Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Congenital hypothyroidism: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Congenital hypothyroidism: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Congenital hypothyroidism is a disease in which a child is born with a deficiency of the hormone thyroxine (T4), produced by the thyroid gland. This hormone plays an important role in the regulation of growth, brain development, and metabolism (the rate of chemical reactions in the body). Congenital hypothyroidism in children is one of the most common endocrine disorders. Around the world every year, about one in two thousand newborns are diagnosed with this disease

Treatment of hemorrhoid nodes: medical and home methods, doctors' advice

Treatment of hemorrhoid nodes: medical and home methods, doctors' advice

Hemorrhoids are external and internal. In the first case, the disease is accompanied by an expansion of the lower veins in the rectum with the appearance of nodes protruding outwards. But for internal hemorrhoids, the expansion of the venous plexuses located inside the rectum is characteristic, with the formation of nodes

High blood pressure: consequences for the body. Age norms of arterial pressure

High blood pressure: consequences for the body. Age norms of arterial pressure

Hypertension or arterial hypertension is called a cardiovascular disease, characterized by consistently high, at a rate of 120/80, blood pressure, recorded by three measurements. Hypertension is one of the most common diseases; up to 40% of the population aged 16 to 65 suffer from high blood pressure. The consequences of high blood pressure can be very deplorable. Arterial hypertension occurs in 70% of people over 55 years of age

Chronic fatigue: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic fatigue: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome has become a fairly common problem. It is observed both in people with various diseases, and in completely he althy people. What are the symptoms of this disorder, how to deal with it and can it be prevented?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, what is it - a symptom or a disease?

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, what is it - a symptom or a disease?

Difficulty in diagnosing vegetative-vascular distancing lies in the fact that this is a disease in which there are symptoms of a huge number of diseases. Therefore, careful analysis is required. And to confirm the correctness of the diagnosis is possible only if there are certain symptoms observed for a long time

Whistling in the lungs: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Whistling in the lungs: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Human breathing is often accompanied by exchange processes between its environment and the organism itself. The resulting air passes through the larynx as well as the trachea. Only then does it enter the lungs. Therefore, the muscles of the lung are involved in the process of inhalation and exhalation

Cough after bronchitis: treatment methods, review of drugs

Cough after bronchitis: treatment methods, review of drugs

The article talks about bronchitis and residual cough after an illness. It is described how the treatment should be carried out, with the help of which drugs or traditional medicine, how to properly massage and inhalation

Elevated creatinine. What is it fraught with and how to bring the indicators back to normal

Elevated creatinine. What is it fraught with and how to bring the indicators back to normal

Normally, creatinine is elevated in many athletes (a large amount of muscle mass), in those people who eat a large amount of meat food, while taking certain medications (Ibuprofen, Tetracycline, Cefazolin)

Marginal placenta previa - a threat to the normal course of pregnancy

Marginal placenta previa - a threat to the normal course of pregnancy

Pregnancy is a happy and anxious time at the same time. Expecting a child can be overshadowed by various pathologies, for example, placenta previa can pose a threat to the mother and fetus

How to treat barley on the eye: drugs and folk remedies

How to treat barley on the eye: drugs and folk remedies

How to treat barley? This is a common question. Let's take a closer look. If a person has jumped barley on the eye, professional and timely treatment is required. Folk remedies for the elimination of barley facilitate the general condition, removing the external focus of inflammation. Barley is a purulent inflammatory formation that forms on the mucous membrane of the eyelid, causing pain. In addition, it significantly spoils the appearance

Inflammation of the nasopharynx: treatment and prevention

Inflammation of the nasopharynx: treatment and prevention

Very often in autumn people suffer from nasopharyngitis (inflammation of the nasopharynx). In no case should the treatment of this disease be postponed. Otherwise, it will become chronic and cause a number of other ailments

Morbid obesity is Types of obesity. Treatment, prevention of obesity

Morbid obesity is Types of obesity. Treatment, prevention of obesity

Recently, in many countries, especially in Western countries, about 10% of the population are overweight. If half of them can return to the size they need, then for the remaining 5% this is a serious obesity problem that can cause irreparable damage to he alth

