Flax oil is gaining more and more popularity. It is seasoned with salads, added to sauces, drunk for medicinal purposes and used as a cosmetic product.
Such an extensive use of oil is due to valuable biological properties. In terms of the content of unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6, which have antioxidant properties, flax oil surpasses all plant sources. In addition to them, it contains a record amount of the "vitamin of youth" - tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) and vitamins A and group B.

This unique oil is extracted from flax seeds by cold pressing, so that all its properties reach us unchanged. We also advise you not to heat it to avoid the loss of valuable substances.
You can buy flaxseed oil at a grocery store or pharmacy. Please note that it is packaged in small dark-colored bottles with a tight stopper. This is due to its photosensitivity and the ability to quickly deteriorate upon contact with air. An open bottle of oil should be stored in the refrigerator and used quickly.
For the purpose of treatment, linseed oil is taken orally, as a rule, 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. Recommendedstart with 1 teaspoon to prevent adverse reactions from the digestive tract.
Experts recommend combining the traditional treatment of hemorrhoids, colitis, constipation, obesity, atherosclerosis and hypertension with linseed oil. The greatest effect is achieved with a course of treatment for 1.5 months. Then - a 3-week break and a new course.
The healing properties of the oil are used for difficult-to-heal wounds and ulcers. To do this, wipes, abundantly moistened with it, are fixed on diseased areas. Napkins need to be renewed every 6 hours.
The same properties of the oil are used to treat inflammation of the oral cavity. For example, stomatitis. To do this, take a tablespoon of oil in your mouth and dissolve for 5 minutes. Then spit it out.

The fair sex knows how to use flax oil for weight loss. After a two-month cleansing with oil, there is not only getting rid of extra pounds, but also a wonderful transformation of hair and skin. Weight loss occurs due to a mild effect on the intestines by cleansing it of toxins. The cleansing method is very simple. In the morning you drink 1 tablespoon of oil 10 minutes before breakfast. In the evening - the same amount 15 minutes after dinner. The recommended starting dose is 1 teaspoon per week. Then - a full course and a smooth dose reduction a week before the end.

Masks and creams based on flax oil confidently compete with expensive factory creams. Upon skin contact withoil is active cell regeneration and saturation with unique nutrients.
You can also use flax oil for hair. In case of hair loss, you need to rub it into the scalp to saturate it with fatty acids and vitamins. For the treatment of split ends and brittle curls, heated linseed oil is used in half with burdock. The effect will be enhanced by a steam bath for the hair while applying the mask.
Vitamin masks give a wonderful result. For oily hair, mix with grapefruit or eucalyptus oils, and for dry hair, mix with lavender.
Flax oil has gained wide recognition only in recent years. Previously, its production, which is expensive, did not develop. But today we have a great opportunity to use it to maintain our he alth and beauty.