Wood is prone to damage by insects and fungi that appear due to moisture inside it. Keeping it dry is the best preventive measure. Organic antiseptics are used to impregnate non-residential premises. One of them is anthracene oil, which has a number of other properties.

Anthracene oil is a product of the distillation of coal tar, its color is greenish yellow. The boiling range of the substance is in the range of 280-360 °C. In percentage terms, the composition includes anthracene (5%), phenanthrene (20%) and carbazole (6%), the rest is made up of other aromatic compounds. It has a sharp and unpleasant toxic odor due to phenol and sulfur compounds. Working with him, experts put on goggles and overalls.
Carelessness when working is fraught with swelling of the eyelids, irritation of the mucous membranes, burning and itching of the skin. Causes burns on direct contact with skin. Areas of the skin that are not protected by special clothing are smeared with a dense substance: glycerin, starch or gelatin.
Anthraceneoil has the following temperature characteristics:
- flash point - 141 °C;
- flash point - 171 °C;
- self-ignition temperature - 548 °C;
- vapor flammability limits - 120 °C and 160 °C.
After cooling the product, a soft mass is released, which mainly consists of anthracene.

Obtaining oil
Anthracene oil is obtained by coking the resin, which is formed in a similar process with coal, coke and gas. Cooling this fraction gives crude anthracene in the crystalline state. After its filtration, the liquid phase remains, which is the anthracene oil. In carbon black plants, it is called coal oil and is used to produce soot. For the same purposes, its second fraction is also used.
Anthracene Oil Applications
Fluorene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene and indole are obtained from the described substance. To do this, the liquid substance is subjected to low temperatures, after filtering out the precipitate, 15% consisting of anthracene. Next, washing is carried out with solvents in which anthracene is poorly soluble. This leaves a mixture containing 20% carbazole. It is converted to sulfate using a benzene solution.
When it comes to the production of soot, anthracene oil or its fraction must meet two requirements: contain less than 1.5% moisture and have a distillation up to 360 more than 65%. This organic antiseptic is widely used to produce active soot.
Forimpregnation of wood and carbon black anthracene oil is prepared by a special method. It is necessary to isolate the crude anthracene from the fraction, which leads to the need to have specialized equipment. The concentration of the crystalline product is low, which makes it possible to use apparatus with stirrers for these purposes. They are usually horizontal tanks with intermittent paddles. Their cooling occurs through the flow of water on the outer surface. At 70-80 °C, the anthracene fraction is supplied, often absorbing oil is supplied with it. The process continues until the crystals fall out. The difficulty lies in the high viscosity, which makes it difficult to diffuse the composition.
Demand for anthracene oil can also be found in medicine. Oil derivatives are used in various medications. Pharmacotherapeutic action depends on the chemical structure. Anthracene derivatives render:
- Regenerating and stimulating action.
- Laxative action.
- Diuretic and nephrological action.
- Produce a choleretic effect.
- Have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action.

Preparations based on anthracene oil are insecticidal, fungicidal and bactericidal. Impregnation of wood with such a composition prevents the development of black fruit and lichen cancer. It is one of the best for mass production due to its wide range of applications.