Badger fat or as it is otherwise called badger fat is an excellent medicine, judging by its unique properties. The useful functions of this product are difficult to overestimate, because it is he who is able to cope with many diseases.
Medical workers claim that it is badger fat that can effectively strengthen immunity not only in adults, but also in young children. And all because this product is rich in various nutrients. What is useful badger fat? Medicinal properties and contraindications will be discussed in this article.
Composition of badger fat
Note that the fat of this shaggy animal has a high concentration of vitamins, as well as biological substances that have an extremely beneficial effect on the body of any person.
So, what was found in badger fat:
- Vitamin A, it helps to maintain youth for many years, and hair, nails and teeth will look great.
- Vitamins of group B. They are excellentaffect the blood vessels and the nervous system.
- Vitamins of the PP group. Normalize the activity of the heart muscle.
- Folic acid. Great for helping brain activity, and also reduces the risk of such unpleasant diseases as a heart attack, as well as a stroke.

Badger fat: medicinal properties
- Badger fat helps to suppress the reproduction of cancer cells, and also perfectly protects the body from this terrible disease.
- Reception of fat slows down the aging process in the processes of the body, and also helps to rejuvenate the skin of the whole body.
- Badger fat has an anti-inflammatory effect, and also normalizes the activity of the intestines and digestive tract. Metabolism improves, the circulatory system returns to normal.
- Salo is an excellent cough remedy. It is especially effective in the treatment of tuberculosis bacillus.
- Most of the properties of badger fat are aimed at strengthening, as well as increasing immunity.
- Salom effectively treat bronchitis and severe asthma. But to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to study all the subtleties of using badger fat.
Usually, the drug is taken for 15 or 30 days - this is a course of treatment. Adults drink one tablespoon once or twice a day, preferably 30 minutes before meals, and children - one teaspoon.
Badger lard has repeatedly justified its medicinal properties, and there are many grateful people who have benefited from the use of this wonderful medicine.

How to use badger fat for severe cough
Internal fat from a member of the Mustelidae family is a medicinal product with unique properties, as well as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
Badger cough fat is quite a popular remedy. It is used for making compresses, rubbing, and also taken orally.
There are many folk recipes that incorporate this important component. And also badger fat is quite often used in its pure form.
- Badger fat is drunk three times a day, one spoonful for a month, but this is for advanced and chronic diseases, and if the cough has just begun, then the patient will be he althy in a week, there will be no trace of the disease.
- Fat will also come to the rescue in combination with other components. Mix six tablespoons of cocoa bean powder with eight tablespoons of lard, also add 100 grams of pure chocolate and the same amount of butter. This recipe helps those who cannot tolerate badger fat in its pure form. The mass is mixed until it becomes homogeneous. It is recommended to melt the butter and dark chocolate in a steam bath.
The resulting cream is often smeared on a sandwich or eaten like butter, it smells good and resembles chocolate in appearance and taste.
Quite often there are only positive reviews about badger fat. Many argue that this is a panacea for many unpleasant diseases.

Using badger fat
Badger fat, the use of which is also recommended as a preventive measure, is recommended to be consumed once or twice a day, half an hour before meals. It is advisable to start using this product only after the recommendation of your doctor.
Fat is a great helper for severe burns, insect bites, as well as sprains, lower back pain, joint pain, sciatica and even arthritis.

Badger fat for the little ones
Kids are highly recommended to give badger fat, because it has exceptional properties, and for many centuries it has been saving babies from various diseases. I must say that as a preventive measure you should not refuse to use such a valuable product.
Note that even snake venom is not able to affect the badger, because the layer of subcutaneous fat cleanses the cells of poison, thereby enhancing the protective reflex.
Badger fat will help children heal wounds. It, unlike iodine and brilliant green, will not pinch. It will also come to the rescue in the treatment of severe bronchitis, runny nose and other cold complications.
Baby benefits of badger fat are as follows:
- Strengthening immunity.
- Prevents inflammation.
- Heals bronchial tubes.
- Good for the urinary system.
- Nails and hair grow fast.
- Getting rid of acne and purulent formations.
- Treatment of rashes and other dermatological complications.
- Helps to treat diseaseairways.
But there may be difficulties. The catch is that fat has a specific smell and taste, and the baby will simply refuse to eat it. Therefore, it is recommended to give children a similar medicine in the form of chocolate butter, the preparation of which was described above.
Badger fat is also dissolved in warm milk, where honey is added for sweetness and taste. If desired, the bee product can be replaced with jam.
Do not forget about rubbing fat on children's legs, back, chest. Spread the medicine on the desired area and rub it into the skin in a circular motion, then wrap the child. So leave it all night.

How to store badger fat
First of all, badger fat is a product of natural origin, where there are no chemical additives. It is for this reason that it can quickly deteriorate, especially if all storage rules are not followed.
When buying badger fat in a pharmacy, first read the instructions and pay close attention to the color.
If it resembles mustard in shade, it means that the fat was cooked and the storage instructions were not followed correctly. It is not worth buying such a medicine, its medicinal properties are destroyed.
In the pharmacy, ask for a passport, as well as a certificate of quality. If it is available, you can be sure that the drug is of high quality and meets all the declared properties.
When the fat will be purchased from hunters, its quality must also be closely examined. Smell– fat should not smell of sourness and rot.
Usually the color of badger fat is white, slightly yellowish.
Taste it - there should be no bitterness, and if it is present, then the product is already spoiled and will not bring the expected benefits.
The best option for storing valuable medicine is a refrigerator. If you follow all the rules, then badger fat will last for two whole years and will not lose its medicinal properties.

Scope of application
Useful properties of badger fat are endless. It is worth mentioning that this is a universal remedy for preserving youth and beauty.
There are special creams, masks, serums that act like an elixir of youth, and every woman has the opportunity to admire her reflection with stretched, elastic skin for a long time.
The drug is also sold as various ointments and rubs for those who cough heavily.
Soothes fat and rough skin on the heels.
Side effect of badger fat
It is natural that each drug can cause the opposite effect in a person. Badger fat is no exception, it, like other drugs, tends to have contraindications and side effects.
If a person experiences an allergic reaction, diarrhea, rashes, nausea, then it is advisable to stop using this drug and look for something more suitable.

Badger fat: contraindications for use
Despite the fact that badger fatunique in its medicinal properties, do not forget that there are some contraindications to its use:
- Children under three years of age should not use the drug.
- Liver dysfunction.
- Disease of the pancreas.
- Diseases of the gallbladder.
- First trimester of pregnancy.
- Individual intolerance.
Summing up, I would like to say that badger fat is a wonderful healing product. This is evidenced by numerous reviews and research results. Be sure to use this tool if necessary. But if any complications suddenly arise, immediately stop using fat, otherwise you can harm the body with your actions. Now you know how to apply badger fat. Medicinal properties and contraindications were described in the article. Be he althy and beautiful!