Plantain. Useful properties and recipes

Plantain. Useful properties and recipes
Plantain. Useful properties and recipes

Medicinal plant plantain is a herbaceous perennial with a short root system and a gorgeous rosette of basal leaves. Flowers are collected in five-centimeter cylindrical spikelets. The common habitat of plantain is water meadows, but it also grows along roads.

medicinal plant plantain
medicinal plant plantain

For medicinal purposes, both in folk and traditional medicine, leaves and seeds are used.

Plantain, useful properties

The leaves contain:

• citric acid;

• tannins and bitters;

• vitamins A, C and K;

• small amount of alkaloids;

• polysaccharides;

• glycoside aucubin;

• potassium s alts;

• enzymes;

• phytoncides.

The seeds contain:

• saponins;

• fatty oil;

• Planteose polysaccharide;

• protein, tannins and mucous substances;

• oleanolic acid.

The beneficial properties of the plant have anti-inflammatory, analgesic andsecretolytic action. They are used for diseases of the respiratory organs, accompanied by eruptions of mucus. The leaves are effectively used in chronic lung catarrh, diarrhea, colic, flatulence, duodenal ulcer and other gastrointestinal diseases.

plantain useful properties
plantain useful properties

Plantain, useful properties in decoctions and infusions of traditional medicine

Infusion of seeds is used to normalize the activity of the stomach (constipation, inflammation). For its preparation, crushed seeds (10 gr.) Pour 1/2 cup of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 30 minutes and filtered. The resulting medicine is taken for 1 dose, taken 3 times a day. A fresh portion is prepared for each meal.

An infusion similar to the previous one is taken as an expectorant. 10 gr. crushed seeds pour a full glass of boiling water. Use a tablespoon three times a day. Once in the digestive tract, the infusion envelops the mucous membrane, protecting it from irritants (food, drink). Taken in large quantities, the infusion has a carrying effect, therefore it is recommended for chronic constipation.

Plantain. Useful properties of the root system

An extract prepared from the roots is used for chronic and non-infectious diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. This drug is effective for the bites of flying and crawling insects, as well as vipers (taken orally). Psyllium-derived preparations are excellent appetite stimulants, help increase red blood cells, reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, and have an anti-sclerotic effect.

apply plantain
apply plantain

Plantain. Useful properties of leaves

In traditional medicine, juice obtained from plantain leaves is widely used. It is recommended to take it for ulcers and anacid gastritis with low acidity, chronic and acute colitis. 1 st. a spoonful of ready-made plantain juice is diluted with a quarter cup of chilled boiling water. Consume for a month, 20 minutes before meals three times a day.

Plantain is known to many as a wound healing and hemostatic agent. With success it is used for cuts, abrasions, abscesses and nosebleeds. To do this, apply plantain (a clean mashed leaf) to the sore spot. Crushed fresh leaves are effective for weeping eczema, swelling caused by insect bites, and furunculosis. At the same time, it is recommended to apply gruel and cover it with a fresh clean leaf.
