Probably, every person at least once heard about oncological diseases, and understands how difficult this test is for a patient. And those who have beaten cancer are starting a whole new life.
Today, oncological diseases are treated quite successfully not only by traditional medicine, but also by folk methods. One of these methods is the miraculous chaga mushroom, which has a whole range of actions in oncology and promotes a speedy recovery. But first things first.

A bit of history
Even in the times of Ancient Russia, the unique properties of this remedy were known, and it was successfully used to treat oncology. For example, Vladimir Monomakh was able to defeat lip cancer thanks to chaga decoctions.
Already from the 19th century, active research on the properties of this remedy began, and they continue to this day, but one thing is clear - the chaga mushroom really works in oncology and helps to defeat the disease.
It is known that in those parts of the world where this mushroom grows (for example, Karelia), people are less prone to cancer, because they often drink the infusion of the mushroom. This remedy is especially actively used as a drink in the Far East.
What is this?
Chaga is actually a parasitic fungus. Only if for a person he carries useful properties, then he is able to slowly kill trees. Chaga grows mainly on alders, aspens, mountain ash and birches, for which it received its second name - birch fungus.
Chaga is not difficult to identify, but can be confused with other subspecies of polypores. The mushroom has a dark brown, and sometimes black color. It is quite solid and can reach a weight of 2-2.5 kg. The parasite grows very strongly to the tree, that sometimes it is impossible to break it off - just cut it off.
Useful substances
Chaga helps with oncology due to its unique composition, as it contains many biologically active substances:
- First of all, these are organic acids (tartaric, formic, acetic).
- Substances such as mineral resins, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, silicon, sodium, etc.
- Pigment substances included in the chromogenic polyphenol carbon complex.
- Flavonoids and alkanoids - diuretic and help relieve spasms.
- Melanin is an anti-inflammatory substance.
- Phytoncides - fight against microbes.
- Various resins.
Thus, chaga is an ideal remedy for oncology. In addition, it helps to cope with other diseases.

List of diseases treated with chaga
Chaga helps not only with oncology, but also fights other concomitant diseases. It is also taken as a prophylaxis - which is very useful for the body, because the fungus has a complex effect.
What else is the fungus fighting against?
- All kinds of liver diseases, also cirrhosis.
- Various dermatitis and other skin problems.
- Kidney disease.
- Mastopathy and other problems with the mammary glands.
- Diseases of the stomach, in particular ulcers, gastritis.
- Fatigue, insomnia.
Because chaga not only helps to defeat cancer, but also improve the condition and well-being of the patient as a whole.
It is noted that chaga mushroom can be used as an independent remedy. Use in oncology, however, can only be ancillary, in no case should the patient stop conventional treatment.
Thanks to various clinical studies, it was found that the product has a wide range of therapeutic effects on the body. But surprisingly, the mushroom is completely non-toxic.
Besides this, chaga has the following effects:
- Bactericidal.
- Anti-inflammatory.
- Speed up metabolism.
- Normalization of the digestive tract.
- Painkiller.
- Regenerating properties of blood.
- Combats pathogenic intestinal flora.
- Promotes the elimination of toxins from the body.
- Diuretic.
- Regulating blood sugar.
- Calms the nervous system.
All these properties of chaga in oncology will not be useless. They will help the body in the fight against pathology. Even if a person pursues the goal of curing only cancer, using chaga mushroom, use in oncology will have a complex effect on the body and speed up recovery.

Basic composition for treatment
The main drug for the treatment of cancer is an infusion. How to brew chaga for oncology? You need to follow this plan:
- Rinse the mushroom properly with running water. We boil a portion of water and pour the raw materials so that the water is 1-1.5 cm higher. It is necessary to infuse the composition for 6-8 hours.
- Remove the mushroom from the water (it should be sufficiently softened). Now it needs to be crushed. To do this, you can use a meat grinder.
- And again fill the pulp with water, the same one in which the mushroom was soaked. The water should be preheated. Let's use a ratio of 1:5 (one part of the pulp, 5 - water). We insist about 2 days.
- Now drain the infusion into a separate container, squeeze the pulp. Next, you need to add as much boiled water to reach the original volume.
It is necessary to store such an infusion in the refrigerator, but not more than 2-3 days, after which it is necessary to prepare a new composition.
How to drink chaga with oncology? This infusion should be taken 3 times a day, a glass half an hour before meals.

