Medvedka is well known to any vegetable grower. Sometimes it is called cabbage. This is one of the worst enemies of vegetable crops. However, in some situations, she can become a very useful friend. After all, the insect has excellent healing properties. That is why, since ancient times, treatment with bears has been practiced. Insects help heal from serious illnesses.

Who is this bear?
Owners of summer cottages and vegetable gardens often encountered such a pest as a bear. The insect looks somewhat like a cancer. Only, unlike the latter, it is found mainly in the soil and near rivers and ponds.
This is a rather large insect, in appearance, to put it mildly, unpleasant. Everyone knows the bear as a terrible "dirty" for the garden. Few people know about its healing qualities that can help a person in certain diseases. Therefore, the idea that an effective treatment is possiblebears, often causes surprise and some bewilderment.
However, even the Pasteur Institute in Paris, engaged in the study of infectious diseases, confirmed the healing qualities of this insect.
Today, drug manufacturers in China are actively using Medvedok in pharmaceuticals. Under the Soviet Union, this insect was in great demand. Pharmacies at that time bought them in large quantities from the population.
Medvedka (in Latin it sounds like Gryllotalpa) is an insect that feeds on plant foods and small animals (earthworms, larvae, caterpillars, May beetles).
It can reach 7 cm in length. She has a hard chest shell, where she can partially hide her head. Powerful horny jaws, front legs, due to the peculiarities of the structure, serve as an excellent tool for digging the soil.
Usually Medvedka lives near reservoirs, ponds and rivers, where the earth is saturated with water. But it often settles in summer cottages, vegetable gardens, where it causes enormous damage to plantings. Tearing underground passages, it damages the root system, which leads to the death of plants.

Medvedka can fly quite long distances, feels good in the water, swims fast. In the daytime, it is difficult to detect it, as it creeps out to the surface of the soil after dark.
Healing power
In order to preserve the healing properties of this insect to the maximum, you need to use it in a living form, but so far this has not been presentedpossible. The most commonly used dried bear. Recipes are known according to which healing infusions are prepared on its basis. However, they are rarely used.
The most common treatment is dried bear. Such therapy is used to combat the most serious pathologies: oncology and tuberculosis. Even with its help, swelling is removed, because it has an excellent diuretic property. Dried insect helps well in the treatment of cirrhosis of the liver, chronic hepatitis.
Folk treatment with Medvedka effectively helps with:
- Serious liver disease.
- Any swelling of the body and internal organs.
- Renal failure.
- Obstruction of the urinary canals, as a result of which fluid is poorly excreted from the body.
- Tuberculosis in all its manifestations.
- Heart problems.
- Lack of vitamin B1 in the body.
- Hepatitis.
- Disturbed metabolism.
- Abscess and all kinds of inflammatory processes.
- Urolithiasis of the kidneys.
Treatment of tuberculosis with Medvedka
Everyone knows about this pathology. After all, tuberculosis is one of the most common infectious diseases caused by mycobacteria, or, in other words, Koch's wand. This pathology is transmitted by airborne droplets. With the active form of tuberculosis, the body is poisoned. Mycobacteria begin to multiply at lightning speed in the organs of an infected person, thereby destroying them.

Serious attention at the Pasteur Institute is given to methods of treating this disease. Conducted scientific studies have shown that if you infect a bear with tuberculosis, this will not affect the insect in any way. Leukocytes in her blood dissolve mycobacteria. Only the white bodies contained in the blood of the bear have such properties. Surprisingly, they are able to neutralize and dissolve Koch's wand. The researchers agreed that the whole secret lies in the ferase enzyme, which is contained in the body of the bear. It is he who can dissolve the shell of the tubercle bacillus. This made it possible to claim that Medvedka treats tuberculosis.
Treatment of tuberculosis by Medvedka really proved its effectiveness. After undergoing a course of treatment with such a remedy, the patient begins to slowly recover. Appetite is restored, coughing attacks decrease, breathing normalizes. And this effect is achieved not only in the early stages. Excellent results are observed even in cases where doctors simply give up and medical treatment does not give any result.
However, this is not the only application of such an amazing and at the same time healing insect. After all, it is widely used in the treatment of cancerous tumors, various inflammations.
How to collect a bear
The best place for collecting this insect is undoubtedly a vegetable garden, summer cottage. However, there is one thing. You can collect insects only if you do not spray the soil with chemicals to combat this kind of pests. Otherwisecounting on the effective treatment of tuberculosis with a bear (or other ailments) is simply pointless.
The right time is spring, when the earth warms up with the sun's rays. In winter, the bear sleeps deep underground, and you will not be able to extract it from there. But from May to August it is very active. In order to lure the insect out, you will need to make some effort and ingenuity. Bait traps must be set. As baits, any porridge, beer, and so on will do. Also, the bear can be found near the floodplain. After all, this is an ideal environment for their habitat and reproduction.
How to prepare a medicine from a bear?
This is a fairly simple process. However, there is an important nuance. Only a live bear is suitable for making a "panacea". Treatment of tuberculosis (drug recipe is given below), and other ailments, requires careful preparation.