Dry mouth in the morning: causes, treatment and consequences

Dry mouth in the morning: causes, treatment and consequences

Are you worried about dry mouth in the morning? What to do? Read about the causes, treatment and consequences of this condition in this article

Brown-Sequard syndrome. Possible flow options

Brown-Sequard syndrome. Possible flow options

Many people often experience occasional back pain. The reasons for their appearance are very diverse: trauma, neurological diseases against the background of damage to the nervous system. One of the most complex manifestations of diseases associated with back pain is Brown-Séquard syndrome

Regurgitation is the return movement of food from the stomach

Regurgitation is the return movement of food from the stomach

Regurgitation is the return movement of food from the stomach or esophagus without nausea or active contractions of the abdominal muscles. Typically, this condition is caused by an acid reflux, blockage or narrowing of the esophagus

Eyelash mite: causes, symptoms and treatment

Eyelash mite: causes, symptoms and treatment

Demodecosis is an unpleasant and widespread disease, belongs to the group of acariases. It is caused by a conditionally pathogenic ciliary mite, the size of which is not more than 0.5 millimeters, so it is simply impossible to detect a parasite without using a microscope. By itself, it is not harmful, but its metabolic products are very toxic to the human body and can cause many unpleasant manifestations

Lactostasis: treatment in nursing home conditions

Lactostasis: treatment in nursing home conditions

Breastfeeding is a crucial period in the life of every woman. And if she is faced with this for the first time, she probably does not know what can lead to complications such as lactostasis

Whooping cough is a serious illness. How to treat it?

Whooping cough is a serious illness. How to treat it?

Whooping cough is a very serious disease that is fraught with serious consequences, so it must be treated under the close attention of doctors

Renal coma: first aid, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis and treatment

Renal coma: first aid, possible causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, diagnosis and treatment

Kidney diseases of a chronic nature often lead to renal coma - a serious pathology, which in medicine is considered to be the last stage of advanced kidney disease, which caused failure of this organ and led to intoxication of the whole organism. Without timely treatment, this pathology leads to death

Cardiac asthma: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Cardiac asthma: symptoms, treatment and consequences

The heart muscle is the main organ in the human body. It is responsible for supplying blood to soft tissues. In the event of a failure, the body quickly dies due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients. One of the most serious cardiac disorders is considered to be cardiac asthma

How to treat SARS in a child?

How to treat SARS in a child?

According to scientists, at the moment there are about two hundred viruses that can cause an acute respiratory infection. It is noteworthy that ARVI in a child is much more common than in an adult

What causes pimples on the face? Causes and treatment

What causes pimples on the face? Causes and treatment

Acne is an inflammatory element of the skin that appears as a result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Because of this, changes occur not only in the skin, but also in the follicle. Acne can lead to infection

Treatment of kidney stones with folk remedies

Treatment of kidney stones with folk remedies

The formation of kidney stones in men and women causes the development of urolithiasis. In official medicine, this pathology is called "urolithiasis". The formation of stones can occur not only in the kidneys. Sometimes a similar process takes place in other organs related to the urinary system

Treatment of tonsillitis with antibiotics: which and to whom are prescribed, course of treatment

Treatment of tonsillitis with antibiotics: which and to whom are prescribed, course of treatment

Angina is an acute infectious disease caused by various microorganisms: fungi, bacteria and viruses. Most often, the causative agent is streptococci, which are transmitted from a sick person or are activated in their own body under favorable conditions for them, namely, cooling or a decrease in immunity

Bullous pemphigoid: symptoms, treatment and photos

Bullous pemphigoid: symptoms, treatment and photos

Bullous pemphigoid is a relatively common skin disease that resembles pemphigus in appearance. The disease proceeds in a chronic form and in the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment can lead to unpleasant consequences

Uremia is Uremia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Uremia is Uremia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Uremia - what is it? If you don't know the answer to this question, then this article is for you

Hypokalemia: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Hypokalemia: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

According to statistics, every fifth inhabitant of the planet has experienced symptoms of hypokalemia at least once. Cardiovascular, muscular and endocrine systems react sharply to mineral deficiency, potassium channels in the brain play an important role in memory and learning processes. The main task of etiotropic therapy is to determine the cause of the disorder as early as possible and begin to restore the water and electrolyte balance in the body

