The state of constant fatigue, nausea and headaches are common to many people. And sometimes, when contacting a doctor with such symptoms, the patient hears the diagnosis: “hypoglycemia”. This disease is mainly found in diabetics, but in he althy people it can lead to unpleasant consequences. This is due to the fact that the level of glucose in the blood is very important for the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body, and especially for the functioning of the brain. And hypoglycemia is a decrease in this level below the norm. In recent years, due to malnutrition, passion for various diets and alcoholic beverages, this condition has become increasingly common.
Why is hypoglycemia dangerous

All organs need energy to work, which they can get from the breakdown of sugar. And most of all, the brain needs it. An increased need for glucose is also observed with great physical and mental stress, stress. With a lack of sugar in the blood, there is a deterioration in memory, vision, a slowdown in reaction and losscoordination. In severe cases, irreversible death of brain cells occurs, leading to the death of a person. And the body can get glucose only from food during the breakdown of sugars and carbohydrates. Therefore, very often the state of hypoglycemia occurs with malnutrition. The metabolism in the body is designed so that unused glucose is deposited in the liver and muscles and used as needed. Such a mechanism is evidence of how important it is for normal life.
Causes of hypoglycemia
All metabolic processes in humans proceed with the participation of hormones. And for the normal absorption of carbohydrates and their conversion into glucose, insulin is very important. Hypoglycemia occurs most often when too much of this substance is produced. Most often this happens with diabetes due to the use of special drugs. But hypoglycemia can also occur in other cases:
- with improper metabolism and pathologies of the adrenal glands;
- in violation of liver function, cirrhosis or improper production of enzymes;
- after a long fast;
- for heart and kidney failure;
- during severe infectious diseases;
- when malnutrition with excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods, because of which the body gets used to producing a lot of insulin;
- after intense physical exertion, such as when playing sports;
- with the abuse of alcoholic beverages, which also require a lot of insulin for their absorption;
- after taking somemedicines. In addition to special drugs for the treatment of diabetes, salicylates, quinine and sulfur preparations can cause hypoglycemia syndrome;
- with the development of a tumor or other anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract.
Hypoglycemia in diabetes
If people who do not need to control their blood sugar rarely associate their ailments with its low content, then diabetics should know what hypoglycemia is. This condition can develop in them in a short time and quickly lead to loss of consciousness and even death. Therefore, it is very important for them to follow all the doctor's recommendations and the exact dosage of medication. After all, a sharp drop in sugar levels most often occurs in those who are diagnosed with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Hypoglycemia in this case is the result of an incorrect dosage of drugs or non-compliance with the diet. If this happens often, then you need to consult with your doctor about changing the treatment regimen. But it happens that hypoglycemia develops in type 2 diabetes. This can occur with an overdose of hypoglycemic drugs, with non-compliance with the diet or increased physical activity. Patients with impaired renal function may also experience a sudden drop in sugar levels.
What drugs can cause hypoglycemia
Sometimes this condition is the result of not only malnutrition, but also the use of certain drugs in large doses. What remedies can lead to a drop in blood sugar?
- insulin injections;
- sulfonamide antidiabetic drugs;
- high doses of salicylates, such as Aspirin;
- sometimes hypoglycemia can be a side effect after taking drugs such as Diabinez, Amaryl, Glucotro, Pranin, Januvia and others.

What people with diabetes need to know
Diabetics should strictly follow all doctor's recommendations. You need to know that hypoglycemia develops very quickly, and sometimes its first symptoms can be overlooked. A sharp drop in blood sugar is very dangerous for the body and can lead to loss of consciousness and coma. Especially often this condition occurs in people who exceed the dose of insulin preparations. Patients should also remember that they should not skip meals, eat very little and expose themselves to intense physical exertion on an empty stomach. Diabetics should always carry foods that can quickly raise their sugar levels, or glucose tablets. And when the first symptoms of hypoglycemia appear, you need to eat a couple of caramels, 2-3 pieces of sugar, a spoonful of honey, drink half a glass of fruit juice or any sweet drink. You should check your blood sugar regularly and take a bracelet or card with your medical information about your illness and necessary medications when you leave the house. After all, the symptoms of a hypoglycemic coma are not known to everyone, and in this case, assistance must be provided immediately.
How the disease manifests itself
Each person has symptoms of the diseasebe different. It depends on the state of he alth, the reasons for the decrease in sugar and the degree of development of hypoglycemia. Usually, with a mild form of the disease, a person experiences the following symptoms:

- profuse sweating;
- strong feeling of hunger;
- tingling or numbness of lips and fingertips;
- palpitations;
- muscle weakness or trembling of limbs;
- pale face.
In the chronic form of the disease, depression, irritability, anxiety and sleep disturbances can develop. A person experiences constant fatigue, a feeling of fear, often yawns. He may have high blood pressure, headaches and angina attacks. In severe cases of hypoglycemia, the patient's behavior changes, confusion of speech, impaired coordination of movements and visual disturbances may be observed.
Symptoms of hypoglycemic coma
With a sharp decrease in sugar, as well as in cases where a person does not take any measures when the first symptoms of the disease appear, severe brain damage can occur. Convulsions appear, the patient may lose consciousness or fall into a coma. His friends and loved ones should be aware of the signs of this condition so that emergency care can be provided in time. How to understand that a person who has lost consciousness has fallen into a hypoglycemic coma?
- he sweats a lot;
- palpitations and tachycardia;
- body temperature and pressure drop;
- the patient losessensitivity to external stimuli, even pain;
- he is very pale;
- may also have seizures.
In case of loss of consciousness, those around you should immediately call an ambulance.

If possible, it is advisable to inject glucose or glycogen, a hormone that quickly raises blood sugar levels. You can turn the patient on one side and carefully place a little honey or glucose gel behind the cheek. Even with an inaccurate diagnosis, it will not hurt as much as low blood glucose. If the patient is conscious, then help with hypoglycemia is to give him something sweet to eat along with complex carbohydrates, which will not allow sugar to drop further. With a mild form, a couple of sweets or a little fruit juice is enough. It is undesirable to use sweet carbonated drinks for these purposes, as they contain sweeteners. People with diabetes usually carry a few sugar cubes or glucose tablets with them.
Prevention of hypoglycemia
To prevent the occurrence of this condition, you must follow the right diet, do not get carried away with low-calorie diets and avoid overexertion and stress. And diabetics should know that hypoglycemia is a dangerous condition caused by low blood sugar, and use a glucometer constantly.

They need to follow a special diet, for example, "table 9". Important in diabetesdo not skip meals and be sure to eat something after exercise and taking insulin. Such people, who are at risk for hypoglycemia, should always carry glucose tablets or a few pieces of sugar with them. Complex carbohydrates, such as cereals, fruits or grain bread, must be present in the diet. Only they can ensure regular normal blood sugar levels.
Hypoglycemia in children
Most often this condition is associated with congenital insufficiency of liver enzymes or endocrine disorders. Low sugar levels are very dangerous for the he alth of the child, as it causes a slowdown in mental and physical development and can lead to death. It is especially difficult to diagnose the disease in infants.

Hypoglycemia in a newborn can occur for many reasons. Most often, these are congenital anomalies of the gastrointestinal tract, tumors, or hormonal imbalances. If a mother has diabetes and took insulin during pregnancy, this can also cause hypoglycemia in the baby after birth. Often this condition occurs in premature babies. It is very important to provide timely medical assistance to the child. And parents of older children with hypoglycemia should carefully monitor their nutrition: animal proteins and starches should be excluded, the diet should be rich in fruits and whole grains, and the baby should eat as often as possible, in small portions.