Prolapse of the internal organs characterizes a lower, compared with normal, localization of the stomach, liver, intestines, kidneys and others. This gives rise to some problems. The general prolapse of the organs located in the abdominal cavity is called "splanchnoptosis" in medical science.
Due to the hypotension of the muscles that surround the pelvic floor and abdominal cavity, their supporting function gradually weakens. The intestines, stomach and pelvic organs begin to move down. And the ligaments that hold them are stretched. Prolapse of internal organs in women often occurs after childbirth.

This disease primarily threatens thin-boned and narrow-shouldered asthenics with excessively extensible connective tissue. Their organs can drop with regular physical overexertion and prolonged overwork, when the neuromuscular tone decreases. The most common prolapse of the kidneys, stomach, pelvic organs, transverse colonguts.
Depending on the organ that is omitted, some features of the clinical picture of the pathology are revealed. However, any form is characterized by complaints about the development of constipation, decreased performance, appetite, and sleep disturbances. Prolapse of the internal organs of the small pelvis for women can be fraught with problems with reproductive function.
How does pain manifest itself?
Pain syndrome appears over time and gradually increases towards the end of the working day. In addition, many patients note a decrease in soreness in a horizontal position. With a decrease in muscle strength, the balance is disturbed, which is created by the pressure of the organs on each other. The ligamentous apparatus also weakens, and the lower abdomen begins to protrude.
Symptoms and treatment of organ prolapse are interrelated. A certain role in maintaining the correct position is played by fatty tissues of the abdominal cavity. With significant weight loss, the layer of adipose tissue decreases, and the muscles take on the entire weight of the internal organs.
Now let's move on to the next aspect.

Common symptoms of organ prolapse
Intermittent pulling and aching pain in the abdomen may be a sign of displacement of the stomach and intestines. Discomfort and discomfort usually occur in an upright position and begin to subside when lying down. When the kidneys are lowered, the patient is worried about pain in the lumbar region. If it is joined by a pulling pain in the sacrum, in the lower abdomen, and there are symptoms of urinary incontinence when sneezing, coughing,physical effort, laughter, prolapse of the vagina and uterus is not excluded, which in some cases ends in their prolapse.
The symptoms of splanchnoptosis are usually:
- Pain in the lumbar region and in the abdomen.
- Nausea, palpitations, dizziness, spontaneous pain, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.
- Excessive fatigue and pain when working in an inclined position or standing.
- Bloating, constipation, saggy abdominal wall.

Specific symptoms
When making a diagnosis, there is a noticeable predominance of symptoms of certain organs. More often, splanchnoptosis is diagnosed in women, which is caused by childbearing, chronic diseases, rapid weight loss.
Predominant symptoms:
- When the stomach is lowered - pain in the pit of the stomach after a heavy meal, pain in the lower back, which pass in a horizontal position. Similar symptoms and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen may appear after jumping, running. There is nausea, flatulence, vomiting.
- When the intestines are displaced - there are dull pains in the lower right part of the abdomen, in the lumbar region, headaches, fatigue, constipation, excessive gas formation. With the prolapse of the internal organs in men, there is an increase in urination, in women - painful menstruation. The displacement of the caecum is rare, manifested by bloating, constipation, pain in the right upper abdomen.
- When the kidneys are lowered - pain in the lower back whenphysical exertion, nausea, renal colic, vomiting, hyperthermia.
- When the liver is prolapsed - pain in the right hypochondrium, spasmodic spontaneous pains that disappear or decrease in the supine position.
- When the spleen is displaced, which is also extremely rare, there is pain in the pit of the stomach and in the lower abdomen, passing into the lumbar region.
- When the internal organs are prolapsed in women, the symptoms are as follows: drawing pains, heaviness in the lower abdomen are noted. Muscle tension in the pelvic area becomes painful, problems with holding stool and urine develop.
Pelvic droop occurs due to muscle weakness. A similar pathology is called a gynecological hernia, while the pelvic organs descend into the birth canal, stretching its walls. In most cases, surgery is required to return the organs to their proper place. But sometimes gymnastics is enough.

