Kalina red - a plant known and revered in Russia at all times. Many works of folk epic are associated with him. There are songs and poems about viburnum. She is mentioned in stories and films. Suffice it to recall the film based on the story of the same name by V. Shukshin "Kalina Krasnaya". But not only with its appearance viburnum has always attracted people. Its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times. This plant has long been used to treat many diseases. Viburnum vulgaris occupies a worthy place in many recipes of alternative medicine. Viburnum flowers are used for various diseases. Useful properties and contraindications of this plant have been studied for quite a long time. They will be discussed in the article.

What is this?
The common viburnum plant is a member of the adox family, and used to be a member of the honeysuckle family, even stood out separately from other representatives of viburnum. But careful research dictated the need to changeher taxonomy. Viburnum vulgaris began to be classified as a member of the adox family.
The plant looks like a shrub. Sometimes it grows as a small tree. In this form, it can reach a height of 4 m. The trunk is covered with bark, which has a grayish-brown color. The leaves are opposite, with a dark green color on their surface, glabrous. There are large teeth along the edges. The plant is distinguished by flowers that have a pinkish or white color. The fruit is a drupe. The berry is juicy, with a bright red color and a sour-bitter taste.
Blossoming time falls on late spring - early summer, and fruit ripening is observed throughout September until frost.
Where did her name come from?
There are several versions of the origin of its name. According to one of them, they dubbed her so for the color of her berries, which is like a red-hot metal. According to another statement, its name is associated with the taste of its berries. The bitterness from the berries disappears after they are "calcined" by frost. But it can disappear not only under the influence of low temperatures. The same thing happens when the fruits are heated.
Many folk rituals are associated with this plant. At weddings, viburnum bouquets were placed near the young. They were the personification of the happiness of living together. The berries of the plant served as a decoration for the wedding loaf, and a wreath from this plant was hoisted on the bride's head.

Composition of viburnum
Nature generously rewarded this plant with the content of various chemicals. It contains a large amount of essential oils. notedthe content of phytosterols and substances of the flavonoid group, the representative of which is fiburnin. The composition is marked by the content of a certain amount of organic acids. There is a certain amount of vitamin C and tannins. The content of ascorbic acid in products is usually associated with lemon. But in terms of its quantity, viburnum exceeds lemons by almost 2 times. Of the minerals, viburnum is very rich in iron. This explains its use to enhance the function of hematopoiesis. It contains 5 times more of this element than in the same lemon. The vitamin composition is distinguished by the presence of a high concentration of retinol (vitamin A) and vitamin E (tocopherol), which is considered the vitamin of youth. It does not allow our skin to age, preventing the formation of free radicals, their destructive effect on the skin at the cellular level.

Healing properties of plant flowers
So, what are the benefits of viburnum flowers? The medicinal properties of this plant have been known for a long time. It has been successfully used and is still used to treat many diseases. The healing properties are due to the rich chemical composition, due to which viburnum has a number of therapeutic effects. They can be reduced to the following positions:
- Helps improve blood formation. Spasmodic vessels undergo relaxation, which leads to an increase in blood flow to organs and tissues. The plant is able to prevent the formation of plaques formed from bad cholesterol.
- Excellent for cough symptoms. It has a mild expectorant effect. Helps relieve signs of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs.
- Shown to people with diabetes.
- It is a natural antispasmodic. Can relieve pain associated with the menstrual cycle and headaches caused by cramps.
- With hemorrhages of various origins, they are used to enhance hematopoiesis in order to replenish lost blood. This includes various internal and uterine bleeding.
- It can be used externally in various forms for skin conditions. Promotes drying of pustules, helps with eczematous conditions, leads to the elimination of skin itching. Psoriasis and neurodermatitis are also indications for the use of viburnum.
- The plant belongs to natural antibiotics. Indications for use are runny nose, sinusitis and frontal sinusitis of bacterial etiology.
- Possesses pronounced antioxidant properties, inhibits the formation of free radicals that have a destructive effect at the intracellular level.
- With the use of viburnum, the sebaceous and sweat glands improve their work.
- Promotes the neutralization of toxins produced in the body as a result of vital activity.
- It is a natural antidepressant, has a calming effect. To normalize nervous activity, it is part of a special vitamin and mineral cocktail. As a result of its use, resistance to stress increases.
- Kalina helps to get rid ofconditions associated with constipation, and the fight against colds is based on a diaphoretic effect.

