This pathology was identified in the middle of the 19th century and was called "pericardial diverticulum" due to the assumptions of protrusion of the parietal sheet of the pericardial sac. But in the 40s of the 20th century, it was confirmed that such a formation originates from an anomaly in the development of the embryonic cavity, that is, the coelom. After which it was renamed "coelomic pericardial cyst". This disease most often affects women under the age of 40, about 3 times than men.

What is a pericardial cyst
It is a neoplasm that is filled with fluid without any color, is a protrusion of the pericardium. The structure of the cyst cells is similar in structure to the shell of the heart.
Mostly formations are small in size and have special signs of suchno process observed.
Celomic it is named due to the fact that in the course of the process of embryonic development it is the regions of the coelom, that is, the embryonic tissue that forms the pericardium.
In the modern world, cystic formations are found in 7-16 percent. It is mainly localized on the left cardio-phrenic sinus.

Classification of pericardial cysts
Neoplasms by origin are of two types: congenital or acquired (due to inflammatory processes or through trauma).
Cysts are classified depending on whether they have a connection with the pericardial cavity of the heart:
- parapericardial cysts (connected with a thin stalk or planar fusion);
- pericardial diverticula(communicating);
- extraparacardiac (separated) cysts.
Also they are single-chamber and multi-chamber. By the way coelomic pericardial cysts proceed, they are classified into:
- with complications;
- no complications;
- asymptomatic.
There is a directory of diseases. The ICD-10 code for a pericardial cyst is I31.0. According to it, diseases of this organ are classified.

Causes of disease
Research in this area shows that there are two options for why neoplasms form.
According to the first of them, this is due to failures of embryogenesis. It is hypothesized that the cysts originate at the siteweakness of the pericardium, which is issued by the type of diverticulum. They bond with his cavity, later on they can separate from it and become isolated.
There is also an assumption that gaps, the so-called elements that form the pericardial sac, develop unevenly in some cases, from which pericardial cysts can occur.
According to the second variant of events, the cause of this disease are factors that affect the body after birth:
- inflammatory processes;
- various hematomas of the heart due to injury;
- tumors;
- parasites from the environment.
The fact is that a coelomic pericardial cyst may not indicate itself in any way for a long time. Frequent cases of detection of the disease is an examination on completely different visits to doctors.
A pericardial cyst on the heart begins to disturb a person in the process of its growth, as it interferes with the full-fledged work of the organs that it crowds. These failures include:
- shortness of breath;
- the occurrence of pain in the region of the heart;
- a feeling of heaviness and pressure on the internal organs located next to the neoplasm.
There are cases when, when a cyst ruptures, the liquid that was inside enters the internal organs, accompanied by pain in the chest, shortness of breath, pallor and, in some situations, cough. Under these circumstances, immediate medical intervention is required.

Diagnostic methods
To identify the location of the cyst, the following actions are carried out:
- Multiplanar X-ray used as one of the first ways to identify neoplasms. This is the first step in the survey.
- Computer diagnostics makes it clear what kind of pathology is present in the body. Shows the location and radius of growth of the neoplasm.
- Echocardiography - determination of the presence of pericardial cysts, as well as the condition of the heart.
- Thoracoscopy is a study using an endoscope that displays an image of formations.
- Magnetic resonance imaging is a modern method of diagnosing a disease, which determines the presence of a cyst and helps to simultaneously identify its nature.
- Catheterization - refers to invasive methods that allow you to see the condition of the heart.
- Picardial cyst on CT. In this case, all the outlines of the formations and their location are visible.
An experienced doctor at the first visit to his patients will be able to notice some protrusion of the chest, which indicates the presence of pathology.

The fight against neoplasms is surgical. Most often, doctors resort to such a method of treating pericardial cysts as thoracoscopy, which is also used at the stage of diagnosing the disease. In this case, surgeons manage with only a few incisions. If the size of the neoplasm is small, then the pericardial cyst is husked. Whenthe situation is different and there is a lot of fluid in the cavity, it is pumped out by puncture. After that, the formation is removed, its leg is bandaged.
With this type of operation, the risk of complications and injuries is minimal, unlike open surgery. As a result, the rehabilitation process is much faster.
In traditional pericardial cyst surgery, it is very important not to damage the phrenic nerve, it must be mobilized.

