Heberden's nodes are one of the pathognomonic signs of deforming osteoarthritis. As a rule, it is with the appearance of the so-called bumps on the fingers that the patient first comes to see a doctor. In fact, Heberden's nodules are nothing more than bony deformities of the distal interphalangeal joints of the hands, which are located laterally on the back surface of the joints, as a rule, are symmetrical, quite dense to the touch and can have a different size (from a small grain to a pea or even a walnut). nuts).
Heberden's nodes

The photo shows what this disease looks like. The sooner treatment is started, the better the result!
Already when the first signs of arthrosis appear (pain, swelling, feeling of stiffness in the joints), you need to consult a doctor, be examined and receive qualified medical care. Treatment of osteoarthritis should be comprehensive, regular (systematic) and consist not only of drug therapy, but alsoobservance of the rest regimen, carrying out physiotherapy procedures, massage and special exercises aimed at maintaining mobility in the joints.
And if the formed Heberden's nodules are already pronounced, the treatment must be supplemented with folk remedies.
Where to start therapy?

Before you start treating Heberden's nodules with folk remedies, make sure that the disease is not in an active stage, that you do not have allergic reactions to any of the components proposed for use.
Heberden's nodules can be treated locally with:
- rubbing;
- ointments;
- compresses.
And also in general - by taking decoctions or tinctures of medicinal herbs.
General rules for local impact on joints
There are a few simple fundamental rules for local treatment that should be remembered and not neglected in the future. So, any compress, ointment or rub the first time you use them:
- should be applied for a short time (5-10 minutes) to avoid the development of a possible local allergic reaction;
- when redness, itching, burning or other discomfort occurs, exposure should be stopped immediately;
- if the tolerance is good, then the application should be regular and complex, in compliance with all recommendations for the preparation, application and exposure of one or another agent that affects Heberden's nodules; folk treatment forthis will be not only enjoyable, but also effective.
Rubbing for osteoarthritis and Heberden's nodules

There are several effective recipes that will help in the treatment of deforming osteoarthritis:
- Ficus tincture. Pick ficus leaves into a half-liter jar, pour vodka over them and leave for two weeks in a darkened place, shake the jar occasionally.
- Elecampane tincture. Elecampane insist on vodka for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place, then rub painful joints and make compresses.
- In the same way as elecampane tincture is made, you can make a tincture from the bear's ear plant.
- Dandelion rub. Place dandelion flowers in a glass jar and pour the same volume of vodka. Insist in a dark place for 10-12 days. Rub joints for at least 5 minutes until warm, then wrap hands.
- Compress from wormwood. Pour boiling water over flower baskets of wormwood and insist for two hours.
Ointments for Heberden's nodules

- Mustard ointment. 250 g of table s alt + 150 g of mustard powder + kerosene in the volume necessary to obtain a mixture with the consistency of thick sour cream.
- Liquid ointment. 10 ml of pharmacy bile, 10 ml of ammonia and formic alcohol, as well as 10 ml of glycerin and 5 drops of iodine, mix until smooth and rub into the affected joints.
- Ointment from horseradish. 50 g horseradish chop and combine with a little moreamount of vaseline.
- Fir oil and bee venom also help to reduce pain and inflammation in the joints, improve microcirculation in the affected joint and increase range of motion. You should alternate rubbing fir oil and bee venom every other day, preheating the joints with a compress of sea s alt or sand. After rubbing, be sure to apply parchment or compress paper and wrap the joint.
- Healing ointment. Crush an equal amount of fresh nettles (leaves), green juniper berries and sheep's butter. Store such an ointment by wrapping the container in paper or cloth so that the sun's rays do not fall into the contents, in a cool place. Use morning and evening for two weeks.
Compresses for deforming osteoarthritis

- Clay compresses. It is better to use white and blue clay, alternating between them.
- Dough compress (rye flour + ammonia).
- Honey-s alt compress. Mix equal parts (1 tablespoon each) of honey and fine s alt, preferably crushed sea s alt, apply to Heberden's nodules and other sore spots, cover with a piece of gauze or linen cloth, cover with parchment paper on top and wrap your hand.
- Anti-inflammatory compress (2 tbsp honey + 1 tbsp aloe juice + 3 tbsp vodka or alcohol).
- Compresses with bischofite also proved to be very good. Contain a large amount of minerals and trace elements, bischofite has a pronounced anti-inflammatoryaction, as well as analgesic, antispasmodic, antibacterial and general tonic. Before making a bischofite compress, thoroughly rub the affected joint or heat it with a heating pad, then apply and rub for five minutes. After wetting gauze or a bandage in a solution of bischofite, make a compress by applying it to the joint, and covering it with a bag or film on top and wrapping it warmly.
- Dry sand compress. Heat sand in the oven, pour it into a sock, apply it to sore joints. In this way, not only a warming effect is obtained, but also nutritious, since the sand contains a large amount of minerals and metals.
- Aloe leaf compress. Pass aloe through a meat grinder, add honey and vodka to the resulting juice in a ratio of 1:2:3. Mix everything thoroughly and place the mass on a pre-prepared piece of gauze folded in several layers. Top the compress with a film and a towel.