Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Cough in a child without fever: possible causes and features of treatment

Cough in a child without fever: possible causes and features of treatment

The occurrence of a cough in a child worries most parents. But this sign does not always confirm the presence of the disease, especially if there are no side symptoms. If a child has a cough without fever, then you need to know how to treat it properly

A child has a barking cough without fever: features, possible causes and treatment

A child has a barking cough without fever: features, possible causes and treatment

How does a barking cough manifest? Causes, symptoms, treatment of barking cough in children, not accompanied by fever

Complications of gastritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Complications of gastritis: causes, symptoms and treatment

The digestive system is not only the most complex in our body, it also experiences tremendous stress every day. Irrational nutrition, coffee all day and a heavy dinner, fatty, sweet, spicy. It is not surprising that gastritis today is not uncommon even among young people. Abdominal pain, burning and indigestion is a reason for an immediate visit to the doctor, since the complications of gastritis are much more difficult to treat

Bleeding: symptoms and first aid

Bleeding: symptoms and first aid

Gastrointestinal bleeding (symptoms and first aid will be described below) can cause panic, since most people simply do not know what to do with the patient in this case. However, you should not give in to emotions. In our article, you will learn about the symptoms of bleeding in women and men, and also learn how to provide first aid in violation of the integrity of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract

Chronic gastric ulcer: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Chronic gastric ulcer: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

One of the most severe and common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is a stomach ulcer - a chronic pathology characterized by the formation of defects in the duodenum and stomach. Complete remission never occurs - moreover, the disease is prone to progression. What causes pathology? What reasons indicate its presence? How is the diagnosis carried out? And what is the treatment regimen? This and much more will now be discussed

Obstructive jaundice: ICD-10 code, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Obstructive jaundice: ICD-10 code, causes, symptoms and treatment features

Pathologies of the liver, which are caused by partial or complete blockage of the bile ducts, are quite common. Their symptoms are usually a yellow color of the skin and mucous membranes. And this condition is called obstructive jaundice. Description, symptoms, signs and treatment of it, we will consider in this article

Sciatica. Symptoms, causes and treatment

Sciatica. Symptoms, causes and treatment

The sciatic nerve, descending under the gluteus maximus, divides into smaller branches and passes down the entire lower limb, providing it with mobility and sensitivity. This is the most important element of the sacral nerve plexus, ensuring the normal functioning of all organs of the small pelvis. Its inflammation is known as sciatica. Symptoms of this pathology may vary depending on the causes of this disease

Catarrhal bronchitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Catarrhal bronchitis: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

The term "catarrhal bronchitis" refers to a pathological condition in which the mucous membrane of the branches becomes inflamed. The disease is quite easy to treat, but if you do not see a doctor in time, all sorts of complications often develop

What are the causative agents of meningitis?

What are the causative agents of meningitis?

The causative agent of meningitis is not a specific microbe. Many viruses, fungi and bacteria can cause disease, each of them has its own characteristics

What to do if your knee joint is bothering you? How is the puncture performed?

What to do if your knee joint is bothering you? How is the puncture performed?

Many, experiencing pain in the knee joint, do not pay attention to it. But in vain. The reason can be quite serious. You may be developing a disease such as synovitis. The question arises: "What if the knee joint hurts?". Puncture in this case will be offered as one of the treatment options. What you need to know about the mini-operation, we'll talk in the article

Normochromic normocytic anemia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Normochromic normocytic anemia: causes, symptoms and treatment

All you need to know about normochromic normocytic anemia: probable causes, main signs and methods of diagnosis, treatment regimen and prevention

Aortoarteritis nonspecific: symptoms and treatment methods

Aortoarteritis nonspecific: symptoms and treatment methods

In our article, we will get acquainted with one of these ailments - this is nonspecific aortoarteritis, from which the female sex most often suffers, and at a young age. The disease is most often diagnosed in Asian countries. Let's look at the causes of its occurrence, symptoms, and along the way discuss whether it is possible to cope with this pathology

Causes and symptoms of neuralgia. Consequences and prevention

Causes and symptoms of neuralgia. Consequences and prevention

Neuralgia is a variety of pathological conditions that progress due to damage to certain parts of the peripheral nerves. These diseases are characterized by the development of acute and intense pain along the nerve fiber and in the zone of its innervation. Neuralgia can occur in people of all ages, but women over 40 are more susceptible to it

Very strong cough in children and adults: causes, treatment, what to do?

