Treatment of diarrhea in adults. Drugs, folk remedies

Treatment of diarrhea in adults. Drugs, folk remedies
Treatment of diarrhea in adults. Drugs, folk remedies

Each of us at least once in our lives had to deal with such a rather unpleasant phenomenon as loose stools or, as it is also called, diarrhea. Therefore, it is not surprising that most people are interested in how adult diarrhea is treated. What we will dwell on in detail in this article.

What is diarrhea?

treatment of diarrhea in adults
treatment of diarrhea in adults

Diarrhea or diarrhea refers to symptoms that characterize one of the varieties of indigestion. The very designation of diarrhea in scientific terminology refers to the state of the human body, in which the process of emptying the intestines is accompanied by loose stools, which manifests itself several times a day (from 3 and above). In addition, according to their clinic, manifestations of acute (less than 14 days) and chronic forms (over 15 days) are distinguished.


home remedies for diarrhea in adults
home remedies for diarrhea in adults

As practice shows, the treatment of diarrhea in adults should begin with the establishment of the cause, which allows to eliminate its manifestations as soon as possible.

One of the most common causes of diarrhea is various viruses and bacteria. In addition, the occurrence of such a phenomenon can be triggered by: nonspecific colitis, chronic pancreatitis, frequent use of various laxatives, Crohn's disease, a consequence of previous surgical treatment on the intestine. Also, various allergic reactions, zinc deficiency, uremia, and a disorder of the autonomic nervous system should not be ruled out.

Important! Severe diarrhea may not always be due to a malfunction in the digestive system, but may be a symptom of another disease that is in no way related to it.

How does the normal digestive process work?

Normally, food that enters the digestive organs is digested under the influence of special enzymes, which break it down into useful components: amino acids, fats … In addition, it is no secret to anyone that various digestion processes take place in different areas of the intestine food in the body, followed by their breakdown and absorption. That is why any violation of the habitual foundation leads to an upset of the digestive system, which most often manifests itself in the form of diarrhea. An example is osmotic diarrhea, which develops after a certain amount of substances accumulate in the colon that do not enter the bloodstream, thereby causing a large amount of moisture to accumulate in the stool. Accordingly, this leads to the onset of diarrhea.


diarrhea medications
diarrhea medications

As a rule, the treatment of diarrhea in adults begins with diagnostic measures,which begin with an anamnesis, with the help of which the doctor must find out when and after which the disorder appeared, whether other symptoms are present (high fever, pain, rash). After an approximate picture of the disease is established, laboratory tests are prescribed, during which it may be necessary to donate blood, feces for bacteriological analysis and inoculation on nutrient media. In addition, to clarify certain nuances, it may be necessary to conduct sigmoidoscopy - an examination of the sigmoid colon using a special fiber-optic medical instrument. The purpose of these tests is to determine the source of the disease and, if possible, provide home treatment for adult diarrhea.


infectious diarrhea
infectious diarrhea

The main manifestations of diarrhea include:

  • Pain and bloating.
  • Liquid stool that is light in color.
  • Black urine.
  • Bad appetite.
  • Intense thirst.
  • Gagging.
  • Fatigue and dry skin.

This condition usually lasts about 7-14 days. But the following should be of particular concern: a sharp increase in temperature, severe pain in the abdomen and the presence of blood and mucus in the feces, since such symptoms indicate the possibility of a serious illness.

But, as practice shows, the onset of diarrhea is always characterized by an instant upset and very frequent stools in the early days.

Infectious diarrhea

antibioticwith diarrhea
antibioticwith diarrhea

As a rule, the cause of its occurrence are various microorganisms that disrupt the digestive tract with their activities. These microorganisms can be harmful, both by creating dangerous environments that paralyze the entire working process of the intestines, and penetrating into its mucosa.

It should be taken into account that diarrhea caused by such microorganisms can last for quite a long period of time and, if not adequately treated, can even become a serious threat to human he alth.

Today, there are several types of infectious diarrhea:

  • Watery diarrhea. This type is predominantly characteristic of microorganisms that secrete the toxin.
  • With bleeding. Most often, this type manifests itself in dysentery, salmonellosis. The cause of its occurrence is bacteria that penetrate the mucous membrane and subsequently cause serious harm to it.

One of the main symptoms of the infectious nature of diarrhea is its acute form.


Viral diarrhea is characterized by concomitant fever and dyspeptic disorders. Its diagnosis consists in conducting electron microscopy or the use of special immunological tests. The course of the active phase of the disease on average does not exceed 3-6 days. As a rule, the prognosis of treatment is quite favorable.


viral diarrhea
viral diarrhea

As a rule, when this disease occurs, you need to take drugs fromdiarrhea, but it is worthwhile to understand that, as with any other diseases, self-medication is fraught with aggravation of the problem. That is why it is necessary to take only what the doctor has prescribed. In addition, medicines that are based on vegetable oil and have an astringent effect are often used from additional funds. An example is herbal preparations.

Also, in this condition, diarrhea preparations containing the active ingredient, loperamide, are most often prescribed. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that this substance has an inhibitory effect on intestinal motility, which further leads to a delay in the movement of stool masses. But here it should be borne in mind that diarrhea in itself is also a natural protective reaction of the body, in which a huge amount of dangerous substances accumulated in the intestines get rid of. Therefore, if this process is greatly slowed down, there is a high probability of harming oneself.

Important! In the infectious nature of the disease, a doctor may prescribe an antibiotic. For diarrhea, specific preparations are recommended, which have shown the greatest sensitivity to bacteria detected after bakposev on nutrient media.

Folk remedies

severe diarrhea
severe diarrhea

In addition to the traditional treatment of diarrhea, its treatment with the help of folk remedies is also effective. Therefore, we will further consider the most popular of them.

We buy oak bark. Pour into a glass 1 tbsp. spoon and pour boiling water over it. After that, we insist it for onehours and take 1-2 teaspoons for one day. Remember that the time must be distributed in such a way that the interval between doses does not exceed a few hours (3-4). As practice shows, the effect of it is almost instantaneous. But if the symptoms of diarrhea do not stop within the next 2 days, then it is advisable to consider other methods of treatment.

Important! Treatment of diarrhea in adults at home must be accompanied by the intake of activated charcoal, which is taken as a whole plate and washed down with boiled water.

In addition, when choosing an effective folk remedy for diarrhea, you should pay special attention to dry pomegranate peels. Making them is easy enough at home. To do this, you need to rinse the pomegranate, peel it and remove the white pulp, since it does not contain useful substances. After that, all that remains is to dry the crusts and take decoctions of them throughout the day until all symptoms disappear completely.


In order to never wonder what is the most effective treatment for adult diarrhea, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Limit or eliminate laxatives.
  • Organize your diet.
  • Don't overeat.
  • Drink only boiled or filtered water.
  • Exclude stressful situations.
  • Do not overuse antibiotics.
  • Include as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible.
  • If there is the slightest doubt about the quality of the product immediately from himget rid of.
  • Store your food properly.

Remember, in order for the treatment to be effective and short-term, you should immediately consult a doctor at the first symptoms of diarrhea.
