There are many varieties of skin neoplasms. They are unique in shape and size, have specific characteristics. Among the variety of skin neoplasms, nevi are of the greatest interest to doctors. These are small moles that can be found anywhere on the body. They are not dangerous, do not require specific treatment, but give each person a certain peculiarity. Setton's nevus is different from a normal mole. What you need to know about this pathology?
Short description
Setton's nevus is a pigmented formation surrounded by areas of colorless skin. It is painless and slightly rises above the surface of the dermis. It is because of the presence of a specific rim that the neoplasm is also called halonevus. According to clinical observations, this pathology is found in approximately 1% of the inhabitants of the planet. It is not congenital, but appears in childhood or adolescence.

Causes of occurrence
Galonevus belongs to the category of melanoma-dangerous pathologies, which distinguishes it from an ordinary mole or age spot. Behind the development of neoplasmconstant monitoring is required, since malignancy, i.e., malignancy, can be expected at any time. The exact causes of its occurrence have not been clarified.
Some researchers suggest that excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin underlies the emergence of such a pathology as Setton's nevus. Vitiligo is another cause of neoplasm. This is a genetic disease characterized by the absence of pigment in limited areas of the skin. The development of vitiligo with halonevus may be preceded by hormonal changes. There is also an opinion that the Setton spot is a kind of autoimmune reaction of the body. Its adherents believe that the appearance of a colorless border around the mole is due to the destruction of melanocytes by elements of the immune system. This theory is supported by studies in which cytotoxic antibodies were detected in the blood of patients.

Clinical manifestations
The development of Setton's nevus takes place in two stages. First, an ordinary mole is formed, and only after that a colorless rim is formed. In this form, Setton's nevus can remain for several years, then the stage of regression begins. Initially, the pigmented part is lost. The discolored headband fades gradually, acquiring a normal skin tone.
Visually, the nevus resembles a hemispherical formation with clear boundaries, which rises slightly above the surface of the skin. Its color can vary from light brown to almost black. Most often, halonevus are localized on the skin.arms and torso, less common on the face. In most cases, several Setton spots are observed simultaneously. The literature describes a case when the number of such moles on the patient's body exceeded 100 pieces.

Diagnostic Methods
The classic clinical picture of pigmented formation and the staging of its development make it easy to make the correct diagnosis. It is much more difficult to recognize Setton's nevus, the photo of which is presented a little higher, against the background of vitiligo. In this case, an additional examination is required, including:
- Dermatoscopy. With the help of hardware diagnostics, you can study the structure of a mole.
- Syascopy. This non-invasive examination method allows you to evaluate the distribution of melanin.
When is an additional consultation with a dermato-oncologist required? Some varieties of melanoma in the early stages have symptoms similar to Setton's spot. Therefore, in order to exclude the malignant nature of the neoplasm, a biopsy of the mole is performed, followed by a histological study of the material.

Methods of treatment and recommendations of doctors
Setton's nevus does not imply specific therapy. The patient is advised to visit a dermatologist regularly and monitor the development of the neoplasm. It is necessary to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays. Before going outside, you need to use special cosmetics. A thicker layer of cream should be applied to the nevus area. Cosmetics should be selected with maximumdegree of protection. It is not worth sticking a plaster on a mole. The skin underneath will sweat, which can lead to irritation. You can sunbathe in the morning until 11 am and in the evening after 5 pm. At this time, the sun is at its least active. Doctors recommend not visiting the solarium.
If it is impossible to differentiate Setton's nevus from melanoma, an operation is prescribed. During the intervention, the surgeon excised the formation with the capture of he althy areas of the skin and a discolored rim. After the operation, a cosmetic suture is applied to the damaged areas.

Do I need to treat Setton's nevus in a child?
If, after the diagnosis, the doctor confirms the good quality of education, specific therapy is not required. However, it is necessary to constantly monitor changes in the skin, and with a pronounced growth of the nevus, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist.
When should I take my child to the doctor?
- Change in the contours of the pigment, blurring of the boundaries of the neoplasm.
- Inflammatory process on the skin at the site of Setton's spot.
- Pronounced darkening of the nevus.
- The appearance of pain, itching or irritation in the area of the mole.
Given the listed changes in the pathological process, after the diagnosis, the specialist will be able to choose a treatment for the child.

Prognosis for patients
If you follow all the doctor's recommendations, use sunscreen cosmetics for the skin, the prognosis is in mostfavorable cases. Setton's nevus in a teenager or child usually regresses on its own. However, several years may pass from the moment of its inception to its complete disappearance. In medical practice, cases of degeneration of education into melanoma have not been encountered. Due to the similarity of the symptoms of pathological processes, in order to exclude the malignant nature of the mole, it is necessary to undergo an examination.
Prevention measures
Is it possible to prevent the development of such a pathology as Setton's nevus? Removal of a neoplasm, despite all the painlessness and safety of the operation, scares many patients. Therefore, they are interested in the issue of prevention. There are no specific measures to prevent the pathological process, since the causes of its occurrence have not been fully elucidated.
When halonevus appears on the skin, sun exposure should be avoided. Ultraviolet exposure can adversely affect the mole itself and its rim, causing a burn. In addition, patients with Setton's spot should avoid stress. Strong emotional experiences often act as a trigger for the start of autoimmune reactions.