Diseases and conditions 2024, October

What causes cystitis in women? Causes, methods of treatment

What causes cystitis in women? Causes, methods of treatment

Cystitis is a fairly common disease that doctors often deal with. By the way, according to statistical studies, the fair sex is more susceptible to this disease

Why dry mouth and how to deal with it?

Why dry mouth and how to deal with it?

When the body produces an insufficient amount of saliva, a person begins to experience very unpleasant sensations. This unhe althy condition is expressed in the fact that a person constantly or periodically dries his mouth. What are the causes of this disease, and can it be overcome?

Pericardial cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

Pericardial cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery from illness and preventive measures

This pathology was identified in the middle of the 19th century and was called "pericardial diverticulum" due to the assumptions of protrusion of the parietal sheet of the pericardial sac. But in the 40s of the 20th century, it was confirmed that such a formation originates from an anomaly in the development of the embryonic cavity, that is, the coelom. After which it was renamed "coelomic pericardial cyst"

Adhesions after laparoscopy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Adhesions after laparoscopy: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Modern medicine has many treatments for gynecological he alth problems in women. One of them is laparoscopy, which also allows you to quickly diagnose certain diseases. It is both a surgical method and a minimally invasive one, which is determined by minimal intervention in the body using endoscopic instruments

High blood sugar: what to do and how to avoid the consequences?

High blood sugar: what to do and how to avoid the consequences?

Questions about why high blood sugar is dangerous, what to do in order to normalize its level, should worry every person, because the diseases resulting from this factor are quite common and very dangerous

Causes of dysbacteriosis, treatment, symptoms and diagnosis

Causes of dysbacteriosis, treatment, symptoms and diagnosis

Up to 500 types of microorganisms live in the intestines. Their number has an optimal ratio, which allows the digestive organs to function normally

Symptoms and signs of dysbacteriosis

Symptoms and signs of dysbacteriosis

Change in the composition of the intestinal microflora affects the work of the whole organism. Signs of dysbacteriosis can be different. For example, some patients develop severe digestive disorders, while others suffer from impaired immune system activity

Herpes in HIV: features of treatment and preventive measures

Herpes in HIV: features of treatment and preventive measures

Herpes is a viral disease that manifests itself with a decrease in the protective functions of the body. Pathology is incurable: once it enters the body, the virus remains there until the end of a person's life. But with strong immunity, he may never show himself

Acute gastritis: symptoms and treatment in adults and children

Acute gastritis: symptoms and treatment in adults and children

Acute gastritis is a serious inflammatory process that occurs in the human body and causes a lot of trouble. The disease can occur not only in adults, but also in children

Paraesophageal hernia: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

Paraesophageal hernia: causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention

A paraesophageal hernia is a displacement of anatomical structures into the chest cavity through the diaphragm. The disease is serious and requires surgical treatment. It is also quite rare, occurring in only 0.5-1% of all hernia cases. What are the causes of this pathology? What are the prerequisites? And by what symptoms can you learn about its development? These and many other questions are answered in the article

Causes, symptoms and treatment of inguinal hernia

Causes, symptoms and treatment of inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernia treatment should be carried out carefully and comprehensively. Usually the problem is eliminated with surgery, although there are many folk remedies that will help eliminate symptoms without surgery

Ophthalmic migraine: causes, symptoms and treatment

Ophthalmic migraine: causes, symptoms and treatment

For most people, the term "migraine" is associated with an excruciating headache. However, few people know that some forms of this disease can be accompanied by visual disorders. This type of pathology is called ophthalmic migraine. Neurologists do not distinguish it as a separate disease. This is just a form of a common migraine, which occurs not only with a headache, but also with visual impairment

Fissure of the femoral neck: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

Fissure of the femoral neck: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and consequences

How does a hip fracture manifest? What is the danger of such an injury? Causes of hip injury. Main signs. Diagnostic methods. First aid rules. Recommended treatments. Likely consequences. Rules for rehabilitation and prevention

Treatment of a bruised knee. What you need to know

Treatment of a bruised knee. What you need to know

The most common injury is a bruised knee. This phenomenon is often observed not only in children, but also in adults. It should be borne in mind that any injury - regardless of the age of the victim - can be quite serious for he alth

