Diseases and conditions 2024, October

How chickenpox is treated in adults: some subtleties

How chickenpox is treated in adults: some subtleties

Few people know that chickenpox can be ill even in adulthood, and the disease is much more difficult. And only a few know how chickenpox is treated in adults

Bladder rupture: symptoms, treatment

Bladder rupture: symptoms, treatment

About two percent of the cases of abdominal operations are assigned to ruptures of the bladder. This organ is rarely damaged due to the protection of the pelvic bones

Blood poisoning: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Blood poisoning: symptoms, treatment and consequences

One of the most dangerous infectious diseases is blood sepsis, the consequences of which can be extremely severe. In medicine, sepsis is also called blood poisoning. The occurrence of this pathology is due to the development of systemic inflammatory reactions to the entry of an infectious agent into the human blood

Wegener's granulomatosis: photo, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Wegener's granulomatosis: photo, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Wegener's granulomatosis is an inflammation of the vascular walls, which has an autoimmune granulomatous character. The disease is serious because, in addition to capillaries, arteries, venules and arterioles, it involves the upper respiratory tract, lungs, kidneys, eyes and other organs. Why does it occur? How do the symptoms indicate its development? How is the diagnosis carried out? What is needed for treatment? Now these and many other questions need to be answered

Behçet's disease: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Behçet's disease: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Behcet's disease is not so common, but can cause significant harm to human he alth. The peculiarity of this disease is that a large number of internal organs are included in the pathological process. Sometimes the disease can be fatal, but this happens if the patient does not pay enough attention to it

Types and types of diabetes, their differences, symptoms and signs

Types and types of diabetes, their differences, symptoms and signs

There are many types of diabetes. All of them differ not only in the characteristic features of the impact on the body of a particular person and symptoms, but also in the reasons that provoked its occurrence

Classification of myofascial compartment syndrome

Classification of myofascial compartment syndrome

Comparative syndrome is a symptomatic complex. It is characterized by an increase in subfascial pressure, leading to ischemic damage and necrosis of the contents of the fascial sheath

Pancreatitis: causes and consequences

Pancreatitis: causes and consequences

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Over the past half century, this disease has been diagnosed twice as often, and the number of patients with both acute and chronic forms of the disease has increased. Most often, pathology occurs due to overeating, alcohol abuse. It is these causes of pancreatitis that most often cause inflammation. Under the influence of provoking factors, the production of proteolytic enzymes is activated, which causes inflammation

Scratched a mole: first aid, consequences, complications

Scratched a mole: first aid, consequences, complications

Basically, moles are considered benign epidermal neoplasms, consisting of cells that contain an excess of natural pigments, such as melanin. The reason for the formation of such structures can be a variety of external and endogenous factors, ranging from hormonal failure to ultraviolet influence

White fever in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

White fever in a child: causes, symptoms, treatment

Today we will tell you about what constitutes white fever in a child. You will also learn what symptoms are characteristic of this condition, why it occurs, how it is diagnosed and treated

Injections for angina: indications for use, features and effectiveness

Injections for angina: indications for use, features and effectiveness

The basis of the therapeutic effect is, most often, the use of antibiotic drugs. They are taken not only orally, but also in the form of intramuscular injections. Injections for angina in adults and children can be very effective

How to bring down a high temperature: antipyretic drugs and folk remedies

How to bring down a high temperature: antipyretic drugs and folk remedies

For a he althy person, the normal range of body temperature is between 36.5 and 37 degrees. Body temperature is an indicator that reflects the balance of heat in the body, which depends on the heat exchange of the skin with the environment and various organs. If the temperature rises, this indicates pathological processes occurring in the human body

Chills in a child: the main causes and symptoms

Chills in a child: the main causes and symptoms

In children, especially under 3 years old, the cerebral cortex is not fully formed, where the hypothalamus is present, which is also responsible for thermoregulation. Therefore, babies often have a fever. With this phenomenon, the child may experience chills. All parents need to know how to help in this situation

Infarction of the lung: causes, treatment and consequences

Infarction of the lung: causes, treatment and consequences

Pulmonary infarction is a disease caused by thromboembolic processes in the vascular system of the lungs. Read more about the causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease in the article

Insulin pump - installation, types, application

Insulin pump - installation, types, application

An insulin pump can make life easier for diabetics. This device is designed to continuously supply a prescribed amount of hormone to the patient's body. But before making a purchase, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the features of using this device

