Fungal infections quite often affect people of different ages and genders. Fungi of the genus Candida, which are present in the body of almost every person, begin to activate when exposed to certain factors, provoking the development of such an ailment as thrush or skin candidiasis. This phenomenon, in addition to an aesthetic defect, causes a number of complications, so the disease is considered serious. At the same time, the disease affects not only adults, but also children, especially newborns. The disease often manifests itself due to a decrease in immunity, hormonal changes in the body and frequent infectious diseases.
Characteristic of the disease
Candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes is an ailment that manifests itself in the form of edematous areas that have a red tint and contain papules, erosions or vesicles. Most often, such phenomena are formed in the skin folds of the armpits, inguinal region, mammary glands and between the phalanges of the fingers.
Candida fungi are in a he althy body in a passive state. When the immune system is disturbed, they are activated and begin to multiply rapidly, as a result of whichtoxins are released that damage tissues and even internal organs, contributing to the infection. In an infected person, candidiasis of the skin folds begins to appear. If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic, in which the skin can be completely affected. This phenomenon is inherent in people with serious chronic pathologies and those who have HIV. If pus appears on pathological skin areas, we can talk about the neglect of the disease, so you need to urgently contact a medical facility.
Doctors say that skin candidiasis is a nosocomial infection. 10% of people become infected with this disease in a hospital, in half of the cases the disease leads to damage to internal organs and death.

Skin candidiasis (photo presented in the article) can be observed in people of different nationalities, genders and age groups. For the first time, Candida fungi enter the body during the birth of a child. Often, the causative agent of the infection is found on food, household items, raw meat and milk. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in children and the elderly. But besides people, animals and poultry are carriers of the infection. If a person has skin candidiasis, this may indicate a violation of the immune or endocrine system.
Causes of disease
Candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes can manifest itself as a result of exposure to external and internal negative factors:
- Exchange disorderprocesses that lead to diabetes and obesity.
- Dysbacteriosis.
- Depletion of the body, lack of vitamins.
- Long-term use of antibiotics and corticosteroids.
- Alcohol and drug intoxication.
- Pregnancy period.
- Chronic depression.
- Injury to the skin, as a result of which the pathogen enters through wounds or microcracks.
- Contact for a long period of time with substances that contain a large amount of sugar.
- Extended exposure to high humidity.
- HIV infection or AIDS.
- Congenital disease due to the presence of pathology in a pregnant woman, which is transmitted to the child during labor. This phenomenon is observed quite often today.
These provoking factors contribute to the activation and reproduction of fungi in the human body. Children are most susceptible to the disease due to their age, fragile body and high activity, so skin candidiasis in children is diagnosed more often. They often get sick from eating dirty dishes in preschools, and habits of putting dirty objects in their mouths.

Varieties of pathology
Depending on the location of the abnormal process, skin candidiasis (photo provided above) can have several types:
- Urogenital candidiasis is characterized by the appearance of papules or erosions on the genitals. In this case, one speaks ofvulvovaginitis or balanitis.
- Smooth skin candidiasis is caused by damage to the skin in the face, chest, abdomen, neck. Usually the disease develops in newborns.
- Candidiasis of the skin of the hands and feet, areas between the phalanges of the fingers. Pathology is inherent in children and people with harmful working conditions.
- Candida folliculitis is characterized by damage to the armpits, beard, mustache, scalp.
- Paronychia is caused by the presence of candidiasis on the nail plates and the skin that surrounds them.
- Intertrigo, which affects large areas of the skin, localized under the mammary glands, armpits, buttocks and thighs, groin and perineum.
- Labial candidiasis, which affects the corners of the mouth.
- Yeast stomatitis affecting the oral cavity, including tonsils, tongue.
- Diaper candidiasis is characterized by damage to the perineal region in children.
- Bandage candidiasis occurs in bedridden patients or those wearing casts.
Usually, the infection manifests itself in several areas of the skin at once.
Form of candidiasis

