A nymphomaniac is a woman suffering from nymphomania, a manifestation of the hypersexual syndrome. Women suffering from this disease have an obsessive desire to obtain sexual satisfaction, an orgasm, which nevertheless cannot be achieved, despite the sometimes huge number of sexual intercourses (often with different partners). The name of the disease is derived from the Greek word "nymph": these are mythical creatures that looked like beautiful women and lived in the forests, where they lured men for sexual pleasures.

The men left them exhausted, if at all. In the people, this disease is called "uterine rabies", its causes are various diseases of the central nervous system. For example, a nymphomaniac is a woman who has reached the manic stage of MDP (manic-depressive psychosis). Or she has an organic brain lesion, or an endocrine pathology. However, the most common cause of nymphomania, in particular in young women, is the manifestation of various neuroses. Neurosis is a state of functional imbalance and is successfully treated with psychotherapy.
What is the danger of nymphomania?

In the relations of such subjects as a man and a woman, there is already a lack of simplicity. When in themmental deviation intervenes, it becomes even more difficult. A nymphomaniac is a woman whom hypersexuality can bring to exhaustion: she develops asthenia, weakness, and interest in life may disappear. As a rule, this is a temporary phenomenon and it does not pose a serious threat to life, but this cannot be left to chance. A serious problem can also be unwanted pregnancy, which often leads to indiscriminate sex. The people with whom a woman has a relationship, she does not always know. Therefore, there is a risk that the child will also never know who his father is.
If the nymphomaniac is a fast-growing young girl with a strong sexual constitution, then things can even come to incest. Most often this happens in families where the father or stepfather is a carrier of the schizophrenic gene.
How is nymphomania treated?

Treatment of "uterine rabies" lends itself very poorly. However, there is good news: true nymphomania is a very rare phenomenon. Out of 2500 women, only one will have not an imaginary deviation, but a serious problem. To reduce sexual desire, a woman is prescribed special drugs that treat deviations at the level of physiology, prescribe a strict diet. The diet excludes any aphrodisiacs - spicy foods, chocolate, seafood and alcohol. Psychotherapists cope with imaginary nymphomania - as a rule, successfully. A woman needs psychotherapeutic sessions, during which she finds out what prevents her from getting sexual satisfaction from contact with a man. This is often due to somepsychological barriers, the beginning of which could be laid in childhood or adolescence. Women with a real disorder often have to regret what they have done, so they also need the help of a psychotherapist. It is important to remember that a woman, as a rule, is not to blame for having such a problem. This is a serious deviation that requires the supervision of doctors of different profiles.