Dementia: degrees, stages of development and treatment

Dementia: degrees, stages of development and treatment

Dementia is manifested in the deterioration of a person's intellectual abilities. It can be both congenital and acquired, and in another way it is called dementia. The symptoms differ greatly from the degree of dementia. They are distinguished by three

Inflammation of the intestines: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Inflammation of the intestines: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Inflammation of the intestines ranks second among the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. According to statistics, pathology is equally common in men and women, and inflammation can occur at any age. With an illness, inflammatory processes appear on the mucous membrane of different parts of the intestine, causing a different clinic. It depends on the cause of a particular disease

Chickenpox in the throat: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Chickenpox in the throat: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment methods

Chickenpox in the throat: symptoms of the disease and features of the course. What does the rash look like, and what complications can there be? Recipes to speed up the healing process: rinses, ointments and gels. Folk remedies for the treatment of chickenpox in the throat

Cataract: symptoms and treatment. Prevention of cataracts with folk remedies

Cataract: symptoms and treatment. Prevention of cataracts with folk remedies

Cataract is the most common eye disease, as a result of which an individual can lose the ability to see. This pathology is quite insidious, since in the early stages it is very difficult to identify its symptoms. There are several stages of the disease. Regular examination by an ophthalmologist and self-monitoring of your he alth will help to avoid the last, most advanced form of the disease

Symptoms of pneumonia in infants. Treatment, consequences of the disease

Symptoms of pneumonia in infants. Treatment, consequences of the disease

How are the symptoms of pneumonia in infants? What to do if a pediatrician has diagnosed pneumonia in a child under one year of age? And most importantly: how to protect the baby from infection in time? You will find answers to these and other questions in the proposed article

Complications of pneumonia in children: features of development, causes and treatment

Complications of pneumonia in children: features of development, causes and treatment

Pneumonia is an acute infectious inflammation that occurs in the lung tissue. Pathology is a dangerous disease in young children and adolescents. Babies under 1 year old are difficult to tolerate the disease. Complications of pneumonia in children are not uncommon. The article presents the common consequences of this disease

Psychosomatics of papilloma: causes of the virus, features of treatment

Psychosomatics of papilloma: causes of the virus, features of treatment

What is the psychosomatics of papilloma? What kind of neoplasm is this? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Papillomas are tumor-like formations that appear on the human body in the form of warts or growths. They cause a lot of inconvenience and, if left untreated, can turn into a malignant form. Consider the psychosomatics of papilloma below

Pityriasis versicolor on the human head: causes, symptoms and treatments

Pityriasis versicolor on the human head: causes, symptoms and treatments

Lichen is a lesion of the skin, the fungi of which are present in almost every person. But for the fungus to become active, certain conditions must be met. Lichen can be transmitted by contact, from a sick person to a he althy person, through clothes or wardrobe items, bath accessories. In addition, there are other provocative causes of pityriasis versicolor on the head

Hyperosmolar coma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hyperosmolar coma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hypersmolar coma is most often diagnosed in patients over 50 years of age who suffer from mild to moderate diabetes mellitus, easily compensated by diet and special drugs. It develops against the background of dehydration of the body as a result of taking diuretics, diseases of the vessels of the brain and kidneys. Mortality from hypermolar coma reaches 30%

Endemic and sporadic goiter

Endemic and sporadic goiter

Sporadic goiter is a common ailment that is associated with a violation of the structure of the thyroid gland, namely with its increase. Despite the fact that the disease is considered relatively safe, it should not be ignored - the patient needs qualified help

Hemorrhoids 2 degrees: causes, symptoms and treatment. Candles for hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective

Hemorrhoids 2 degrees: causes, symptoms and treatment. Candles for hemorrhoids are inexpensive and effective

The danger of such a disease as hemorrhoids is that at the very initial stage of its occurrence, its symptoms are hardly noticeable. Therefore, if they are not seen in time, the disease can develop into a chronic form, which worsens much more often and due to a much larger number of factors than at the initial stage

How to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage at home?

How to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage at home?

