Manic depression is one of the diseases of the human psyche that occurs quite often. This disorder is characterized by a frequent abrupt change from a depressed (depressive) state to an excited (manic) state.
This disease is very often found in a latent form, and then it is almost impossible to diagnose. Even a pronounced form of the disease does not always prompt the patient or his relatives to see a doctor, which is completely in vain: with proper treatment, the patient can feel better, and staying at home can harm both himself and those around him.

Unfortunately, even at present, the causes of manic depression are almost unknown. It has been proven that the tendency to this mental disorder can be inherited (for example, from grandmother to grandson), and, if there are factors favorable for the development of the disease, it can manifest itself at any time, but only after reaching the age of thirteen.
It is also known that manic depression most often develops on the basis ofincreased nervous excitability. From the foregoing, we can conclude that people who have a hereditary tendency to this disease should be especially jealous of their mental he alth.
This mental disorder is most easily treated in the initial stages, and therefore it is very important to be able to recognize its very first symptoms. As already mentioned, this disease begins to develop only from the age of 13, and just at this age the human psyche is already fully formed, which allows an observant person to notice the first deviations from the norm.

The first symptom is slight changes in emotional reactions to any events, and a sharp change in mood appears a little later. So, a depressed state close to depression can be abruptly replaced by high mood, joy, even euphoria. And, most importantly when diagnosing, the period of bad mood always lasts longer.
As the name suggests, manic depression is characterized by the frequent alternation of two states - depressive and manic.
Depressive state can be recognized by the constant manifestations of bad mood, physical and mental retardation, deterioration of he alth, development of heart disease. In especially severe cases, the patient may fall into a stupor - do not move, do not talk, do not react to anything.

A manic state is easily recognized by a sharp increase in mood, excessivecheerfulness, strong excitement (the patient constantly moves and talks).
Both conditions are characterized by increased heart rate.
At the initial stage, this disease is characterized as a depressive-manic syndrome that causes significant inconvenience, but does not carry real danger. But if left untreated, after a couple of years, the syndrome turns into a depressive-manic psychosis. At this stage, the patient becomes truly dangerous, since in a depressive period he is capable of suicide, and in a manic period he is capable of destruction and murder.
Treatment of this mental disorder is possible only in a psychiatric clinic, where the patient will be protected from society and pathogens. Treatment includes both work with a psychiatrist and medical procedures.
Conversations with a psychotherapist are very important for a patient, who should not only identify the causes of manic depression and eliminate them, but also reassure the patient. Also, a positive result will bring the observance of the correct daily routine and the support of relatives.