This is perhaps the most common disease of the human gastrointestinal tract. Now it begins to develop even in a teenage child, but the adult population is much more prone to gastritis. In this article, we will look at the causes of this disease and tell you how gastritis is treated.

The main cause is a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. Additional factors lie in:
- malnutrition;
- stress and bad environment;
- Smoking and alcohol abuse;
- constant use of antibiotics and other drugs that adversely affect the gastric mucosa;
- infections of the pharynx and mouth of a chronic nature;
- other disorders in the human digestive system.
It's much easier to remember how to prevent this disease than to figure out how to treat gastritis in the turmoil! It is a fact. So, what are the preventive measures.
In addition to maintaining a he althy lifestyle, you must observe andpersonal hygiene. However, all these are trifles compared with the main factor in the development of gastritis - malnutrition. That is why you need to eat a high-quality and, most importantly, balanced diet, observing the daily routine.

Gastritis can occur suddenly, systematically aggravated, or proceed in a latent form, remaining unnoticed for a long time. The following are symptoms that indicate the presence of this disease:
- sudden abdominal pain;
- burp;
- heartburn;
- heaviness in the stomach;
- sour taste in mouth.
Remember, these signs can appear one at a time or a whole "bouquet", as well as occur periodically or be permanent. By the way, seasonal disturbances in the production of hydrochloric acid by the stomach lead to dryness of its mucous membrane, to an incorrect food processing process. There is a seasonal exacerbation of gastritis.
How to treat gastritis?
You can see a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you. Keep in mind that its duration directly depends on the form of this disease: from several weeks (acute gastritis) to several … years (chronic). In any case, you will have to go on a diet. A gastroenterologist will advise you to use enveloping foods if your stomach is too acid.
I have chronic gastritis. What to do?
If you have a chronic form, then as a prevention of complications you need:

- knowwhere to treat gastritis;
- regularly see a gastroenterologist every six months, following a he althy lifestyle and diet prescribed for you.
But you can treat gastritis and folk remedies. What? More on that later.
How is gastritis treated with green apples?
The most effective way is green apples. They need to be peeled, then chopped in a blender or on a grater. Eat this struganina in unlimited quantities. Note that five hours before and after eating apples, you should not drink or eat! In the first month you eat apples every day, in the second - three times a week, and in the third - once every four weeks.
How is gastritis treated with cabbage juice?
This juice literally works wonders. Squeeze a glass of juice from cabbage leaves. Warm it up and drink. If fresh juice makes you feel nauseous, steep it for six hours, and then drink half a glass twice a day. Note that this "medicine" is stored for up to two days - no more!