Recovery process
The post-operative period does not always go smoothly.
For the patient, such prescriptions for recovery follow as humidified oxygen, inhalations of antibiotics, soda and chymotrypsin, camphor, strophanthin. If there is a heart increase, korglukon, glucose with vitamins C and B intravenously, painkillers, taking into account the sensitivity of the microflora and antibiotics parenterally, are used. That is, with a good course of the postoperative period, therapeutic actions are carried out aimed at combating pain, preventing diseases of the heart and respiratory system, as well as getting infections into the body.
If the water balance is disturbed, potassium preparations, chlorides and soda are prescribed. It takes into account how much the body removes fluid, and how much it enters, this allows you to timely correct the state of the body.
Special attention in the recovery of the body after removal of the pericardial cyst is given to the condition of the lungs. With the help of a vacuum apparatus, a vacuum is created in the pleural cavity, that is, drainage,which is delivered the next day.
The chest x-ray is performed to monitor the state of the pleural cavity, if air is found in it, then a puncture is made with aspiration of what is contained there, antibiotics are administered.
There are cases in patients when there is increased secretion in the tracheobronchial tract, which can lead to respiratory hypoxia. In this case, measures are required related to the introduction of antibiotics, the introduction of endoscopic instruments, with a tracheal puncture.
If this method is not effective, therapeutic bronchoscopy is used, or rather, inflation of the lungs until spontaneous breathing and cough reflex are restored.
There is a control over the temperature of the body. If it rises for more than two days and on the third it already increases more than in the previous ones, then this indicates that an infection has occurred.
Blood that was lost during the operation is transfused immediately.
The result of all of the above is that all recovery procedures carry a solution to such a problem as the timely identification of all kinds of complications and the fight against them.

In the case of constant growth of the neoplasm, accordingly, there is pressure on the internal organs located in the immediate vicinity. Such circumstances are nothing more than a danger not only to he alth, but also to the life of the patient. The appearance of a pericardial cyst, what is more dangerous is its rupture, due toany condition that goes along with it. If liquid gets on the walls of the heart, oncology may develop.
Prevention of occurrence
All measures to prevent the appearance of a pericardial cyst come down only to diagnosing it in time. And for this you need regular medical examinations and examinations. It is also necessary to treat diseases of the circulatory system, if any, and their accompanying pathologies. We must try to avoid injury to the body.
Folk methods
Self-treatment in all areas of the human body is fraught with adverse consequences, but in our world there are people who are categorically against surgical intervention. And they turn to traditional medicine for help.
Phytotherapy for any type of cyst can be said to be the same, and it is as follows:
- Burdock juice, which is also called burdock. Its leaves and roots contain alkaloids, about 50 percent inulin, resin, and some vitamins. Its action lies in its blood-purifying properties, which is why burdock is a means to combat neoplasms. To prepare juice from burdock, you need to wash it thoroughly, dry it and grind it in a meat grinder, squeeze it out and insist for 5 days in a cool and dark place. It is necessary to take 2 times a day before meals for two months. However, it is mandatory to undergo an ultrasound before and after such therapy.
- Elecampane, which also contains natural inulin. Most often, it is that plant that helps in the fight against smallcystic formations. A decoction of elecampane is prepared as follows: in 3 liters of boiled water that has cooled down, yeast is bred, then 40 grams of dried grass are added and infused for 2 days. This infusion should be taken 21 days 2 times a day.
- Acacia with its excellent composition, which includes alkaloids, vitamins, glycosides, quercetin, kaempferodes, is an excellent remedy for the treatment of cysts of various kinds. 5 tablespoons of flowers and leaves of the plant are poured with half a liter of vodka. Infused for a week. This drug should be taken with caution due to the alcohol content. 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals 2 times a day, course of therapy - 2 months.
Such methods of dealing with the formation of cysts should be carried out only under strict control and in the order of the prescribed regimen, without avoiding a medical examination and consultation of doctors.
The most important thing in the treatment of coelomic pericardial cyst is the timely diagnosis and appointment of a doctor.
Prognosis is good and the tumor will be completely removed. Indeed, in the modern world, medicine has advanced very far in new methods of dealing with various diseases of internal organs, one of which is cystic formation in the pericardium. The very location of this formation already indicates that it can directly threaten human life and he alth.