Blockades of the joints mean the introduction of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs directly into the affected area. A similar technique is now actively used by doctors who deal with the treatment of various diseases associated with the joints, as well as the musculoskeletal system.
This procedure is based on the principle that allows you to inject drugs directly into the lesion, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the treatment process. It helps to quickly and effectively eliminate the many existing side effects that may occur with the usual administration of medications.
What are blockades
Therapeutic blockade of the joints is a modern effective method for eliminating pain and many other manifestations of neurological diseases. The principle of operation of such a technique is as simple as possible and understandable to absolutely everyone. A drug is injected into the focus of inflammation, which begins to act immediately.

The effectiveness and unique properties of this treatment technique allow you to quickly get rid of even severe pain and feel relief. Therapeutic blockades of the joints have proven themselves from the most positive side and have been used for many years.
Varieties of blockades
There are several different types of joint blocks, such as:
- paraarticular;
- rearticular;
- intra-articular.
Para-articular blockade is one of the most effective types of therapy, which is used for a wide variety of syndromes and diseases of the joints. A similar technique is based on the introduction of drugs into the area located near the affected joint.
Its main goal is to eliminate the source of pain and the main cause of its occurrence. The fight against the localization of painful manifestations is important. The main advantages of such a blockade are the speed and the absence of side effects.
Periarticular blockade is also called periarticular blockade, since the therapeutic mixture is injected directly into the region of periarticular tissues, such as ligaments, tendons, muscles. The drugs used are characterized by a prolonged action. Pain relief lasts for a long time.
Periarticular blocks are completely painless and safe, which makes it possible not to use additional anesthetics. The dosage is selected strictly separately for each person.
Intra-articular blockades are minimally invasive procedures in whichthe drug is injected directly into the joint. The procedure is carried out under the control of technology.
Indications for injection
When stiffness and the first unpleasant symptoms of joint blockade occur, it is mandatory for neurological diseases, which include complications of the thoracic, cervical and lumbar spine. In particular, such pathologies and disorders include:
- tunnel syndrome;
- osteochondrosis;
- pain in the neck or back;
- pain in the spine with intervertebral hernia;
- rheumatism;
- headaches;
- osteoarthritis of the joints.

In addition, many other types of drug blockades can be carried out as prescribed by the attending doctor. The neurologist determines the course of blockade strictly separately.
Pros and cons of the procedure
With very severe pain in the affected area, a blockade is indicated. An injection into the joint has certain pros and cons. Among the main advantages, it should be noted such as:
- rapid pain relief;
- you can apply this technique repeatedly;
- virtually no side effects;
- intra-articular injections do not carry the risk of introducing bacteria into the joint cavity;
- therapeutic effects are observed.
However, it should be borne in mind that such a technique has certain disadvantages, among which it should be noted such as:
- is not the main method of conductingtreatment;
- does not eliminate the root cause of the disease;
- the injection itself injures the joint;
- prolonged use of this technique leads to the destruction of the joint.
Since there are certain pros and cons of such a procedure, only the attending physician prescribes it, since it has certain contraindications that must be taken into account.
Knee block
Those who often suffer from severe joint pain, it is important to know what it is - blockade of the joints and how exactly it is carried out. This is the most popular procedure for arthritis and arthrosis. Legs are one of the most vulnerable areas of the human skeleton, as they account for a significant part of the load. The blockade of the knee joint with arthrosis is carried out both analgesic and therapeutic. At the same time, inflammation and pain can be eliminated, and a person’s ability to work can be restored, which is very important.