Before the drying process, insects must go through a purification stage. Medvedok, which managed to be collected, must be thoroughly rinsed with water and placed for 3 days in some dish.
During this time they have a natural bowel cleansing. Food does not enter their body. As a result, the necessary self-cleaning occurs. After three days, the insect must be killed.
The next step is alcohol treatment. In other words, insects need to be disinfected. Next, the bear must be dried. You can use the oven, microwave or just put it in the sun. It is very important that the temperatureexceeded +42 degrees. High rates will simply destroy all useful enzymes. If the insect is drying in the sun, it must be covered with gauze to protect it from flies.
Dried bear is very easy to grind into powder. You can use a blender, a mortar for grinding spices or a coffee grinder. It is not necessary to prepare the powder from the bear in advance. This should be done right before use. They are stored in dried form in a cool place.
Medicine prescriptions
So, to prepare a miraculous drug, you should dry the insect and crush it.
One course of treatment includes 2-3 tablespoons of this loose mixture. The resulting powder is mixed with natural honey - 0.5 liters. This component must be liquid. If the honey is hard, it must be melted in a water bath in advance.
This compound should stand for 24 hours in a cool, dark place out of direct sunlight.
This remedy is given to a patient who is diagnosed with tuberculosis, several times a day, 3 tablespoons. If the pathology is severe, then the treatment with Medvedka must be repeated after 14 days.

For prevention, this course should be repeated every six months.
How to take the medicine from the bear?
During the period of such therapy, it is recommended to adhere to some rules. The patient needs to forget about products such as:
- chocolate in any of its varieties;
- caffeine;
- s alt, spicycondiments.
Also do not drink alcohol and smoke.
Nutrition should be given special attention. It should be balanced and rich. You also need to watch the chair. It is extremely important that it be regular. Indeed, along with the chair, the dead Koch stick will come out if the treatment of tuberculosis with bears is undertaken.
Folk methods, as practice, confirmed by research, can effectively cure patients with complex diagnoses. But it is important to use the prepared potion correctly.
The medicine is taken 10-15 minutes before meals. It should be washed down with water. Of course, when you take powder from the bear, you should not neglect professional treatment with medications. Insect enzymes, when they enter the human body, immediately begin to work. However, the final success comes only after 3 months.
This is a serious ailment, in which treatment with bears is quite effective. It is recommended to take 30 grams of powder prepared by the above method for one course.

Three times a day add 5 g to any porridge. The course is repeated after 10 days.
Severe tuberculosis
It will take several courses, from three or more, before the onset of significant changes for the better.
Don't give up on medication. Together they give amazing results. Medvedka enhances the effect of drugs.
Cancer - for many, these words sound like a death sentence. Today, cancer is one of the leading causes of death. According to statistics, about 10 million people hear this terrible diagnosis. And only about 50 percent survive after cancer. But do not despair for those who have been diagnosed with cancer.
The treatment of Medvedka oncology has proved to be quite successful. However, you should tune in to long-term therapy. Indeed, for the treatment of cancerous tumors, several courses will also be needed. It is important to remember that the therapy prescribed by doctors should never be abandoned. It is possible to defeat a complex disease only with complex measures.
Using the same recipe used to fight TB. Also add honey and insist 24 hours. Reception before meals - 2 tablespoons several times a day. And remember that the treatment of cancer with a bear should consist of several courses. In this case, we can hope for a positive result.

When else is an insect used?
A favorable effect will be provided by the treatment of the lungs with a bear. Scientists recommend using this remedy in the fight against bronchitis. It is used in the treatment of pneumonia. After all, Medvedka has an obvious protective effect on the respiratory system, improves the drainage function of the bronchi.
For those who have a disrupted stomach, seriously ill patients and children, the dosage of medicine from the bear should be halved. The duration of one course can be extended for 6 days.
No adverse reactions to the human body were found during treatment.
Patient feedback
Many patients who have already despaired of fighting a formidable illness report that they have decided to test the treatment of tuberculosis with bears. The responses of these patients indicate that a positive trend has been observed in almost all cases.
At the same time, as a rule, those people who drank a lot of various drugs resort to such treatment. And, unfortunately, they did not see any improvement. They say that it is enough to drink one course of Medvedka for x-rays to show favorable dynamics. Such patients claim that the combination of this remedy with drug therapy provides the maximum effect.