Causes of pathology
Prolapse of the internal organs leads to the emergence of various chronic diseases, and their cause becomes very difficult to diagnose. The implementation of therapeutic measures in most cases does not lead to a positive result and does not relieve pain.
Prolapse of internal organs can occur for various reasons:
- Congenital weakness of the ligaments and muscles that respond to the correct physiological position of the organs. Such features of the body are characteristic of patients with asthenic body type. Kyphosis andosteochondrosis can also change the position of the organs, which is due to the excessive approach of the diaphragm to the pelvic region, which also attracts the organs located under it. High regular physical activity also leads to a weakening of the ligamentous apparatus and muscles of the abdominal system, which also contributes to a change in the natural position.
- Pelvic organ prolapse often develops due to lack of exercise to prepare for pregnancy and childbirth. As well as insufficient recovery period after the birth of a child.
- Excess weight contributes to the formation of excess fat in the abdominal organs and their gradual omission.
- Chronic cough provokes a constant tension of the diaphragm, which also contributes to the development of this pathological condition.
- Sudden weight loss leads to a decrease in the tone of the ligaments and muscles in the abdominal cavity, which do not have time to adjust to the changed volume. In this case, the weight of the organs rests on the wall of the peritoneum, which contributes to their descent.
Treatment methods
Therapeutic measures for prolapse of internal organs depend on the degree of development of the pathology. Also of considerable importance is the general condition of the patient. And also what organs need medical care. There are three treatment methods:
- Correction method - the use of bandages. Their widespread use in the prolapse of female organs is due to the possibility of refusing to undergo surgical intervention for a certain time. With the help of a bandage, the abdominalwall, which creates close to normal pressure and helps to limit the mobility of organs. A bandage does not solve this problem, however, it helps to improve the patient's well-being and give time to prepare for the operation.
- Traditional method - is a complex treatment and combines physical therapy complexes, medical practice and massage. Antispasmodics and pain relief medications relieve pain and reduce the likelihood of further development of spasms. With the omission of female organs, it is also recommended to take certain medications. If this pathological phenomenon has led to a negative effect on the bladder, congestion may occur from the vessels of this area and cystitis, inflammation of the genital organs may develop. In this case, the use of antibiotics, antidepressants and drugs to detoxify the body is practiced. Therapeutic and physical activities are developed for each organ system and are aimed at strengthening the anterior wall of the peritoneum and restoring muscle tone. The traditional technique is indicated in the early stages of organ prolapse and usually gives good results.
- Surgical intervention, which is aimed at returning organs to their physiological place. It is prescribed to patients with the impossibility of their normal functioning, the occurrence of constant pain, in the presence of a threat of the development of chronic diseases. Modern advances in the field of medicine make it possible to achieve a positive result with a laparoscopic method of intervention, when access toorgans is carried out through micro-incisions in the abdominal cavity, and the operation itself is carried out with special tubular devices. This approach is the least traumatic and significantly reduces the risk of postoperative complications.

Prolapse of internal organs in women after childbirth
The period of pregnancy and childbirth have a serious impact on the condition of the muscles of the small pelvis and peritoneum. After childbirth, there is a powerful restoration of all body functions, including muscle tone. To prevent the development of prolapse, it is recommended to carry out the following activities from the first days of the postpartum period:
- Fixation of muscles by means of a tissue bandage - a dense cotton or linen fabric that does not tighten the muscles, but supports the anterior wall of the peritoneum, like a bandage. This dressing should be applied in the first two weeks after childbirth.
- The use of special ointments that restore muscle tone and elasticity of the ligaments. Such funds are selected depending on personal tolerance.
- Physical exercises that are aimed at restoring muscle structure. Initially, the loads should be gentle, in the future they should be gradually increased.
After childbirth, prolapse of the pelvic organs is most often diagnosed, which negatively affects the excretory organs. These symptoms are manifested by dysfunction of the bladder and rectum.

Exercises for organ prolapse often help to avoid surgery. Their main task is to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal wall, pelvic floor, lumbar region, normalize the functional state of the digestive organs, increase the motor functions of the intestinal tract, and activate redox processes. The following groups of exercises are recommended:
- Lying on the couch with the head end raised by 10-12 cm, on the back, perform breathing exercises (full breathing, diaphragmatic). The movements are performed rhythmically, the amplitude is full, at an average pace.
- Exercise for the legs - with tension and free.
- Lying on the right side - movements of the limbs. Diaphragmatic breathing. Repeat the same on the left side.
- Lying on the stomach doing exercises to strengthen the spinal muscles (movement of the legs and lower body).
- Knee-elbow, knee-wrist position - exercises for the muscles of the trunk and limbs.
- Lying on your back - exercises for all the muscles of the legs and torso. Without increasing pressure on the abdominal cavity, the transition from a supine position to a sitting position is also excluded.
All exercises for lowering the internal organs are performed within 15 - 20 minutes. At the final stage, gymnastics for medium and small muscles of the limbs, breathing exercises are recommended.
Starting from 6-8 weeks after achieving a positive result (improvement in appetite, subjective state, performance, sleep, normalizationchair) exercises for posture are introduced into the therapeutic complex of physical activity, with the exception of forward bending of the torso. In the course of treatment of prolapse of internal organs, it is advisable to use no more than 3 sets of exercises, selected individually.
When approaching the natural position, classes can be held somewhat less frequently than in the first stages. It is recommended to lift objects from the floor after crouching. When getting out of bed, the patient should first turn on their side, lower their legs and only then raise the torso.
During the first year of treatment, jumping, forward bending, and running are not recommended. To activate the motor functions of the digestive tract, massage of the sacral and lumbar region, self-massage of the abdomen, and colon massage are indicated. Gymnastics with the omission of internal organs should be performed regularly.
Prevention of pathology
Acquired or congenital prolapse of the internal organs is characterized by a physiologically incorrect, underestimated location. To prevent displacement or complications that arise in this case, it is necessary to exclude the following factors:
- Regular stressful situations.
- Dramatic change in diet.
- Weight fluctuations.
- Excessive exercise.

To prevent prolapse of internal organs, follow simple rules:
- Keep a measured lifestyle, where there is a place for feasible, moderate physical activity.
- Correct andeat rationally, avoiding sudden weight gain or loss.
- Avoid strenuous exercise and sports that can provoke prolapse of the abdominal organs.
- Performance of physical activities aimed at increasing muscle tone and elasticity of ligaments. It can be yoga, swimming, special sets of exercises.
- Carrying out a complex of restorative measures before planning pregnancy.
- Performing special exercises to stimulate the muscles of the pelvis and abdominal wall after childbirth.
- Timely medical examinations.
Organ prolapse is both a hereditary predisposition and an acquired pathology. Timely diagnosis, preventive measures and high-quality therapy make it possible to restore their normal position without surgical intervention.
We examined how the treatment of prolapse of the internal organs in women and men. We hope that now this topic has become clearer to you.