Today, many couples are planning a child responsibly. After all, it depends only on the future parents whether the baby will be he althy. Various factors negatively affect the human body. Some of them can be minimized. You also need to pay special attention to the medication intake by future parents. To have a he althy baby, you need to know how long you can get pregnant after taking antibiotics.

Influence of drugs
In order to determine the complications from the use of antibacterial agents by a man and a woman, it is necessary to identify their effect on the body. Specialists prescribe antibiotics for infectious diseases in order to destroy the infection in any part of the body.
Antibiotics are necessary for a person, since withoutpeople would die from various infections. But how to plan a pregnancy after taking antibiotics? It is not necessary to plan conception immediately after treatment. The medicine destroys the infection, but along with it, the good human bacteria. As a result of the use of medications, dysbacteriosis appears, the acid-base balance of the stomach changes. The immune system can also be weakened, and during such a pregnancy, a woman can easily get sick.
When the immune system is weakened, other diseases, such as candidiasis, can be activated, which can harm the child. Therefore, future parents need to recover completely, and then restore their he alth and improve immunity.
Medical experts advise to cure any infectious disease before conception, since it is undesirable to undergo therapy during pregnancy. How long after antibiotic treatment can I get pregnant? Experts believe that it is necessary to wait about three months. This period is due to the fact that drugs affect the body as a whole (respectively, they have an effect on the human genital organs), and pregnancy should be planned only after all cells are renewed.

The effect of drugs on the child
Can or can't antibiotics be given during conception? The negative effect of drugs is caused by their pharmacological action, which destroys infections and microorganisms. But the fact is that the antibiotic kills not only bacteria, but also the beneficial microflora of the body. If pregnancy does occur, thenthe child may experience abnormalities during development, such as, for example, deafness, defects in organs, and so on. Therefore, experts insist on planning a child only after the removal of the antibacterial drug from the body.
Types of medicines
How long does it take to get pregnant after taking antibiotics? Recovery after using these drugs depends on the group of drugs:
- Penicillin drugs are the safest for humans and have the least effect on fetal development.
- Cephalosporin drugs affect the development of the fetus. They have a strong effect on the first months of pregnancy. Sometimes this type of medicine is prescribed for pregnant women, but after the first trimester.
- Macrolide drugs are also considered the safest.
- Other types of antibiotics are not safe. Therefore, their use in planning is strictly prohibited.
Pregnancy planning and antibiotics are incompatible. If a married couple wants a child, then it is necessary to discuss this with the doctor and choose the drugs that are the safest for the development of the fetus (that is, those after which you can quickly recover).
You can not drink drugs on your own without the supervision of a doctor. The thoughtless use of drugs can lead to serious consequences. This can be especially dangerous for girls and women who want to have children in the future.

Pregnancy and illness
Necessitythe use of antibiotics can only be established by a specialist. There is a rule that all couples who want to have children must follow. Antibiotics can be used only if the results of the tests revealed infections. If the disease is not infectious, then the drug will only harm the body. Often during a cold, SARS, women begin to drink antibiotics, but the source of the disease in this case is a virus, not an infection. An antibiotic cannot help a virus. Also, do not use an antibiotic in order to reduce body temperature (there are other safer remedies), or for cough, pain.
How long can I get pregnant after taking antibiotics? If a woman had a disease that is associated with an infection, then doctors insist on protection for three months. But if the pregnancy occurs immediately after the end of the use of drugs, then the substances in the woman's blood can cause the embryo to be rejected, and a miscarriage will occur. It can also happen if the drugs were used by a man, since the action of antibiotics causes significant changes in spermatozoa.
Changes in the balance of microflora can lead to dysbacteriosis and fungal infections. In order to prevent complications, it is necessary to use special prebiotics during treatment. Dairy products should be included in the daily diet and flour products should be abandoned.
Dysbacteriosis appears due to changes in the acid-base balance. Useful microflora, which is located on the mucous membranes (protects the body from infections), has been destroyedantibiotics. Because of this, other diseases may appear after antibiotic treatment. Changes in the acidity of the vagina lead to the appearance of thrush. And already this disease can become the basis for the development of inflammation of the genitourinary system. This disease of a woman is also dangerous for a man, as it can lead to ureaplasmosis, which is difficult to treat.