Very strong cough in children and adults: causes, treatment, what to do?

Cough is a common symptom in various lung pathologies. It can occur in both children and adults. If left untreated, serious complications are possible. In addition, in some cases, the cause of the cough may not be in colds. It can be bronchial asthma and other diseases that threaten the patient's life

Papilloma has become inflamed: symptoms, causes, necessary tests, doctor's consultation and treatment

Papilloma has become inflamed: symptoms, causes, necessary tests, doctor's consultation and treatment

Papillomas are viral pathological formations on the human body. Most often appear in the form of warts or pointed growths. It is noteworthy that such phenomena can occur in almost any part of the body. If the papilloma is provoked by the HPV virus, then the disease is considered as an oncogenic

Gastric stenosis: symptoms and treatment

Gastric stenosis: symptoms and treatment

Stenosis of the stomach and duodenum, also known as pyloric stenosis, is a pathology of the digestive tract, which occurs as a result of narrowing of the lumen of the gastric pylorus. As a result, there is a violation of the process of passage of food from the gastric cavity to the intestines

Deviated septum: consequences and causes

Deviated septum: consequences and causes

If a person has a runny nose for a long time, you need to think about it, because it could be a deviated septum. The consequences and causes of such a defect are described in the provided article

Capillary bleeding: what is it and how to stop it

Capillary bleeding: what is it and how to stop it

Bleeding is an outpouring of blood that began as a result of a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels. The nature of this process can be traumatic or non-traumatic. In turn, the types of lesions determine certain types of outpouring. One of the most common is capillary bleeding, noted with significant damage to the capillary network

Combined injury. Multiple and associated trauma

Combined injury. Multiple and associated trauma

Multiple and combined injuries are included in the category of the most severe, complex injuries, which are characterized by a high probability of a fatal outcome, not only at the stage of first aid and delivery of the victim to a medical facility, but also in a hospital

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Symptoms of bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract largely depend on the characteristics of organ damage and the severity of the pathology. Basically, the symptomatology manifests itself in the form of vomiting, dark feces, severe pallor of the skin, as well as pain in the affected area. It is important to diagnose and treat pathology in a timely manner

Methods and standards for diagnosing arthritis, symptoms and treatment

Methods and standards for diagnosing arthritis, symptoms and treatment

Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the whole body, in particular the joints. The disease causes severe pain, which increases significantly at night. The disease begins to develop in youth from 30 years and older. Most often, women suffer from pathology, since the problem is transmitted to them through the genetic line, so early diagnosis of arthritis is very important

The main causes of swelling of the extremities

The main causes of swelling of the extremities

The classic cause of swelling of the lower extremities in women is wearing high-heeled shoes. It is quite easy to deal with it: it is enough to give up an uncomfortable household item. But puffiness is not always explained so simply, but is eliminated by such a problem-free method

Which doctor should I contact for headaches? Possible causes of pain, examination, treatment

Which doctor should I contact for headaches? Possible causes of pain, examination, treatment

Which doctor should I contact for headaches? This question is often asked by those who regularly suffer from discomfort in the frontal, parietal, temporal or cervical part of the head

Dry paroxysmal cough in a child: what to do?

Dry paroxysmal cough in a child: what to do?

Mommies most often seek help from a pediatrician when children cough. Parents are especially anxious about a dry paroxysmal cough in a child, which causes a lot of inconvenience to the baby. His painful and frequent attacks, day and night, exhaust the child and worsen his condition

Very dry frequent cough: what to do and how to treat?

Very dry frequent cough: what to do and how to treat?

Dry cough, which is classified as unproductive, is basically one of the symptoms of respiratory diseases, which are currently in first place in terms of prevalence. Moreover, this problem is relevant for people of any age category. Every year, both adults and small patients turn to doctors in connection with pathologies of the bronchopulmonary system

What to take with tachycardia: drugs and folk remedies. First aid for tachycardia at home

What to take with tachycardia: drugs and folk remedies. First aid for tachycardia at home

Every person, especially in old age, often hears from doctors such a diagnosis as tachycardia. But few people know what causes this condition, what inaction threatens as a result, and how a patient with such a diagnosis can be helped. What to take with tachycardia, how to determine that it is she, and we will try to figure it out. It is very important to be able to determine the development of such a pathology at home

Headache in the frontal part: causes, diagnosis, treatment. Severe pain in the frontal part of the head

Headache in the frontal part: causes, diagnosis, treatment. Severe pain in the frontal part of the head