CHP: what is it? Signs of CRF

CHP: what is it? Signs of CRF

Chronic kidney failure is quite common. Most people do not care about their he alth and find out about the disease too late, then they have to resort to drastic measures. Read more about the causes of the disease, symptoms and treatment methods in our article

Blockade of the joints: description, indications and contraindications, consequences, reviews

Blockade of the joints: description, indications and contraindications, consequences, reviews

Blockades of the joints mean that the drug is injected directly into the area of the affected joint, which provides a faster elimination of inflammation and painful manifestations. Similar treatment is used quite often for arthritis and arthrosis

Dysentery: treatment, causes and prevention

Dysentery: treatment, causes and prevention

Dysentery (shigellosis) is one of the common acute intestinal infections. In the past, it claimed a huge number of lives. Now this disease continues to pose a danger to humanity, despite the fact that the social conditions of life have changed dramatically, there are funds that allow effective treatment of dysentery

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Inflammation of the cervical lymph nodes does not occur on its own - it is a consequence of the progression of the infectious process in the body. Even with an increase in lymph nodes against the background of a cold, it is imperative to consult a doctor and not let the disease take its course

Magnesium deficiency: symptoms, causes, treatment. Lack of magnesium and potassium in the body

Magnesium deficiency: symptoms, causes, treatment. Lack of magnesium and potassium in the body

In this article I want to talk about what is fraught with for the human body lack of magnesium. Symptoms and main signs, as well as preventive measures and treatment - all this can be read in the text below

Anemia in pregnant women: possible causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment features

Anemia in pregnant women: possible causes, symptoms, prevention and treatment features

Anemia during pregnancy is characterized by a low level of hemoglobin in the blood and a small number of red blood cells, the forms of which can become abnormally altered. Anemia in pregnant women is most often diagnosed by the end of the second trimester. Its detection in the first trimester indicates that the pathology existed before the conception of the child

What is AV block? Atrioventricular blockade: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

What is AV block? Atrioventricular blockade: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

AV blockade is a common ECG finding even in apparently he althy people. If in the conclusion of electrocardiography AV blockade of 1 or 2 degrees is noted, the patient definitely needs to consult a cardiologist

Demodecosis: treatment in people with traditional and folk remedies

Demodecosis: treatment in people with traditional and folk remedies

Thanks to medical research, it has long been established that the human body is literally "teeming" with various microscopic "neighbors". Some of them are useful symbionts and help the immune system to cope with diseases, facilitating the absorption of nutrients and vitamins necessary for a full life. Others are parasites that cause irreparable damage to our he alth, appearance and make life uncomfortable

Hypoglycemia - what is it? Hypoglycemia: symptoms, causes, signs, treatment, diet

Hypoglycemia - what is it? Hypoglycemia: symptoms, causes, signs, treatment, diet

The state of constant fatigue, nausea and headaches are common to many people. And sometimes, when contacting a doctor with such symptoms, the patient hears the diagnosis: “hypoglycemia”. This disease is mainly found in diabetics, but in he althy people it can lead to unpleasant consequences

Manic depression, its symptoms and treatment

Manic depression, its symptoms and treatment

Manic depression is a mental illness characterized by a constant change from a depressive, depressed state to a manic one. Depressive-manic syndrome is very dangerous, as it can cause a suicide attempt

Blood sugar and its role in the functioning of the body

Blood sugar and its role in the functioning of the body

Blood sugar is one of the most important constants, which indicates the constancy of the internal environment in the body. However, when talking about this element, most often they mean the level of glucose, since “sugar” includes a whole group of substances

Setton's nevus: signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Setton's nevus: signs, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Setton's nevus is a pigmented formation surrounded by areas of colorless skin. It is painless and slightly rises above the surface of the dermis. It is because of the presence of a specific rim that the neoplasm is also called halonevus

What to do if it freezes: assistance, possible causes and features of treatment

What to do if it freezes: assistance, possible causes and features of treatment

What to do if it freezes? Possible measures depending on the cause of the chills. Hypothermia, unbalanced nutrition, hormonal failure, problems with the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract, stress and nervous strain, colds

How long can you get pregnant after taking antibiotics - features and recommendations

How long can you get pregnant after taking antibiotics - features and recommendations

Today, many couples approach planning a child responsibly. After all, it depends only on the future parents whether the baby will be he althy. Various factors negatively affect the human body. Some of them can be minimized. You also need to pay special attention to the medication intake by future parents. In order for the baby to be born he althy, you need to know how long you can get pregnant after taking antibiotics

What is the difference between an alcoholic and a drunkard: what is the difference?

