Sometimes a person can feel a chill. This condition can occur against the background of an acute respiratory infection, pneumonia or other infectious diseases. But sometimes, in the absence of an obvious reason, “goose bumps” still appear, while it is warm outside and body temperature is normal. Why is this happening and what to do if it freezes?
One of the common causes of chills is hypothermia. If it is cool outside, and a person has been outside a warm room for a long time or is not dressed for the weather, then he freezes quite quickly. At such moments, the blood vessels constrict, and, accordingly, blood circulation slows down. This is a normal protective reaction of the body, which helps prevent the process of damage to capillaries and prevent frostbite. Almost all the blood accumulates near the internal organs to warm them.
At first glance, it may seem that nature provides for everything. However, such a condition, especially if it lasts for a long time, leads to a decrease in local immunity and, above all,the upper respiratory tract is affected. That is, there is a huge risk of developing a respiratory disease.
What to do if it freezes as a result of hypothermia? Once in a warm room, you should warm yourself by any available means. You can take a warm bath or even a contrast shower. Be sure to have a plentiful and warm drink. It can be tea or milk. Spices can be added to the drink to speed up blood supply: ginger or cinnamon. Feet can be placed in a bath of warm water. In the absence of an increase in body temperature, applications from mustard plasters can be made. Not bad helps to restore normal blood circulation massage of the whole body and / or legs. It is also recommended to eat high-calorie, but easily digestible food, which will restore the expended energy. Alcohol in such cases is not recommended, except in therapeutic doses.

Dietary unbalanced diet
Almost every person dreams of being slim, but it is not always possible to quickly lose those extra pounds. Some people, in pursuit of a slim body, go on strict diets, completely forgetting about their own he alth.
First of all, this happens if the diet provides for the rejection of fat. However, do not forget that they are required for normal thermal regulation of the body. In particular, these are relevant for the female, since fat in the subcutaneous tissue is also responsible for the functioning of the hormonal system. In support of this, one can give an example that not only chills torment women on a diet, earlyor later, problems with the work of the ovaries appear.
It's very cold, what should I do if this condition appeared during the diet? Naturally, reconsider the diet. Restricting carbohydrate intake will help you lose weight more than completely cutting out fat.

Hormonal failures
It's no secret that the thyroid gland, namely thyroid hormones, plays an important role in thermoregulation. If there is not enough of them, then such a disease is called hypothyroidism. In the presence of pathology, a person has a weight gain, a constant feeling of weakness and chills.
Sex hormones affect heat metabolism. This is pronounced in women during the menstrual cycle, when there are chills and hot flashes.
It can also freeze with diabetes. Already at the last stage of the disease, when glucose plaques appear in the vessels, normal blood circulation is disturbed. In such cases, the patient often has chills in the legs.
What to do if a person freezes in the presence of one of the diseases? Naturally, contact an endocrinologist.
Cardiovascular system
Sometimes a person cannot keep warm because the circulatory system is disrupted. This may be vegetovascular dystonia, in which the functioning of nerve cells and blood vessels is disrupted. Another possible cause is anemia or anemia. These diseases are associated with a drop in hemoglobin levels.
You can often hear complaints that a person is freezing in the presence of hypertension. Very often like thisthe condition appears at the moment of a sharp jump in blood pressure, after its normalization, the chills completely disappear.
What to do if it's freezing and you know for sure that there are problems with the cardiovascular system? Of course, eliminate the root cause. If it is hypertension, then lower the pressure. With anemia, it is necessary to increase the level of hemoglobin.
With vegetative-vascular dystonia, chills will help hardening procedures.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract
The digestive process occurs almost continuously, while almost all organs are drawn into the process. To date, poor ecology and nutrition, the abuse of "wrong" foods and alcohol, have forced many people to see a doctor with diseases of the digestive system. Indeed, gastrointestinal pathologies are the scourge of our time, and they have a wide range of symptoms: from nausea and vomiting to chills. If a person is freezing, then it is not necessary that he has gastritis or an ulcer, but this symptom occurs when they are present.
Very often, chills are the result of intoxication, which can be caused by food poisoning or alcohol, medications. What to do if it freezes in such a situation? First of all, you need to take activated charcoal to try to cleanse the body of toxins as much as possible, and then go to a medical facility for an examination.
Stress and nervous strain
Swift life, the development of scientific and technical progress led to the fact that the city dwelleralmost always under stress. Problems at work, at home, too, feet were trampled in transport, and so on - nervous strain. Very often in such situations, a person feels a slight chill, in no way associated with an increase or decrease in body temperature. This is just the activation of protective forces to overcome external stimuli.
What to do if it freezes without temperature, and the cause is stress? This condition is associated with a decrease in vascular tone, so a contrast shower, hardening and a visit to the bath will help. Such simple and pleasant procedures will restore vascular tone and make it easier to endure nervous strain.
For a quick release from stress, it is recommended to take a few deep breaths and drink a glass of cool water. For some time, it is recommended to drink soothing teas or decoctions of sage, chamomile or lemon balm.

What other reasons could there be?
What to do if it is very cold and for what reasons can such a condition still be observed? Chills can be another confirmation of the presence of a hidden inflammatory process in the body or a hemorrhage that has begun. In some cases, in the initial stages of tuberculosis, a similar symptom may be observed, as in the development of malignant or benign neoplasms. Some people freeze after a fright, women can be accompanied by such a condition during menopause. Very often, the state of chills is a harbinger of the development of a certain disease.

Cold diseases
As a rule, a person with a cold feels a whole bunch of symptomatic experiences. This includes headache, sore throat, runny nose and chills.
The main question that arises when the temperature is high and freezing, what to do? As they say, the temperature is different. If it does not exceed 38 degrees, then knocking it down is not recommended. In this way, the body tries to cope with harmful bacteria and activate immune forces. The body gives off heat to the environment, so the person freezes.
In this case, it is recommended to insulate the body and preferably with natural, cotton materials. Be sure to have a plentiful and warm drink. It can be milk, tea or brewed medicinal herbs.

If the temperature is too high
The question becomes more serious when the temperature is 39, it freezes. What to do in such a situation? In such a state, antipyretic drugs will already be required. With such an increase in body temperature and internal organs overheat. It is necessary to observe bed rest so as not to overload the body with physical and mental activity. Drink warm drinks, such as one sip every 10 minutes, to stay hydrated.
In the room where the patient is located, optimal conditions should be created, the room should not be stuffy and hot, about +20 … +22 degrees. The room should be ventilated periodically. The humidity level should not fall below 50%.
What to do if the head hurts and freezes, the body temperature has risen to 40 degrees? In this case, an ambulance should be called immediately. In this state, the patient may even begin to have convulsions and delirium, often people lose consciousness at such a temperature.
Child got sick
What to do if the child freezes? If the symptoms have not gone away within two hours, then you should call a doctor and take some measures. Cover the baby with a blanket and put on warm socks. The child should be constantly fed with warm drinks, herbal tea or compote. If it is clearly visible that this is a cold, then you should not give acidified liquid with the addition of lemon, in this way you can only increase irritation in the throat. When lowering the temperature, do not wipe, it is better to use candles or syrups. Never steam your child's legs, use an electric blanket or mustard plasters until the temperature subsides.

When it freezes for no reason without a temperature, what should I do? This issue should be discussed with the doctor. In addition, try to avoid hypothermia, do not allow strong physical overstrain of the body. Give up "harmful" foods, eat more fruits and vegetables. With excessive excitability of the nervous system, give up work where it is difficult emotionally. Any respiratory disease, even a minor one, requires serious treatment so that it does not become chronic. Go in for sports, it can be gymnastics or yoga.