Displacement of the cervical vertebrae: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Displacement of the cervical vertebrae: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Displacement of the cervical vertebrae: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Displacement of the cervical vertebrae is a pathology that occupies one of the leading positions in the list of clinical changes in the spine. The disease can begin to develop for numerous reasons, it can be a congenital pathology or various injuries and diseases. When the cervical vertebrae are displaced, the child has a narrowing of the intervertebral tubule, as a result of which he has pain and disrupts the functions of various organs.

displacement of the cervical vertebrae
displacement of the cervical vertebrae

In many cases, patients take this pathology with constant pain for banal fatigue, although the cause of such discomfort can be much more dangerous and serious. As soon as the first symptoms of this disease begin to appear, you should immediately seek help from doctors in order to establish the cause of such discomfort and begin treatment. Here, issues such asdisplacement of the cervical vertebrae, its symptoms and treatment, which has many nuances.

Danger of disease

Any pathology, if not treated on time, can eventually lead to more dangerous and serious diseases. The displacement of the vertebrae of the neck is no exception. In the absence of the necessary treatment, the risk of various pathological conditions of the spine increases significantly. And the most common among them are neuralgia, intervertebral hernia and scoliosis. This will adversely affect the work of various systems in the human body. Symptoms of cervical dislocation can be very uncomfortable.

The role of the vertebrae

Let's take a closer look at their role in the human system:

displacement of the cervical vertebrae
displacement of the cervical vertebrae
  • If the first vertebra is displaced, the patient begins to suffer from frequent headaches, migraines occur. Blood pressure is constantly changing.
  • When the second vertebra is displaced, deafness, blindness and pain in the ears appear. In most cases, the patient complains of frequent loss of consciousness.
  • In case of displacement of the third vertebra, neuralgia, eczema and neuritis begin to develop.
  • The fourth vertebra changes its position and the patient has the opportunity to lose his hearing. Another symptom is fever.
  • Displacement of the fifth vertebra of the neck responds in the throat of a person. In this case, hoarseness appears in the voice, the patient begins to be accompanied by painful and prolonged laryngitis.
  • Changespositions of the sixth vertebra can lead to discomfort in the upper extremities. The neck muscles lose their elasticity, resulting in stiffness.
  • When the last seventh vertebra of the cervical region is displaced, the patient begins to get acquainted with thyroid problems, colds often occur, because the human immune processes become more susceptible to various infections.

This once again confirms the seriousness of this disease.

x-ray of the cervical spine
x-ray of the cervical spine


There are many different reasons for cervical dislocation. And the most common ones are:

  • The presence of diagnosed osteochondrosis in a person.
  • Presence of intervertebral hernia.
  • Various injuries. Fractures and dislocations of the spine can often lead to deformation of the cervical vertebrae and dangerous pathologies occur.
  • Surgical interventions.
  • Sharp head movements. One of the most common causes of displacement of the cervical vertebrae in young children. In infants, the neck muscles are still underdeveloped and the back of the head is still weak, so sudden movements often displace the vertebrae of the cervical region.
  • Excessive exercise.
  • Congenital pathologies, including diseases of the skeletal system and injuries that were received by the child during childbirth.
  • The patient's middle age. Throughout a person's life, the muscles and bones of the skeleton undergo changes. They can become deformed with age.
  • Geneticfactor. The risk of displacement of the cervical vertebrae increases if the closest blood relatives had similar problems.

How is the displacement of the cervical vertebrae manifested?

displacement of the cervical vertebrae symptoms
displacement of the cervical vertebrae symptoms


Often, patients mistakenly think that pain in the neck is the only pathological sign of the onset of the disease. In fact, the symptoms of the disease are quite wide and varied. Its key symptoms are:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • presence of increasing headaches;
  • painful and uncomfortable sensations in the cervical region;
  • upper limbs go numb;
  • appearance of neuroses in the chest area;
  • periodic fainting, loss of consciousness;
  • hearing loss;
  • loss of visual acuity;
  • deteriorating ability to memorize.

If a person has one or more of the above symptoms, then this is a significant reason to visit a specialist.

What will an x-ray of the cervical spine show?

displacement of the cervical vertebrae in a child
displacement of the cervical vertebrae in a child


Due to constantly developing medical technologies, specialists have the opportunity to accurately determine the root cause of the development of the disease, make a reliable diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Diagnosis of the state of the cervical vertebrae is carried out by a traumatologist. The doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations, among which there arex-ray of the cervical spine, as well as diagnostics using magnetic resonance and computed tomography. Having found the exact location of the damaged vertebra, the doctor carefully examines and reveals the nature of the pathological changes. Then, based on the research data, an appropriate treatment is prescribed for the situation.


The method of treatment of displacement of the cervical vertebrae is selected by the doctor, it must be based on the causes of the pathology. If the deformities of the vertebrae are not significant, then the disease requires physiotherapy and medication. And in cases where the symptomatic picture implies more serious forms of the disease, a surgical method of treatment is necessary. After the patient's pain is eliminated with the help of painkillers, he is prescribed physiotherapy, reflexology, massage and therapeutic exercises.

displacement of the cervical vertebrae in children
displacement of the cervical vertebrae in children

What is it for

Such procedures help to normalize blood circulation in the spinal column, restore metabolic processes in the human body. Massage has a good effect on the whole body as a whole, removes muscle tension, relieves pain in the back and neck. For successful results from the prescribed treatment, the patient should exclude physical activity, which can have an adverse effect on the spinal column, and also try not to make sudden movements.

What else does the treatment of displacement of the cervical vertebrae involve?

In some cases, the patient is required to weara special corset that will help maintain the correct position of the cervical vertebrae.

child's vertebrae
child's vertebrae


If situations arise in which medical treatment does not help, the patient is prescribed treatment with the help of surgery. Such an operation will help to correctly fix the vertebrae in their natural position, to eliminate the cause that caused this pathology. A big minus of such surgical treatment is a long postoperative stage and the risk of various complications. There is another method of treating this disease - kinesitherapy. Its essence lies in the stretching of the patient's spine, due to which all the displaced vertebrae of the neck fall into place.