Despite the fact that viburnum has a fairly large number of positive properties, it also has a number of limitations to its use. They can be reduced to the following positions:
- possibility of allergic reactions. For those who are prone to their appearance, viburnum should be used with great care;
- should not be used by persons prone to hypotension, as it can reduce blood pressure;
- its use is limited in case of a tendency to thrombosis, persons with increased blood clotting;
- it should not be used by persons with increased acidity of gastric juice due to the possibility of developing hyperacid gastritis;
- it is contraindicated during pregnancy, as it can lead to uterine contractions and provoke a miscarriage.
Viburnum flowers: application
For medicinal purposes, not only the berries of the plant, but also all its other parts can be used. Viburnum color, leaves and even bark are used. It is used in various forms. Infusions, decoctions can be used. Medicinal teas are prepared from it and used as an external remedy. The use of this plant can help with many pathological conditions. Of these, the following diseases are most common:
- Hypertension. Conditions associated with vasospasm and atherosclerosis.
- Digestive tract related problemswith the presence of gastritis, colitis, gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers.
- Diseases of the respiratory organs from a banal cough with a cold to serious pneumonia.
- Maranthic edema associated with the pathology of cardiac activity.
- Skin diseases represented by rash, furunculosis. Viburnum will help with allergic rashes and some types of lichen.
- It will be an excellent remedy if there are painful periods, postpartum bleeding, conditions associated with an eroded cervix.
- Viburnum flowers, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which we are studying, are used for periodontal disease.
- The use of viburnum can alleviate the condition of patients with malignant neoplasms.
- Nervous disorders, depressive states are also indications for the use of viburnum flowers (you can see the photo in the article).
In addition, the plant is an excellent immunomodulator and can lead to strengthening the immune system. Despite the fact that in nature there are more than 150 species of this shrub, only common viburnum is applicable for treatment. In our country, it has a fairly wide area of growth. Before you start treatment with viburnum, you must definitely get a consultation from a doctor.

Viburnum flowers for hypertension
In non-traditional medicine, this plant has long been used to treat hypertension, since it has a pronounced hypotensiveeffect. This is due to the content in it of a large number of biological substances, which together cause a persistent decrease in blood pressure.
The benefits for hypertensive patients are provided by the totality of its therapeutic effects, which in this regard have a pronounced specific focus. They can be reduced to the following positions:
- The presence of a diuretic effect. As a result, edema caused by cardiac pathology is eliminated.
- Calming effect. It manifests itself due to the presence of a sedative and anticonvulsant action. This will help with insomnia and lead to normal sleep. The presence of this effect for hypertensive patients is very important, since one of the key points in the development of hypertension is neurosis.
- Anti-sclerotic action. It is achieved through the work of the plant as an antioxidant. At the same time, the blood vessels are cleared of harmful cholesterol, and blood flow through the vascular bed is normalized.
- Strengthening the vascular wall. This is achieved by the presence of rutin (vitamin P) in the plant. It strengthens the vascular wall, making it more elastic. For hypertensive patients, this is extremely important.
The presence of similar medicinal properties of viburnum flowers allows the plant to be successfully used in the fight against high blood pressure.

Kalina in Russia has always been considered a wedding tree. If one of the wedding guests gave a bouquet of viburnum, this was considered a sign of goodtones. But viburnum is especially valued for its medicinal properties. With its use, there are many folk recipes that help in the fight against various diseases:
- If there are colds, coughs, flu, bronchitis, the remedy prepared according to the following recipe will help. Viburnum flowers should be cut together with twigs. A handful of this raw material is taken and poured with boiling water in a volume of one liter. It takes a quarter of an hour to insist. At the end of the exposure, the infusion is filtered. Then it is mixed with a glass of honey. Three times a day, you need to drink a third of a glass of infusion.
- If the appetite is reduced or there is low acidity, then the following composition will help. Viburnum flowers in the amount of one handful are placed in a thermos. Half a liter of boiling water is poured into it. It is necessary to insist at least 2 hours. The reception scheme is the same as in the previous case.
- To eliminate menstrual pain, prepare the following composition. A handful of viburnum flowers is poured with half a liter of boiling water. The mixture is put on fire and brought to a boil. After that, it is removed from the fire and infused for an hour. You should drink a third of a glass three times a day. The same composition can be used to gargle in the presence of a sore throat.
- Viburnum color collected in spring together with young shoots will help children with diathesis. The collected raw materials are placed in an enamel pan and filled with hot water. There should be enough of it so that it only slightly covers it. Then the pan is placed in the oven, where it languishes for three hours. The liquid is filtered, spilledin dark bottles and stored in cold conditions. It is necessary to give a teaspoon three times a day, strictly before meals.

How to remove bitterness from viburnum?
The bitter taste is a negative point in this plant. It even stops many people from collecting it. But this is easily removed. Freezing, drying and using sugar as a preservative are three factors that will eliminate this unpleasant quality.
Procurement and storage of raw materials
Medicinal raw materials in the form of flowers are harvested during its flowering. And it begins to bloom from late spring - early summer. The collection is carried out according to the general rules. It is better to do this in dry calm weather. The shrub or tree to collect the color must be he althy and undamaged. Flowers are dried under a canopy. Do not dry in the open sun. The best place for drying is the attic, as it is well ventilated. Store dried raw materials in paper bags or cloth bags. Do not store in plastic bags.
Kalina is the most valuable medicinal natural product that is used to treat various diseases. But it is not the method of choice for treating the disease, but only an addition to the main therapy. It is important to follow the dosage during treatment. All good things should be in moderation. Before starting treatment, you should always consult with your doctor. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can cause irreparable harm to the body.