Herpetic encephalitis: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Herpetic encephalitis: causes, symptoms, treatment and consequences

Basically, the herpes virus is in a dormant state in neurons, being activated when the immune system is reduced. It affects mainly the skin, mucous membranes of the lips, eyes, genitals. But in severe cases, it can cause a disease called "herpetic encephalitis", characterized by damage to the nervous system and brain, which, if not treated in time, can cause the death of the patient

Purulent-septic infections (PSI): general characteristics, pathogens, diagnostic methods and prevention

Purulent-septic infections (PSI): general characteristics, pathogens, diagnostic methods and prevention

Purulent-septic infections accompany a person everywhere. Some types of conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are present in the human body and lead to the development of unpleasant symptoms only with a rapid increase in their numbers against the background of reduced immunity. Proper prevention of purulent-septic infections is of great importance

Diet for tuberculosis: features and recommendations

Diet for tuberculosis: features and recommendations

Today, medicine has reached a certain flowering, which allows you to control many diseases, and some even completely defeat. Unfortunately, tuberculosis is not one of them

Is pneumonia serious?

Is pneumonia serious?

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs, an infectious disease. Despite the apparent simplicity of the process, this disease can be very diverse. In most cases, pneumonia does not immediately manifest itself in the form of obvious symptoms, which can be dangerous

Chemotherapy for lung cancer. How to treat lung cancer

Chemotherapy for lung cancer. How to treat lung cancer

Lung cancer is the deadliest cancer and is currently the leading cause of death worldwide. A terrible disease must be treated comprehensively, and lung chemotherapy is an integral part of such treatment

A child has a temperature of 38 and a dry cough: causes and treatment

A child has a temperature of 38 and a dry cough: causes and treatment

Does the child have a temperature of 38 and cough? What is the reason? How to act in this situation? Coughing is a defensive reaction of the body, designed to remove irritants from the respiratory tract. A dry (or non-productive) cough is a cough without phlegm

Spasm of the coronary vessels of the heart and brain: symptoms, causes

Spasm of the coronary vessels of the heart and brain: symptoms, causes

Diseases of the cardiovascular system rank first in the world among other pathologies of the human body, leading to death. Every year, about 17 million people die from heart and vascular diseases, which is 30% of the total number of deaths. Sometimes cardiovascular pathologies are congenital, but most of them arise due to stressful situations or an unhe althy lifestyle

Stroke: symptoms, types, causes, first aid, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation

Stroke: symptoms, types, causes, first aid, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation

Every person should know about the symptoms of a stroke. Even if you do not consider yourself to be at risk, knowing about the signs of this most dangerous disease may help save someone's life. So what is a stroke?

Right atrial overload: signs, causes, treatments, reviews

Right atrial overload: signs, causes, treatments, reviews

According to WHO statistics, more than 5 million people die every year from heart pathologies. Right atrial overload (RAA) or its hypertrophy is rare among cardiac pathologies, but its significance is great, because it entails changes in other body systems

How to dilute hydrogen peroxide for gargling?

How to dilute hydrogen peroxide for gargling?

Gargling with hydrogen peroxide is a procedure that helps a lot in the treatment of tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. But it is necessary to start it only after consulting a doctor. In addition, when preparing the solution, it is important to observe the recommended proportions, otherwise you can provoke a deterioration in well-being

Chest pain when coughing: possible causes

Chest pain when coughing: possible causes

A coughing fit is often accompanied by chest pain. The reasons for this state of affairs are many. Chest pain when coughing can be a sign of a severe inflammatory process occurring in the lungs or in the pleura. But diseases of the respiratory system are not the only cause of possible pain in the chest area. Also, such pain can indicate problems in the field of the cardiovascular system, etc

Herpetic sore throat: causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment

Herpetic sore throat: causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment

Herpetic sore throat is highly contagious. If treatment and prevention measures are not followed, it can spread among the population, and up to the occurrence of mass outbreaks of the epidemic. The most common cause of infection in adults is contact, communication with an infected person

Features of the condition and treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Features of the condition and treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Today, quite a lot of people suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. Naturally, this disease needs serious and long-term treatment