Alcohol tinctures
Alcohol formulations also exist. ForTo prepare such an infusion, you need to take half a glass of chopped chaga (necessarily dried). The mushroom is poured with a liter of high-quality vodka, after which the composition is placed in a dark, cool place and infused for 14 days.
Take the tincture 3 times a day before meals, 1 dessert spoon. Treatment must be followed for 14 days.
There are also other treatments. For example - inhalation, which is relevant for cancer of the larynx.
You should take chopped chaga (50-100 g). The pulp is placed in a saucepan and about 500 ml of water is poured. It is necessary to wait about 5 minutes, after which we bend over the pan and, covering ourselves with a warm towel or blanket, breathe in vapors for 5-10 minutes.
It is necessary to carry out inhalation 2 times a day for 3 months, taking a break at the end of each month for 7-10 days.
To achieve greater effectiveness, it is recommended to take an infusion of chaga together with inhalations, alternating inhalations and taking the infusion.

Treatment with chaga for oncology is unique due to the fact that almost any form of medicine can be prepared from the fungus. For example, ointments are used to treat external oncological diseases.
The basis of this medicine is the infusion of chaga, the recipe of which is described above. Also, to create an ointment, you will need pork or lard. In proportions of 1: 1, lard and infusion are mixed, after which they are brought to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly. The resulting mass is removed fromplates and wrap in something warm, close the lid.
The composition must be infused for a day, after which the infusion should be filtered. Now you have a ready-made ointment that must be stored in the refrigerator.
Here is a list of those cancers that chaga ointment helps against:
- Rectal cancer.
- Skin cancer.
- Breast diseases.
- Uterine cancer.
- Prostate cancer.
Also, one should not forget about the microclysters that are done for cancer of the prostate or rectum. In this case, 50-100 ml of infusion is administered through microclysters in the morning and evening. The solution must be kept for 5-10 minutes.
Don't forget that it is also used in chaga teas.

Use in oncology allows you to brew various herbs, which, in combination with chaga, have a healing effect on the body.
Here are some herbs with anti-cancer properties:
- Plantain.
- Air.
- Calendula.
- St. John's wort.
When brewing these herbs, you need to add 2 teaspoons of chaga infusion to the tea. You can drink this composition about 3-4 times a day.
It should be noted that the following herbs are used for cancer of the abdominal cavity and gastrointestinal tract:
- Licorice root.
- Rose hips.
- Yarrow herb.
- Artemisia Grass.
- Pine buds.
Chaga for oncology,reviews of which are very different, rarely causes allergies. However, there are other contraindications to which you need to pay special attention.
- When using chaga, it is necessary to completely exclude intravenous glucose.
- Chaga should not be used in the treatment of antibiotics, especially penicillins.
- Chronic colitis, like dysentery, are diseases in which the use of the fungus is unacceptable.
- Patients with an excessively shattered nervous system should take chaga infusions with caution, as an excess of it can have the opposite effect.
There are also some rules to follow.
Tips & Tricks
Chaga for oncology will only help if the patient follows the following rules:
- It's quite easy to meet chaga in the forest. But you should not forget that if a person has not previously met this fungus, then it is better to give preference to raw materials from a pharmacy.
- If you are experienced in picking mushrooms, then do not forget that you should not remove chaga from an already dead, dry tree - there will be no benefit from it.
- Also avoid mushrooms growing near roads - they have absorbed only waste, and there are no useful properties in the raw material.
- When taking chaga, you should avoid fried, smoked, spicy foods, as well as canned food and soda.
- Before starting treatment, make sure that you do not have the contraindications described above.
- No matter how miraculous the drug is, before using it, you should consult withdoctor.
- Indeed, chaga has a unique effect on the body. The use of oncology is no exception. However, one should not hope for a miracle. In the case of oncology, the mushroom should be taken as an additional treatment and not forget about traditional therapy.

Admission reviews
Chaga has been taken on a large scale for a long time, so a lot of reviews have accumulated about taking this remedy.
It should be noted that those who take chaga for a long time note that the fungus not only contributed to recovery from cancer, but also helped a person to fully return to normal in a short time.
Also noticed the ability of chaga to rejuvenate in general, which is understandable - after all, the fungus helps to remove toxins from the body, cleanses it and has a preventive effect.
Those who are used to brewing teas from chaga note an improvement in their he alth in general, the absence of insomnia and fatigue, the tone of the body.
Of course, you should not think that chaga is a panacea for all diseases. But with proper and regular intake, this remedy really has an amazing effect on the body. Most importantly, remember - you should not self-medicate! Even a doctor will be able to advise you on traditional medicine and give advice on how much, how often and in what form you need to take chaga.
Also, do not abuse the treatment, because even the most unique drug will be harmful if you do not take breaks in taking it.
Remembering thesetips and rules, you will not only be able to quickly get better, but also improve your body, prolong the years of life and make it happier without illness.