Special drugs with a narrow spectrum of action are used to carry out the blockade. Not only anesthetic injections are introduced, but also antiseptics and antibiotics. The impact of the applied injections persists for a long time. Among the main indications for the blockade can be noted such as:
- reactive synovitis;
- non-infectious arthritis;
- posttraumatic and postoperative arthritis;
- bursitis, periarthritis.
In addition, therapeutic blockades are shown in case of no effect from painkillers,in the presence of deforming osteoarthritis and chronic arthritis.
Injections into the knee joint can be performed from both sides or only from the outside. Doctors prefer the second option, as it is easier to perform and the safest for the patient. If the situation is very difficult and the pain is intense, then injections can be given on both sides.
During the procedure, the patient lies on his back, and a small roller is placed under the knee area. Novocaine is injected into the affected area of the patella, then the leg is bent, unbent, and rotational movements are carried out.
Shoulder injections
The blockade of the shoulder joint is characterized by a high degree of effectiveness in the professional implementation of the procedure. Due to its natural structure, this joint is unstable, which is why dislocations, injuries, and ligament injuries are quite common. In addition, it has a high degree of mobility compared to other joints.
All this is aggravated by a small amount of periarticular tissues, ligaments and muscles, as well as joints. Due to the fact that several muscle groups are involved, the normal functioning of the shoulder joint is maintained. Muscles are damaged by frequent injuries, heavy physical exertion. In this case, the pain is permanent.

If acute pain occurs, a blockade of the shoulder joint is mandatory, so that further complex treatment of the affected area can then be carried out.
Whenduring the procedure, the person lies on his back and bends his arm at the elbow. As a result of this, a small tubercle begins to protrude. It is located between the coracoid process of the scapula and the humerus. It is in this area that the blockade is being carried out.
Other types of pain relief
The blockade of the elbow joint is carried out when a person bends his arm at the elbow to a right angle. The area where the needle will be inserted is located between the olecranon and the lower part of the epicondyle. The blockade of the wrist joint must be performed from the back of the surface of the hand on the lines connecting the processes of the ulna and the radius.
Blockade of the hip joint is carried out from any side of the surface. In this case, the person must be in a prone position with a straight thigh. During the puncture, the localization of the area for the insertion of the needle is slightly below the inguinal fold. When performing a blockade of the hip joint, the needle is inserted strictly until it stops in the bone.
Injections into the ankle joint are performed only on the front surface. During the procedure, the foot is given slight plantar flexion. When performing an ankle block, the needle must pass between the talus and tibia.
Novocaine blockade
Depending on the desired result, therapeutic blockades can be anesthetic, thrombolytic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic. In modern neurology, anesthetic blockades are often used, in particular, novocaine.
Novocaine blockade implies thatthat the patient is given an injection of the anesthetic drug "Novocain" directly into the affected area, while providing an almost instantaneous analgesic effect.
It allows you to almost instantly eliminate pain, which is very important when exacerbating diseases such as:
- sciatica;
- osteochondrosis;
- intervertebral hernia;
- lumbago.
The resulting pain provokes muscle spasm, which further increases the pain. Over time, the patient's he alth deteriorates sharply. Novocaine blockade helps to quickly and effectively eliminate pain and muscle spasm provoked by a similar condition.
During the injection, the action of the drug is directed directly to the source of pain, due to which the drug gives a very fast analgesic effect. Together with the elimination of pain, novocaine blockade helps relieve inflammation, swelling, vasospasm, normalize blood circulation and tissue nutrition. In addition, during injections, metabolic processes are stimulated.
Drugs for blockade
The choice of the drug for the procedure is carried out strictly individually, taking into account the general condition and diagnostic results. If necessary, during therapy, the doctor can change the drug and continue therapy with other drugs or stop treatment. It is worth remembering that each medicine used for blockades has certain contraindications that must be taken into account. In particular, for treatment, drugs such as:
- anesthetics;
- chondroprotectors;
- hyaluronic acid;
- glucocorticoids;
- vitamins.
Blockade of the joint with arthrosis is mainly carried out with the help of anesthetics. These medicines are used for point exposure. Even a single use of them can significantly reduce painful manifestations. Often, blockades are carried out with the help of drugs such as Trimecain, Novocain, Lidocaine. However, it is worth remembering that these drugs can provoke allergic reactions, so they must be used very carefully.