What is the difference between an alcoholic and a drunkard: what is the difference?

Alcoholism is the greatest problem of all time. Every year the number of people who abuse alcohol is growing

Hyperglycemic coma: symptoms, emergency care and consequences

Hyperglycemic coma: symptoms, emergency care and consequences

Diabetes mellitus and a number of other diseases may be accompanied by the appearance of hyperglycemic coma. Emergency care must be provided by relatives before the ambulance arrives. The highest risk for this condition is found in patients with diabetes mellitus, predominantly type 1. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the level of glucose in the blood and urine, inject insulin on time and in the required doses, and follow the diet recommended for this disease

Hypoglycemic coma: causes, symptoms, emergency care, treatment, consequences

Hypoglycemic coma: causes, symptoms, emergency care, treatment, consequences

In this article you can find the answer to the question "What is a hypoglycemic coma?", And also find out what causes such a pathological condition. The article analyzes the causes, symptoms, possible complications of a coma, and also describes the first and professional medical care for a patient with hypoglycemia

Diet for osteoarthritis of the knee: recommendations

Diet for osteoarthritis of the knee: recommendations

What is arthrosis of the joints? What are its degrees? What is the treatment? Why is diet so important for arthrosis of the knee joints? And is gymnastics necessary for knee arthrosis?

TRUS: what is this examination and how to prepare for it?

TRUS: what is this examination and how to prepare for it?

This article will talk about such an examination as TRUS, what it is and what such a study of the prostate is. In addition, we will dwell in detail on its advantages and indications, and also indicate how the preparation for TRUS of the prostate takes place

Why does the knee crackle when bent? Causes and treatment

Why does the knee crackle when bent? Causes and treatment

This article will discuss such a common phenomenon as a crunch in the knees. It will not only consider why the knees crunch when bent, but will also indicate the reasons that cause this phenomenon. The answer to the question of why a teenager's knees are crunching will not stand aside. And, of course, several recommendations will be given, which will significantly reduce the frequency of these manifestations

Treatment of diarrhea in adults. Drugs, folk remedies

Treatment of diarrhea in adults. Drugs, folk remedies

What is diarrhea and what is an effective treatment for adult diarrhea? What medications should be used for diarrhea? Her types. And what does traditional medicine advise?

Herpes on the back: symptoms, treatment and prevention

Herpes on the back: symptoms, treatment and prevention

This article will discuss what constitutes such a disease as herpes on the back. Its symptoms and causes that lead to its appearance. The question of how contagious herpes on the back is and how it is treated will not be left without attention

Stenosis is a serious and dangerous pathology

Stenosis is a serious and dangerous pathology

The human body is affected by various diseases caused by both external and internal factors. Stenosis is a narrowing of the lumen of absolutely any anatomical structure that has a hollow structure

Prolapse of internal organs: symptoms, treatment, exercises

Prolapse of internal organs: symptoms, treatment, exercises

Prolapse of the internal organs characterizes a lower, compared with normal, localization of the stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys and others. This gives rise to some problems. The general omission of organs located in the abdominal cavity is called "splanchnoptosis" in medical science

Skin candidiasis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Skin candidiasis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes is an ailment that manifests itself in the form of edematous areas that have a red tint and contain papules, erosions or vesicles. Most often, such phenomena are formed in the skin folds of the armpits, inguinal region, mammary glands and between the phalanges of the fingers

Temperature 41: reasons for the increase, first aid and advice from doctors

Temperature 41: reasons for the increase, first aid and advice from doctors

There are several reasons why body temperature can rise significantly. Under such conditions, timely therapy should be carried out. Without prior consultation with a medical professional, it is not recommended to carry out treatment at home - this will only harm