Thinning of the venous walls provokes the development of hemorrhoidal disease. This is a rather delicate pathology - patients are often embarrassed to contact a proctologist and prefer to treat hemorrhoids at an early stage at home. There are many ways to alleviate the severity of symptoms and prevent complications: from therapeutic baths to self-prepared rectal suppositories

Myositis in children: causes, symptoms, treatments and prevention

Myositis in children: causes, symptoms, treatments and prevention

In modern medical practice, cases of myositis in children are often recorded. This pathology is accompanied by an inflammatory process, the foci of which are located in the striated muscles. With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, the prognosis for young patients is favorable. However, it is very important to notice the first signs in time

Odontogenic phlegmon of the floor of the mouth

Odontogenic phlegmon of the floor of the mouth

Phlegmon of the floor of the mouth is a common purulent-inflammatory process that captures two or more cell spaces located above or below the diaphragm of the floor of the mouth. The presence of numerous intermuscular and interfascial fissures, holes in the area of the bottom of the oral cavity

Skin herpes: symptoms, description with photos, causes, treatment and prevention

Skin herpes: symptoms, description with photos, causes, treatment and prevention

The specificity of the herpes simplex virus is that it is able to secretly stay in the body for a long period and not express itself at all. The disease begins to rapidly recur if the human immune system is weakened. It is in this case that distinctive symptoms appear - small bubbles. More generally, the disease affects the human skin, eyes and external genitalia

Cystitis: 1 tablet for cystitis per course, name of the drug, causes of the disease, medical and home treatments

Cystitis: 1 tablet for cystitis per course, name of the drug, causes of the disease, medical and home treatments

A urinary tract infection called cystitis is the most common bacterial disease in adults. Fungal UTIs usually occur in catheterized patients. However, according to some, it is enough to drink 1 tablet for cystitis (in a package of 1 piece or more) and all symptoms will be relieved. Is it true?

Bronchitis in children without fever: symptoms, causes, main signs of bronchitis, treatment and recovery

Bronchitis in children without fever: symptoms, causes, main signs of bronchitis, treatment and recovery

Bronchitis is a disease that, according to modern medical statistics, is one of the most common pathologies of the respiratory system. This disease can affect people of any age. But in children, especially small ones, it occurs most often and proceeds, as a rule, more severely than in adults

Why do people burr? Reasons how to treat

Why do people burr? Reasons how to treat

Burr and lisp are speech defects that do not speak of a person's physiological and psychological ill he alth. However, they are still pretty annoying. In our article we will try to figure out why people burr and how to get rid of it

Discharge from the anus: causes

Discharge from the anus: causes

All people face various diseases. Some of the ailments are quite common, while others appear rarely. There are diseases that make people uncomfortable and prevent them from living a normal life. An example is discharge from the anus

Rheumatoid vasculitis: symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Rheumatoid vasculitis: symptoms, treatment and prognosis

Rheumatoid vasculitis is one of the manifestations of chronic rheumatoid arthritis, accompanied by damage to the walls of various vessels, from skin capillaries to large arterial or venous trunks. The progression of such vasculitis without proper immediate treatment can lead to aggravation of arthritis and disability of the patient

When cystitis hurts the lower back: causes and methods of treatment

When cystitis hurts the lower back: causes and methods of treatment

Cystitis, which is very common in medical practice, is an inflammatory process in the bladder. The cause of the disease can be bacteria that easily penetrate the urinary organs. In some patients, along with the typical symptoms of cystitis, pain in the lumbar region may occur

Treatment of hemorrhoids 3 stages: general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, rules for their use, alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors

Treatment of hemorrhoids 3 stages: general principle of therapy, prescribed drugs, rules for their use, alternative methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors

Features of the treatment of hemorrhoids at 3 stages of development. Causes of the disease and its main symptoms. Taking medicines and medicines of local action, as well as performing surgery

Akathisia is Definition, classification, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and advice from a neurologist

Akathisia is Definition, classification, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, recovery period and advice from a neurologist

Akathisia is a complex phenomenon that combines a feeling of inner disturbing discomfort and a constant need for movement, realized through rocking, shifting from foot to foot, marching in place

Epiglottitis is Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Epiglottitis is Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Epiglottitis is an inflammatory process in the epiglottis and tissues surrounding it, often leading to a sharp deterioration in the patency of the larynx. The acute form of the disease is more common in children 2-4 years old, but adolescents and adults can also get sick

Lipomatosis - what is it? Description of the disease, diagnosis and treatment

Lipomatosis - what is it? Description of the disease, diagnosis and treatment

Lipomatosis is the accumulation of fat cells in a certain area of the body. Lipomatous foci are single or multiple, but they are always a localized formation, with or without a capsule