There are many varieties of parasitic diseases. Unfortunately, even the emergence of modern effective hygiene products does not eliminate the risk of infection. Moreover, according to the estimates of American scientists, only in the prosperous United States every second person is a latent carrier of the infection. You can fight parasites of various forms using both medical and folk remedies. From parasites, the latter often help very well, while they differ in softness of action.
Types of parasites
Harmful organisms living in human tissues and organs are classified into several groups. First of all, it is, of course, helminths. However, parasites such as:can also infect the human body
- various fungi;
- simple;
- arthropods;
- pathogenic microorganisms.
Treatment of parasites with folk remediesproduced depending on their variety.

Types of helminths
Worms are one of the most dangerous types of parasites. Doctors divide helminths that infect humans into two large groups:
- intestinal;
- extraintestinal.
By biological features, helminths are classified into:
- nematodes (or roundworms);
- cystodes (tapeworms);
- trematodes (worm flukes).
Nematodes in the human body
Most often people become infected with representatives of this particular group of worms. The body of the nematode has a rounded shape and pointed ends. The most common parasites of this variety are pinworms and roundworms. Also, sometimes people become infected with whipworm and trichina. Roundworms live in the human small intestine and produce a lot of toxins. Pinworms live in the large intestine and are most common in children.
Whipworm and trichina are the most dangerous nematodes. Treatment of parasites in the human body with folk remedies in this case is likely to be ineffective. It is better to use the medicines prescribed by the doctor. Vlasoglav lives in the caecum. Symptoms of infection with this parasite are similar to signs of inflammation of appendicitis. Trichina can live in the human heart, eye muscles, etc.

Tape parasites
This type of worm has a flat shape divided intosegments. Nutrients tapeworms absorb the entire surface of the body. Adults of this group are divided into tapeworms and tapeworms. The length of the latter can reach 18 m. Most often, the human body is affected by such tapeworms as pork, bovine, pygmy tapeworm and wide tapeworm. Treatment of parasites with folk remedies in this case can be effective. However, tapeworms are still not pinworms. And you should definitely visit a doctor if you suspect they have been infected.
Helminth flukes
Trematode worms have a flat and wide body. Undercooked seafood is what these parasites usually enter a person from. Symptoms (folk remedies in this case are often powerless) of infection with such worms are different, since they can live not only in the intestines, but also, for example, in the liver, middle ear, gland ducts, etc. Such worms feed on blood, mucus, intestinal contents. The most common trematodes living in the human body are the liver fluke, the Siberian fluke, and the lung fluke.
How to deal with nematodes with folk methods
Because these are the most common human helminths, there are many ways to deal with them. The main symptom of pinworm infection is severe itching around the anus. It appears when the female worms begin to move towards the "exit" to lay their eggs. Folk remedies for parasites of this variety can be used differently. Most often, pinworms are expelled from the body using pumpkin seeds,garlic, wormwood, or green walnut skins. These products are used to make oral tinctures or enemas.
Very effective against pinworms can be, for example, a decoction of wormwood. Prepare this medicine like this:
- cut two tablespoons of wormwood leaves and inflorescences;
- fill them with a liter of water;
- boil the mixture for a few minutes;
- remove the pot from the heat and wrap it in a blanket.
Decoction is taken in a tablespoon in an hour on the first day, after 2 - on the second, after 3 - on the third. On the sixth day, you will need to drink the remedy every 6 hours.
Regular rice is also considered a good cure for pinworms. 50 g of this cereal should be soaked overnight, and then boiled. The resulting porridge is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. ginger and 1 tbsp. l. ground cloves. 2 hours after the serving is eaten, you should drink a glass of s alted water (1 teaspoon of s alt per glass). The course of treatment with porridge is carried out for 6 days.

Ascarids: how to expel
Folk remedies for parasites in the human body in this case can be used about the same as in the treatment of pinworms. You can try to expel ascaris, if they are wound up in an adult, with the help of pumpkin seeds. They need half a kilo. Seeds should be thoroughly crushed in a mortar. Then they are poured with half a glass of boiled water. To make the mixture more pleasant to eat, you can add a little jam or honey to it. The resulting porridge should be taken on an empty stomach. The entire mixture must be eaten within an hour.
Pumpkin seeds can also treat roundworms in children. But in this case, their number will depend on the age of the patient. For example, for a child under 2 years old, 50 g of seeds will be enough, up to 4 years old - 80 g, up to 7 - 100 g, up to 12 - 150 g. Magnesia should be drunk three hours after taking the medicine. Its amount also depends on the age of the child (from 10 to 30 g). After another half an hour, they do an enema to cleanse the intestines.
Sometimes green walnuts are also used to treat ascariasis in children. They should be crushed and poured with boiling s alt water. The mixture is infused for half an hour, and then filtered. Nuts should be consumed throughout the day in any quantity. In parallel, the child needs to be given a laxative.
How to get rid of tapeworms
Very good folk remedies for cleansing parasites are s alted herring and male fern. They are used to get rid of tapeworms. The first product should be eaten without bread on an empty stomach for 3 days. Nothing else can be eaten. Fern treatment is done as follows:
- 2 days before the course start eating only liquid vegetarian food.
- The day before taking the medicine, drink laxative s alt in the amount of 30 g (per glass of boiled water) and eat a piece of herring with onions.
- In the morning, on an empty stomach, take the first pill with male fern extract (available at the pharmacy). After 15 min. take another pill. From the sameall 10 pills should be taken at regular intervals.
- Half an hour after the last tablet is taken, again take 30 g of s alt in a glass of water.
Treatment of parasites in the human body with folk remedies in this case should end with an enema (if there is no stool in three hours). Kal needs to be examined. The parasite should come out with the head. If it remains, then in 1-2 months a new worm will grow in the intestines. Cleansing enemas, if necessary, should be repeated up to 3 times (until the head comes out).

