One of the most important human organs is the liver. Her role is simply not to be underestimated. It is involved in digestion, circulation, metabolism and excretion of metabolic products. Cleansing the liver will get rid of chronic diseases, ailments and improve the body as a whole. This procedure can be performed at home. The publication will tell you which diets give the greatest effect.
Preparing the body
To cleanse the liver, the body must be prepared in advance. To do this, the following procedures are carried out.
- A week before cleansing the liver, you need to follow this scheme. In the evening (at 6-7 o'clock) have dinner, and after 3-4 hours take sorbitol. A tablespoon of the powder is dissolved in a glass of water. After that, a warm heating pad is applied to the right hypochondrium. The procedure is repeated every evening for seven days. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids during the day. Freshly squeezed juices (beetroot and apple) will be especially useful.
- Forthree days before cleansing the liver, you need to remove all animal fats from the diet and start eating only plant foods. It is best boiled, baked or steamed.
There is a more radical method of preparation.
- Three days before cleansing the liver, remove animal fats from the diet.
- On the day of the procedure, before breakfast, drink a glass of mineral water on an empty stomach. It is recommended to open the bottle in the evening so that gas comes out of it. To improve the choleretic effect, you can dissolve a tablespoon of magnesium sulfate or sorbitol in a mineral water. After about half an hour, you need to drink a glass of mineral water again. Lie down on the bed and apply a warm heating pad to the right hypochondrium for two hours.
How often to cleanse the liver?
Methods of cleansing the liver at home can be divided into two types. These are fast and long (sparing) methods. The first without harm to he alth can be used only once a year. Gentle methods are carried out every six months. You can clean the liver for a long time three to four times a year, but only according to the indications of the attending physician.

Doctors recommend sparing methods. They are the safest and the best prevention of cholelithiasis.
Cleansing with medicines
"Polysorb". Take two capsules daily for two weeks. This powerful sorbent is able to remove excess bile, normalize the functioning of the liver and intestines. However, when taking a large amount of polysorb, constipation is possible
"Allohol". Excellent removes excess bile from the body. Take after meals two capsules three times a day for a month. Then they take a break for two weeks and, if necessary, repeat the course. The active ingredients of the drug are activated charcoal, dried garlic powder, cattle bile and nettle
"Essentiale forte". Cleansing the liver at home with this drug is carried out for a month. Take two capsules twice daily with meals. Essentiale is more prevention than liver cleansing. The main component of the medicine is an extract from soybeans
"Karsil". It is a very famous drug for the treatment of the liver. It can and should be taken for a long time - from one to three months. Two tablets are taken with meals three times a day. The active substance of the drug is milk thistle extract, which restores, prevents the destruction of the liver and protects against the penetration of harmful substances
choleretic teas
This is a safe and easy way to cleanse the liver. But herbs often cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before starting the course, you should make sure that you do not have intolerance to any component.

To cleanse the liver, you can take corn silk, dandelion, immortelle, birch leaves or choleretic herbal preparations. The procedure will be simple and convenient if you purchase a set of filter bags at the pharmacy. They are very easy to make herbal infusions.
Cholagogue tea is recommended to be taken three times a day half an hour before meals. Everyoneonce you need to prepare a new portion (half a glass of boiling water per filter bag). If you feel worse, then you should immediately stop taking this infusion.
Decoction with oats
Oats are very good for liver he alth. It also has a beneficial effect on the pancreas, kidneys, joints and body fluids. How to use oats for liver cleansing?
Pour 4 liters of water into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of crushed birch buds and lingonberry leaves. Rinse 3 tablespoons of unpeeled oats and send to the rest of the ingredients. Leave to infuse for a day.
In another pot, prepare a rosehip broth. Pour a tablespoon of berries with a liter of water. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Leave to infuse for a day.
Boil a pot of oatmeal, add two tablespoons of knotweed and corn stigmas. Boil for 15 minutes, and then leave for another hour.
Strain both broths and mix. Store in the refrigerator with a closed lid. Take on an empty stomach in a warm form four times a day for 150 milliliters. The duration of the course is five days. After you need to take a week break. Then you can repeat the course twice.
Asian daikon or black radish juice

Black radish is considered more vigorous, but Asian daikon is best for cleansing the liver at home. This method should be used with caution in people with stomach diseases, as there is a risk of exacerbation of gastritis.
For cleaningthe liver needs to prepare juice from daikon or radish. You can store it in the refrigerator, in a glass container for no more than two days. Take juice three times a day for six days. It is better to drink it an hour after a meal. You need to start with one tablespoon a day, gradually increasing the dosage to six. For example, on Monday - a tablespoon of juice, on Tuesday - two, on Wednesday - three, and so on.
Pork fat
Pork fat not only prevents the development of atherosclerosis, but is also a wonderful choleretic agent. With it, you can carry out an effective cleansing of the liver at home. The easiest and he althiest way to take this product is to eat it s alted. Just eat a matchbox-sized piece of bacon every night during dinner. Such cleaning can last three weeks, after which you need to take a break. For further prevention of stagnation of bile, eat lard every three days. Indeed, in large quantities, this product, on the contrary, is harmful to he alth.
Moritz Liver Cleanse
Andreas Moritz, world expert in integrative medicine, offers his own special way to restore the digestive gland. The scientist on this occasion even wrote the book "Amazing Liver Cleansing". In short, the idea boils down to the following diet.
First you need to prepare the body for cleansing. Moritz recommends drinking at least a liter of apple juice on an empty stomach every day. This volume can be divided into portions. The preparatory phase lasts six days. After that, you need to take a decoction of laxatives.herbs or make a cleansing enema. On the day of cleaning, it is better to eat only those foods that do not contain fat. The last time you need to eat before two in the afternoon.