Every person is familiar with the excruciating headache in the frontal part. The reasons for its occurrence are quite diverse. In this case, the pain can have a different intensity and, unfortunately, is not always eliminated with the help of an anesthetic pill

Scars on the face: types, causes and methods of removal

Scars on the face: types, causes and methods of removal

Scars on the face can cause the formation of a personality inferiority complex. But there are no problems that cannot be completely solved. There are many ways to deal with this fairly common cosmetic defect

Cervical osteochondrosis and dizziness, fears and depression: causes and treatment. Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Cervical osteochondrosis and dizziness, fears and depression: causes and treatment. Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Most doctors know that when a middle-aged patient contacts them with complaints of sudden dizziness, a state of panic attacks, developing depression, it is first necessary to check for the presence of diseases of the spine, in particular, the cervical region. How cervical osteochondrosis and dizziness, fears and depression are connected, we will consider in this article

Severe headache. What to do with a severe headache

Severe headache. What to do with a severe headache

According to the observations of doctors, periodic headaches torment at least 70% of the population of developed countries. But in fact, many more people are familiar with this condition, it's just that many do not go to the doctor, preferring to cope with it on their own. But we must remember that the only symptom of many serious diseases is a severe headache. What to do in this case, only a doctor can advise

Inflammation of appendicitis: description, symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Inflammation of appendicitis: description, symptoms, causes and features of treatment

The article will tell you everything you need to know about appendicitis inflammation. How to define it and what to do? Read more

Erosive bulbitis: symptoms and treatment

Erosive bulbitis: symptoms and treatment

The article will tell you what an erosive bulbitis is. How to deal with this disease, and can something help? Oh sure. Bulbit is not a sentence. The strictest diet, taking prescribed medications and undergoing a gastroscopy are the key to success

Girdle pain in the abdomen: causes, symptoms and therapy

Girdle pain in the abdomen: causes, symptoms and therapy

From the article you can find out why girdle pain occurs in the abdomen in women and men, how to get rid of it, as well as disease prevention

Stroke in a child: causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment, consequences. Varieties of strokes

Stroke in a child: causes, symptoms, first aid, treatment, consequences. Varieties of strokes

A stroke can happen not only to an adult, but also to a very young child. Babies have these problems for a variety of reasons. A child can suffer even in the womb if she does not take care of her he alth or has many bad habits

Can there be a temperature with cystitis?

Can there be a temperature with cystitis?

The most common disease associated with inflammation of the bladder is cystitis. This pathology affects women more often than men, and this is due to the anatomical features of the fairer sex (harmful bacteria enter up the urethra). A surprise for a person is the temperature with cystitis, which occurs with an acute form of the course of the disease

Sleep cramps: causes and treatment

Sleep cramps: causes and treatment

Sleep cramps in young children are quite a dangerous symptom. It is unlikely that young parents know exactly what to do when a child develops such a manifestation. In many cases, the outcome of the situation is determined by the quality of first aid

Symptoms and treatment of rheumatism. Consequences of rheumatism

Symptoms and treatment of rheumatism. Consequences of rheumatism

Rheumatism is an inflammatory systemic disease localized predominantly in the cardiac membrane. The risk group includes people with a hereditary predisposition to this disease, as well as in the age category from seven to fifteen years. Rheumatism usually affects young people and adolescents, more rarely debilitated and elderly patients

Hydradenitis under the armpit: causes, symptoms, treatment

Hydradenitis under the armpit: causes, symptoms, treatment

Hydradenitis under the arm is a fairly common problem that is accompanied by inflammation of the sweat glands. In this case, the gland increases significantly, which is accompanied by pain and discomfort. Fortunately, modern methods of medicine can get rid of this disease

Exacerbation of tonsillitis: causes, symptoms, treatment options, reviews

Exacerbation of tonsillitis: causes, symptoms, treatment options, reviews

Exacerbation of tonsillitis in a patient occurs only under the influence of certain provoking factors. It is imperative to accurately determine the main cause of the onset of the disease, to correctly recognize its symptoms. If the first signs of exacerbation of tonsillitis occur, an urgent need to visit a doctor for diagnosis and subsequent treatment

Phimosis in a child: how is it treated?

Phimosis in a child: how is it treated?

The most important symptom of phimosis is the narrowing of the foreskin, which makes it very difficult to expose the glans penis. When trying to expose her, the child feels pain, tears and bleeding appear