Various factors can provoke the phenomenon: inflammatory foci and infection, degenerative changes in tissues and other pathologies of internal organs. Just based on the feeling of pain, it is almost impossible to understand what provoked it. A thorough study using modern instruments is required, as well as verification of organic liquids in the laboratory

Calculous prostatitis in men: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Calculous prostatitis in men: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Complication of chronic inflammation of the prostate gland is calculous prostatitis. It is usually diagnosed in older men. As a result of stone formation, both sexual and urinary function are disturbed

What is a boil and how to treat it?

What is a boil and how to treat it?

A boil is a local purulent inflammatory process, which is most often caused by staphylococcus aureus. Its development is carried out in the sacs of hair follicles. In some situations, multiple foci may appear, and a disease called furunculosis may occur. This disease is included in the list of pyoderma

Breast abscess: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Breast abscess: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Breast abscess is characterized by severe inflammation, which has arisen due to the formation of isolated cavities in the breast that are filled with pus. The mammary glands are very vulnerable to purulent inflammation, since they have several milky streams. Infections spread rapidly along these streams

Sweating in infants: symptoms and treatment

Sweating in infants: symptoms and treatment

Prickly heat in infants - irritation on the skin, which causes increased sweating. It is a red rash that occurs on different parts of the body. How to properly treat prickly heat? This will be discussed in this article

Causes, symptoms and treatments for gynecomastia in men

Causes, symptoms and treatments for gynecomastia in men

Mammary gland enlargement in diameter is the main symptom of gynecomastia in men. Along with this, the nipples and the areola surrounding them increase. Discharge from the nipples may be seen, although this is rare. There may be a feeling of discomfort in the area of the mammary glands and an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples

Description of Sheehan's syndrome: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

Description of Sheehan's syndrome: diagnosis, symptoms, treatment

Postpartum necrosis of the pituitary gland is also called Sheehan's syndrome. The medical history indicates that this is a rather complex pathology that develops after a difficult and prolonged birth

Dariaer's disease: causes, symptoms, treatment

Dariaer's disease: causes, symptoms, treatment

Dariaer's disease is a hereditary pathology, manifested by rashes in the form of brown or brown nodules. They have a conical shape and are covered with dense crusts. Nodules localized on the folds of the body merge together and form weeping wounds