For liver cleansing, prepare:
- 4 tablespoons magnesium sulfate;
- liter of water;
- 120 ml olive oil;
- 160 milliliters of grapefruit juice. It can be replaced with a mixture of orange and lemon juice. Use only freshly squeezed and natural products.
Dissolve magnesium sulfate in water and divide into four parts. Drink the first portion at 18 o'clock, the second - at 20 o'clock. Each time, place a heating pad on the right hypochondrium for about an hour.
Juice mix with oil and heat in a water bath. Drink it at 22:00 and apply a heating pad for two hours. Lie still for the first twenty minutes.
At 6 o'clock in the morning, take the third portion of the sulfate solution, and at 8 o'clock - the fourth. Usually by this time the urge to defecate begins. Thus, the body gets rid of small stones, stagnant bile and mucus.
This is an effective and easy homemade liver cleanse that anyone can do. This procedure can only be repeated once a month.
In addition to gentle methods, there are quick and rather aggressive methods that are designed to cleanse the liver in just a day. It should be borne in mind that doctors do not recommend such diets even to he althy people.
Beets for liver cleansing
This method is forbidden to people who suffer from sugardiabetes or low blood pressure. Liver cleansing is carried out with beetroot decoction, which can be prepared the day before. The recipe is very simple.

Peel a kilogram of small-fruited beets and put them whole in an enamel saucepan. Pour three liters of cold water and set to boil. After boiling, cook over low heat. S alt and cover is not necessary. When about a liter of water remains in the pan, remove the beets from the heat. Grind the fruits on a grater or in a blender. Return the resulting gruel to the pan and boil over low heat under the lid for twenty minutes.
When the beets have cooled, squeeze them well through cheesecloth. The solid part of the product can be thrown away. Divide the remaining broth into four parts and put in the refrigerator. Take portions at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours.
On the day of the cleanse, help your digestive tract. Eat only baked apples or steamed vegetables seasoned with olive oil. From drinks, give preference to non-carbonated mineral water, rosehip infusion or hot strong black tea without sugar. Eat twenty minutes before taking the medicine. When a portion of beetroot broth is drunk, apply a heating pad to the liver area and lie on your right side. On the day of the procedure, try to get rid of home and physical activity. You can clean the liver in this way only once a year.
Cognac and castor oil
With the help of castor oil and cognac, you can carry out a quick, but gentle cleansing of the liver. In the household, these products are likely to be found in many. Howeverit is important to use castor oil and vintage cognac.
Do a cleansing enema the night before. During the day, eat a kilo of baked apples and drink mineral water. Before going to bed, drink 50 milliliters of cognac, biting it with a piece of low-fat cheese. After half an hour, drink 50 grams of castor oil, and then - a large amount of water. After this procedure, you can go to bed.

Olive Oil Cleansing
This cleansing diet is known thanks to the traditional healer, Gennady Malakhov. He recommends repairing the liver with olive oil and lemon juice. Such a set of products can cause serious harm to he alth. A single glass of oil in most cases ends with sharp pains, nausea and vomiting. Yes, and not every he althy stomach can withstand lemon juice. The procedure often ends with an ambulance call, although it has many positive reviews. Liver cleansing according to Malakhov's prescription is prohibited by traditional doctors and will be given for informational purposes.
A few days before the procedure, eat only plant foods. Dress warmly on the day of your procedure. Place a heating pad on the right hypochondrium for several hours to improve blood flow and bile flow. Before going to bed, drink a glass of olive oil warmed to body temperature on an empty stomach. It can be washed down with tea, apple or lemon juice. Apply the heating pad again for a few hours. After that, pain may occur. Malakhov explains them by the secretion of bile and the cleansing of the liver. In this case, the healerrecommends taking antispasmodic drugs.
Cleansing according to Neumyvakin
Baking soda is also popular in folk medicine for cleansing the liver. In a small amount, it does not harm the body, but doctors categorically forbid taking it orally for medicinal purposes.
Professor Ivan Neumyvakin recommends not being afraid to use baking soda. He believes that with the help of this powder you can get rid of many ailments. To cleanse the liver, the doctor suggests diluting a quarter teaspoon in a glass of water. Such a drink should be consumed in the morning and evening for three days. Then you need to take a break for three days. The course is repeated, but it is recommended to double the amount of soda.

What to eat before, after and on the day of the procedure?
Whatever method of cleansing the liver you choose, you must at least three days before the procedure, sit on a plant-based diet without animal fats. This means that during this period the diet will consist exclusively of vegetables and fruits.
On the day of liver cleansing, it is recommended to starve conditionally. It is allowed to eat baked apples, stewed vegetables seasoned with olive oil, and boiled rice porridge cooked in water. From drinks, you can use non-carbonated mineral water, freshly squeezed apple juice, unsweetened black tea and rosehip broth.
After the cleansing course, you need to follow the “Table No. 5” diet for at least a week. The point is that foods that contain extractives, essential oils, purines, oxalic acid, cholesterol, andalso s alt. The food consumed should be rich in pectins, fiber and lipotropic substances. All dishes are stewed, boiled or baked. You need to eat small portions five times a day. It is important to drink plenty of fluids on an empty stomach.
If you want to learn more about liver cleanses you can do at home, check out the following informative video. It contains many folk recipes and recommendations.

Remember that beginners are not recommended for a quick and easy cleansing of the liver in a day. It is better to resort to a longer, but gentle procedure that requires three to four repetitions per year. This is especially true for hypertensive patients, people with diabetes, diseases of the heart and gastrointestinal tract. Even if you consider yourself he althy, still consult with a specialist about your chosen diet for cleansing the liver. Only a competent doctor can give recommendations, prescribe the appropriate remedy, dosage and course of medication. If you self-medicate, you can "earn" serious diseases.