How to expel trematodes
Folk remedies for parasites in the human body in this case are rarely used. Trematodes with improper diagnosis and treatment can cause irreparable harm to the human body. Previously, flukes were expelled with the help of the so-called triad. Its components are made like this:
- Take 15 green walnut shells and slice them. Pour the composition with alcohol (0.5 l) and leave for a month in a dark place.
- Leaves and fruits of ripe wormwood are dried and carefully crushed.
- Crush the clove seeds. You can use those that are sold in bags in the store.
To remove parasites from the body with folk remedies prepared in this way, you can follow this scheme:
- On the first day, add one drop of walnut peel tincture to a glass half-filled with water and drink the mixture. On thethe next morning, take two drops dissolved in the same amount of water. On the third day they drink three, on the fourth - 4, on the fifth - 5. On the sixth day, take two teaspoons in a glass of water. Then, within five days, drink 2 tsp. 50 g of water twice a day. Subsequently, the tincture should be taken in 2 tsp. once a day for a year.
- Simultaneously with the tincture on the first day, take 1 pinch of wormwood powder before meals. Then the dose is gradually increased. After two weeks, it should be already ½ tbsp. l. You should take wormwood powder. Then this folk remedy for parasites in humans will be the most effective. The fact is that the liquid infusion does not affect the large intestine and does not affect the parasites living there.
- Crushed clove seeds are taken from 1 to 10 days three times a day. At the same time, the dose is gradually increased from 1/5 to 1/3 tbsp. l. Subsequently, drink one teaspoon once a week.
Trinity components, according to traditional healers, affect the entire body and can save not only trematodes, but also other types of parasites.

Dangers of folk treatment of worms
Before you start taking folk remedies for parasites of the helminth group, of course, you should visit a doctor. Tinctures and powders prepared on your own should only be used in addition to medications prescribed by a doctor. And, of course, about the possibility of their use in combination withtablets with a doctor should definitely consult. Only relatively harmless pinworms are usually expelled on their own. But in this case, it is still better to go to the doctor.
Independent fight against parasites in the body with folk remedies, in addition to the impossibility of making an accurate diagnosis, is fraught with such a danger as toxicosis. Dead worms left after treatment in the intestines or other organs begin to decompose. As a result, harmful substances enter the blood. Owners of cats and dogs, for example, are well aware of the dangers of self-treatment of helminths in animals. It often happens that after taking medicines, the animal dies precisely from toxicosis. Therefore, helminths should be treated only under medical supervision. This is especially true for children.
Protozoa in the human body
The parasites of this variety are very small in size (1-2 mm). Their body can be permanent or changeable. Under adverse conditions, protozoa form cysts. These parasites are classified into the following main groups:
- flagellate (Giardia, Trichomonas);
- ciliates (blantidia);
- sporozoans (coccidia);
- sarcode (dysenteric amoeba).
Most often the human body is affected by such protozoa as giardia. Infection with it can occur through ordinary water, food, etc. The disease caused by this parasite is giardiasis. Its main symptom is an upset small intestine. Get rid ofparasites in the body folk remedies in this case is also possible.
Treatment of giardiasis
These parasites enter the body in the form of cysts. After that, they are converted into trophozoites, rapidly divide and soon fill the entire mucosa. The main symptoms of giardiasis, in addition to intestinal upset, are:
- stomach and headaches;
- nausea;
- mucus discharge during bowel movements.
Folk remedies for parasites of this group are often used the same as in the treatment of worms. For example, you can try to get rid of Giardia with pumpkin seeds. In this case, they take 300 g to prepare the mass. They eat gruel for an hour in small doses. After taking this medicine, they drink a laxative and make an enema. Thus, giardiasis in adults is treated. Medicine for children is prepared from 100 g of seeds.
You can try to get rid of Giardia with the help of garlic. To prepare the tincture, you will need 50 g of this burning vegetable. Garlic should be crushed, put in an opaque container and pour vodka in the amount of 200 g. The product should be infused for a week in a dark place. Take this medicine 20 drops 3 times a day, diluted with water.