Skin candidiasis has two forms: acute and chronic. A chronic disease is difficult to treat, as new skin areas are affected when relapses occur.
Depending on the type of skin manifestations of the disease, it is customary to allocate:
- Vesicular form. It is caused by the formation of papules and blisters on the skin that burst, weeping areas appear in their place, whichcovered with cheesy bloom.
- Erythematous form. It is characterized by swelling and redness of the affected areas, the appearance of erosions that are prone to manifestations.
Also, skin candidiasis can be superficial, which affects the surface layer of the skin, and deep, when the infection penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis. In the second case, the disease is considered extremely dangerous, as it often leads to death as a result of damage to internal organs.
Symptoms of pathology
Skin candidiasis symptoms are obvious. Redness, swelling, and then papules appear on the skin. When they are expressed, erosions with a curdled coating are formed, which have pronounced boundaries. First, candidiasis appears in the area of large folds of the skin, which are located in the chest, buttocks and groin. The affected areas begin to itch. Depending on the localization of the pathological process, the disease can manifest such symptoms as the formation of cracks in the corners of the mouth, the presence of whitish spots in the oral cavity, the inability to swallow, itching of the genital organs, white discharge from them, pain in the affected areas. When scratching papules, wounds may appear, through which secondary infections often penetrate.
In case of severe pathologies of the immune or endocrine system, the disease shows signs such as the formation of blue or brown scaly spots on the skin, the appearance of bald patches on the head, the development of erosions on the genitals that constantly bleed, and the formation of constantly weeping areas. Atthis person may experience constant fatigue, weakness, dizziness.

Negative consequences of pathology
In the absence of therapy, the disease acquires a chronic form, which is characterized by a constant expansion of abnormal skin areas. For example, candidiasis of the skin of the face without proper treatment can eventually cover the entire head area. A serious violation of the immune system leads to the development of diseases of the internal organs. Often, candidiasis can cause meningitis, encephalitis, pathologies of the kidneys and liver, heart, eyes, and so on. There is a risk of infection spreading through the bloodstream throughout the body, which can cause sepsis and death.
Diagnostic measures
Diagnosis begins with a history and examination of the patient. The doctor determines the presence of pathological areas of the skin. He takes a scraping from such a site and the presence of infectious fungi. To thin the type of infectious agent, as well as to identify its reaction to antifungal drugs, bacteriological culture is performed. Very often, the patient is prescribed ELISA, RIF or PCR. These techniques allow you to determine the amount of fungi in the body. To study the causes of the development of the disease, laboratory tests, an immunogram and an HIV test are carried out.

Differential Diagnosis
Skin candidiasis must be differentiated from diseases such as psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, dermatitis, athlete's groin, ringworm and othersfungal diseases. Also, the doctor must distinguish between candidiasis and a disease such as pseudomycosis. In case of damage to the nail plates and the groin area, the doctor must exclude the possibility of pathogenic bacteria entering the body, and not fungi.
Skin candidiasis treatment involves a complex. The doctor prescribes antifungal drugs, therapy of internal organs, correction of the immune system, exclusion of negative factors that contribute to the appearance of pathology.
Treatment of cutaneous candidiasis consists of the following points:
- Elimination of the causative agent of infection with antiseptics, antibiotics and special ointments.
- Elimination of the source of the disease with the help of ointments, suppository solutions.
- Chronic care.
In case of a mild disease, laser therapy, the use of creams and ointments, compresses can be prescribed.
The duration of treatment depends on the age of the patient, the stage and form of the disease, the presence of concomitant diseases, the dosage of drugs. When using small doses of drugs, the disease may return after a while.
Also, doctors recommend eating right, excluding sweets and carbohydrates from the diet, which contribute to the rapid reproduction of fungi. You also need to watch your weight. It is recommended to periodically use vitamin complexes and immunostimulants. After the disappearance of signs of candidiasis, maintenance therapy should be carried out to reduce the risk of relapse. Such therapy is prescribed for twenty days. But there is alwaysthe risk of relapse, so it is recommended to periodically undergo scheduled examinations by a doctor. In severe cases of the disease, the doctor increases the dosage of drugs and develops a second course of treatment.
In the treatment of children, a solution of manganese, chamomile, soda is used. The solution is washed with the affected areas of the skin. It is possible to use special children's ointments and powders. The pediatrician prescribes the duration of treatment in each case.

Skin candidiasis is a dangerous disease, especially for those people who are at risk. Lack of treatment leads to complications and negative consequences that are difficult to eliminate. Often, the disease provokes the development of pathology of internal organs, which can cause death of a person. With timely therapy, which was not interrupted and led to recovery, the prognosis will be good.

For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to prevent the appearance of dysbacteriosis and fungal diseases. To do this, a person must eat right, including fermented milk products in the diet, as well as eliminating sweets and flour dishes from it, and not taking antibiotics for a long period of time. Bedridden patients, as well as those who suffer from oncology, HIV infection, diseases of the immune and endocrine systems, blood, it is necessary to periodically be examined for the presence of fungal infections in the body.
Candida mushrooms are quite commonin nature, they are part of the normal microflora of the oral cavity, genitals and intestines of many he althy people. Under the influence of negative factors, their number increases rapidly, there is a risk of developing skin candidiasis.
For the purpose of prevention, it is recommended to diagnose and treat candidiasis in pregnant women, infants, people who have harmful working conditions or intestinal dysbacteriosis. Compliance with all the recommendations and prescriptions of the doctor allows you to come to a complete recovery.