My husband drank antibiotics
If the husband took medication, will it affect the development of the fetus (the possibility of fertilization)? How long can you get pregnant after taking antibiotics? Scientific studies that have been carried out in various states have proven that antibiotics lead to poor performance of the reproductive system. Therefore, their use should be under the supervision of specialists. There are many types of antibiotics, so each drug has a different effect on the human body. For example, the use of the drug "Doxycycline" leads to the fact that a man can become infertile, but only for the period of use of the drug. Also, this medicine has a bad effect on the DNA chain. In no case should you plan a baby while using these drugs. Also, after taking it, it is necessary to restore he alth, and this takes time. And only after the restoration of the he alth of the body, a man can think about conceiving a he althy baby.
When can I get pregnant after taking antibiotics? There are antibacterial drugs that are the safest for he alth. And byafter two weeks of using these medications, you can already think about the baby. These include "Amoxicillin", which is part of the group of non-hazardous penicillins. But some doctors are sure that it is still necessary to wait for cellular renewal (three months) and not take risks, since the he alth of the unborn child depends on this.
Consequences due to the use of drugs by a man
The process of cell renewal takes ninety days. The consequence of the use of drugs can be not only fertility in a man, but also pathology during a woman's pregnancy. Pathology refers to:
- deviations in the development of the unborn baby;
- delay during development;
- miscarriage;
- fetal death;
- missed pregnancy.
After the use of drugs by either spouse, the couple must protect themselves. In order to choose the type of contraception, you need to get expert advice.
Planning pregnancy after taking antibiotics
There are several reasons that affect the possibility of conception. If a woman used a course of antibacterial drugs, then you need to know about the possible problems from specific medications. When taking drugs by a woman, there is a difficulty, which is due to the fact that a certain number of eggs are laid from birth, and their number is limited. Medications can affect the structure of eggs that are preparing for ovulation.

When can a woman get pregnant after taking antibiotics? Specialistsinsist that a man and a woman refuse to plan a baby for at least three months. If the medicine has a strong negative effect on the body, then the period can increase up to six months. The negative effect of the drug is that when it is used, the egg becomes defective. Also, the substances contained in the preparation affect the structure of the endometrium, which will be needed in the future for the fetal egg.
Depending on the type of medicine, the time period for a man can be reduced to fourteen days. But usually, for safety, experts strongly recommend that the couple wait about three months so that the defective sperm does not fertilize the egg.
He alth Restoration
After using antibacterial substances, it is necessary to take a number of measures to restore your he alth:
- The couple needs to be tested for microflora.
- To improve the balance, you need to change the diet and include foods such as fermented baked milk, kefir, cottage cheese.
- Refuse flour and sweets.
- Take the antioxidants your doctor recommends. These include multivitamins, ascorbic acid.
- Also, to improve well-being, you need to eat nuts, fruits, berries, add dill, parsley to food.
- It is useful to drink infusions of herbs from chamomile, St. John's wort and more. It is useful for a woman to drink tea with mint, lemon, fruit drinks. Adding sugar is not recommended.
Sickness after medication
How long can you get pregnant after takingantibiotics? If complications occur after the use of antibacterial drugs, then before conception it is necessary to cure them. The doctor chooses drugs depending on the complexity of the new disease and the toxicity of the drug itself. Usually prescribed "Clotrimazole", "Fluconazole" and so on. When using them, you need to follow the instructions and do not self-medicate. Today, pharmacology is at a high level, and there are many medicines that help restore the microflora. Most often, probiotics are used for this. The most famous are Bifidumbacterin and Lactobacterin. These drugs are used for a slight imbalance of microflora. In more difficult situations, tools such as Linex, Enterol, Acipol are used.
There are drugs that, in addition to treating dysbacteriosis, kill the fungus. These include Bifidumbacterin-Forte, Acidophilus.

He althy lifestyle
In order to restore he alth after taking antibacterial agents, it is necessary to use additional medicines, as well as traditional medicine. In addition, it is important for parents to maintain a he althy lifestyle. Planning for pregnancy after antibiotics is possible only if the couple fully recovers. Therefore, a man and a woman need to give up bad habits, exercise, but not exceed the load.

Currently, there are many factors that canaffect pregnancy and the he alth of the baby. There are some factors that future parents cannot influence. But it is quite realistic to reduce the risk of pathology and endure a he althy baby. To do this, you need to take care of your he alth.
There are many diseases that can only be cured with antibacterial drugs. You can not refuse to take them if it is required by human he alth. Planning for pregnancy after antibiotics is possible after the full recovery of each of the spouses. In order to recover and recover after treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and in no case should you use drugs at your own discretion. There are drugs that can affect the structure of DNA.