Have you ever wondered why people living on the sea coast have better he alth and overall life expectancy than those living inland regions? It turns out that the matter is in sea s alt, which is contained in large quantities in the seaside air. Rock s alt deposited in grottoes and caves also has healing properties. It ionizes the air and prevents the growth of various pathogenic bacteria.
After the beneficial properties of s alt were discovered, scientists had an idea about the possibility of its use in the treatment of diseases of various etiologies. The development of the first therapeutic methods ended with the creation of special s alt mines. Then, already in the conditions of medical institutions, artificial s alt rooms began to be equipped. And today there is also a passive method of s alt therapy. For this, a s alt lamp is used. There are no contraindications to this method of treatment, but the benefits are very tangible.

How the device works
S alt drinks are becoming more and more popular every daylamps. Reviews of experts indicate that they can successfully replace visits to the s alt treatment room in a he alth center or spa. Even in a small amount, s alt crystals have a beneficial effect on the body. Studies have shown that the use of the device allows you to get the desired therapeutic effect.
Many people ask if s alt lamps can be harmful? It is worth saying that there were no reports of any negative consequences after their use. And this means that the devices are absolutely safe. To work, the lamp needs heating - as the temperature rises, ions with a negative charge begin to be released. They eliminate positively charged particles formed in the indoor atmosphere. The most important element of the device is a crystal of sodium chloride (it is also called "halite"). S alt lamp therapy itself is called "halotherapy". An incandescent lamp is mounted inside the mineral, with the help of which heating occurs. Also, the device is equipped with a stand and a switch.

It's great to breathe fresh air
Looking for a way to clean and ionize the air without the use of expensive devices? S alt Lamp Help! Contraindications to the use of the device have not yet been identified, therefore, they simply do not exist. On the contrary, such a device will allow you to replace the ventilation of the room, which in a big city, where many pathogens are in the air, can be dangerous.
Negatively charged ions formed when the lamp is heated are naturally found in mountain, sea, forest air - they are formed after a thunderstorm. Remember how good it is to breathe on the street immediately after a summer heavy rain, accompanied by thunder! A halite-based device will let you experience it without leaving your home.
S alt lamp benefits
This device is the perfect night light for a child's room. Why? Now we'll tell you. The fact is that s alt lamps (reviews of experts confirm this) help in strengthening the immunity of the child. They also allow you to quickly cope with bronchitis, tracheitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, allergies. It will be useful to place the device near a computer or TV to neutralize harmful electromagnetic radiation.

What else is a s alt lamp good for? The benefit is to reduce the amount of mold, microbes, fungi in the room, that is, the entire pathogenic flora. This makes it possible to eliminate unpleasant odors in the house. A s alt lamp can be used to prevent bronchial asthma, neuroses, rheumatism, dermatitis, thyroid diseases, diabetes mellitus, and respiratory diseases. Contraindications, which often have drugs, do not allow their use for prophylactic purposes at the risk of these pathologies. And the device we are considering is suitable for absolutely everyone. The device regulates the level of humidity in the room, thereby improving the microclimate.
Application guide
Veryeasy to operate s alt lamp. Instructions for its use are not distinguished by tricky tricks - the device just needs to be plugged into a power outlet. And that's it! The shelf life of the device depends on the performance of the electrical cord. And, of course, the light bulb sometimes has to be changed! With proper maintenance, a s alt lamp will last for at least ten years.

Installation features
It must be remembered that the range of the device is three meters, so in spacious rooms you should install several lamps at once or one, but large. By the way, the speed of ionization and air purification also depends on the dimensions of the device - the larger the surface area, the higher the efficiency.
To eliminate exposure to electromagnetic rays, it is recommended to place lamps in rooms where there are electrical and household appliances: electric stoves, microwave ovens, TVs, computers, and so on. In addition, s alt lamps clean the air in smoking rooms well. Many people put them at the head of the bed in the bedroom for therapeutic purposes.
Consumer Reviews
Users of halite-based devices leave extremely positive reviews. Universal home doctor - s alt lamp! There are no contraindications both for he alth reasons and for age, side effects do not occur. In addition, the devices are hypoallergenic.
Many people who care about their own well-being and the he alth of loved ones, who want fresh air and a safe microclimate in their home, no longerimagine their daily life without the use of s alt lamps. They note that such devices bring a particle of real wildlife to the apartment, allow you to breathe deeply.

S alt lamps are afraid of moisture
It really is. What to do if the device, being in a room with high humidity, has absorbed water? First, wipe the appliance dry with a cloth and place it in a warm place to dry. Do not turn on the lamp if there is moisture on it, because as a result there is a risk of s alt deposits on the surface of the lampshade.
If the raid does appear, don't worry. In principle, this only affects the appearance of the device, all other properties and characteristics remain unchanged. If desired, s alt deposits can be removed with a file or sandpaper, after that you need to quickly wipe the ceiling with a damp cloth, and immediately after that with a dry one.
Where to buy a s alt lamp
Such devices can be purchased at points of sale of lighting devices, as well as in online stores. It should be noted that s alt lamps come in a variety of colors. The variety of shades is achieved due to all kinds of impurities, foreign bodies (minerals, algae), which are pressed with sea s alt during the formation of the rock.

Science has shown that different colors of light have different effects on the body. So, orange lamps treat nerves, excite, develop a sense of security, activate the work of the urinarybladder and kidneys. Yellow - stimulate the pancreas and liver, increase intelligence. Red - increase vitality by improving blood circulation and strengthening the heart.