Chondroprotectors are prescribed to stimulate regenerative processes in the joint. However, these drugs also have an analgesic function. They can be prescribed in the acute course of the disease and during remission. Intra-articular administration of chondroprotectors can reduce painful manifestations during an exacerbation. Unlike tablets, they are injected directly into the affected area and do not require prolonged use.
Injections of hyaluronic acid preparations are not able to eliminate pain, however, they quite effectively cope with the lack of synovial fluid. Thanks to the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the cavity of the affected joint, recovery processes are activated.
The introduction of hormonal drugs into the joint is considered the best way to anesthetize the affected area. Hormones quite effectively cope with inflammation and act as immunomodulators. Oftenblockade of the joint "Diprospan", "Kenalog", "Hydrocortisone" is carried out. These drugs have a long-term effect, so they do not need to be administered too often.
The drug "Diprospan" is used most often. It is available in the form of a suspension or solution for injection. Depending on the available indications, the doctor selects an individual dosage. When blocking a joint with Diprospan, anesthetics are often not used. It is necessary to administer the medicine very slowly so as not to provoke an increase in pain. The procedure must be carried out by a qualified doctor, as there is a possibility of damage to adjacent tendons and muscles.
Blockade of the knee joint "Diprospan" is quite effective in bursitis of various etiology and localization. It is possible to carry out treatment with this drug no more than 1 time in 2-3 months. When completing the course of therapy, the dosage should be gradually reduced, since abrupt withdrawal of the drug can provoke a deterioration in well-being.
Vitamins can also be used to carry out the blockade. Their task is to improve the nutrition of cartilage tissue, as well as create conditions for the normalization of blood circulation. Often prescribed "Kombilipen" or "Milgamma".
Feature of the procedure
Blockades, regardless of the level of complexity, are carried out only in specialized medical institutions. Before performing the procedure, preparation is required. In particular, you need to carry out actions such as:
- take a shower and change into clean clothes;
- take with youspare clothes and shoes;
- if the patient has rather long hair, they need to be hidden under a scarf or a special cap;
- it is forbidden to talk during the procedure.
Initially, the doctor explains to the patient exactly how the procedure is performed, then the affected area is treated with an antiseptic and selects the area for the introduction of a therapeutic injection.

An empty syringe is used to puncture the affected joint cavity so that the resulting fluid can be removed. Then the drug is drawn into the syringe, a certain area in the joint cavity is pierced, the drug is slowly injected.
After the administration of the medicine prescribed by the doctor, the affected area must be kept calm for at least 3 hours. After the procedure, it is recommended to exclude high loads on the affected joint.
The use of drug blockade can not always be indicated. There are certain restrictions, which include violations and conditions such as:
- tendency to bleed heavily;
- drug sensitivity or contraindications;
- lack of consciousness in humans;
- blood pathologies;
- hemophilia;
- epilepsy;
- pregnancy and lactation.
It is very important to consider contraindications, as various complications can occur.
Complications and side effects
The likelihood of complications aftertherapeutic blockade is negligible. The risk of consequences largely depends on the patient's well-being, as well as on the quality of the procedure and its variety. There are several types of complications, in particular, such as:
- toxic;
- vegetovascular;
- allergic;
- inflammatory;
- traumatic;
- local reactions.
Toxic complications can occur as a result of the penetration of drugs into the lumen of the vessels, as well as the wrong choice of drug or its dosage. A similar problem may be with a lack of experience of a medical worker.
Allergy to the drugs used can be of a delayed type or manifest as anaphylactic shock. In the first case, the reaction is characterized by skin manifestations. In anaphylactic shock, a person's well-being begins to deteriorate very sharply. Respiratory failure develops, and cardiac arrest may also occur.

Vegetovascular complications manifest themselves in the form of a sharp drop in pressure. It is worth noting that the nervous system does not suffer much. In addition, there are no changes in the functioning of the heart and respiratory system.
Inflammatory reactions can develop as a result of infection. The most dangerous and severe consequences include meningitis, periostitis, osteomyelitis. Traumatic complications occur when blood vessels or nerves are damaged. If present, bruising may occur.
In the case of an incorrectly selected druglocal reactions may occur. They also occur in violation of the administration of the drug. The consequences are often manifested in the form of severe swelling, increased pain and inflammatory reactions.
Feedback on the procedure
Reviews about the blockade of the joints are quite diverse and have a wide range of ratings. Some say that the procedure is not particularly pleasant, but quite tolerable, especially since the effect is felt immediately and it lasts for a long time. Some talk about lasting results, however, for them, every injection is like torture, so they try to find less painful ways of treatment.
Blockade of the knee joint reviews are mostly positive, as patients say that it can be used to quickly and effectively eliminate pain and normalize well-being. Some are dissatisfied with the fact that local allergic reactions are noted after the procedure.