Folk remedies for parasites in the body: treatment of trichomoniasis
This parasite is also considered to be quite common. Most often, it settles in the body of women and is the main cause of the appearance of the so-called leucorrhoea. Trichomonas are so small that they can only be seen under a microscope. A good solution on how to get rid of parasites with folk remedies, in this case, will be herbal preparations. You can try to prepare a tincture, for example, from the following ingredients:
- Highlander bird - 30 g;
- shepherd's bag - 10 g;
- white mistletoe - 10g;
- melilot - 5 g;
- mountain arnica flowers - 10 g.
One teaspoon of the mixture should be poured into a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for 15 minutes. Drink strained medicine for 2-3 weeks in the morning and evening.
Herbal teas in this case are not the only effective folk remedies in the fight against human parasites. Douching can also be very useful for trichomoniasis. To prepare a therapeutic composition in this case, you should take:
- oak bark - 20 g;
- mallow flowers - 10 g;
- chamomile officinalis - 25 g;
- sage - 15 g;
- walnut leaves - 25g
2 tbsp. l. This collection must be insisted in a glass of warm water for 4 hours. Douching is carried out daily for two weeks.
What fungi can be infected
There are more than 1000 parasites of this variety that affect the body, skin, hair, nails, etc. of a person. The diseases caused by them are in some cases considered very dangerous, as they are difficult to diagnose andare being treated. Therefore, you can use folk remedies only from the most harmless fungi. These include, for example, nail fungus.
How to cure onychomycosis
The fight against parasites with folk remedies in this case is usually carried out not with the use of herbs, but with the use of iodine available in every home. This tool has excellent fungicidal properties. In addition, iodine promotes protein folding. And fungi, as you know, consist of it. You can treat nails as simply by smearing problem areas with a solution of iodine, or by means of water baths. In the latter case, after the procedure, the fungus from the steamed nail is cut off and the plate is smeared with hydrogen peroxide (3%). The procedure is completed by applying a bandage with antibacterial ointment.
Vinegar can also be very effective in the treatment of onychomycosis. The fact is that the fungus does not tolerate an acidic environment at all. Vinegar (9%) is moistened with feet at night and put on socks. Do with its use and a water bath. But in any case, vinegar should be used as carefully as possible. After all, even this weak acid can easily cause burns.
Among other things, to treat nail fungus, you can use:
- birch tar;
- table s alt;
- blue vitriol;
- kombucha.

Arthropod parasites
On a person, not only worms or fungi can parasitize, but also different types of mites (ear, scabies). Also arthropod parasites include lice, fleas and fly larvae. These uninvited guests also pose a very great danger to the body. Arthropods can feed on blood or the stratum corneum of the skin. However, they are often carriers of various dangerous infections.
How to get rid of the scabies mite
Symptoms of infection with this parasite are: rash, redness and itching of the skin, especially between the fingers. For treatment, you can try, for example, lower the brushes into hot s alted kvass. Also, a mixture of butter and pounded bay leaf (1: 1) will help with scabies. Use from mites and birch tar. They need to lubricate problem areas and leave for several hours. Of herbs for the treatment of scabies, verbena, burial ground or ragwort (30 g per liter of water) are usually used.
Treatment of head lice
In order to remove lice, you can also use different means. Sometimes, for example, vinegar helps from these arthropods. It should be diluted with water 1:1 and applied to the hair. To enhance the effect, a plastic bag is put on the head for half an hour. Such a mask, however, can only contribute to the destruction of adults. But it will be easier to comb out nits when using it.
The most radical treatment for head lice is karbofos. It is also diluted with water and applied to the hair. After karbofos, you are guaranteed not to have lice left. However, this tool should be used very carefully, otherwise you can simply get poisoned. And, of course, this drug should not be used to treat pediculosis in children.
How to get rid of fleas
These arthropods do not live long on the human body. Therefore, they get rid of them by processing not the skin, but the main habitats - carpet pile, furniture, etc. In this case, not folk remedies are usually used, but chemical preparations. Processing is carried out as carefully as possible. In this case, folk remedies can only treat the bites of these insects, which usually itch a lot. In order to remove the itching, ice can be applied to the problem area, for example. Bites should also be disinfected with alcohol or soap.
This problem in our time, unfortunately, is quite common - parasites in humans. Treatment with folk remedies for such an infection is quite possible. Over the centuries, people have come up with a huge number of methods to deal with these uninvited guests. However, before using folk methods to expel worms, protozoa or even ordinary lice, you should definitely consult a doctor. The use of incorrect methods can cause irreparable harm to the human body.