Today there are both wild and cultivated blueberries, the beneficial properties of which are valued by residents of most countries in the northern hemisphere. In nature, it grows in the forest and tundra zone, it bears abundant fruit, so it is not difficult to collect it. The fact that blueberries, whose beneficial properties made them very attractive, could become a garden plant, was first thought by the American breeder F. V. Coville. He achieved his goal in 1908, not the last role in this was played by the support of Elizabeth White, who provided him with her farm in New Jersey and material resources.

The benefits of blueberries, of course, are due to the content of ascorbic and various organic acids, sugars, pectins, vitamins, proteins, fiber, carotene in it. Among the macro- and microelements, it is worth highlighting potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, cob alt, iron, iodine, copper. Its fruits have a pleasant sweet and sour taste. Berries are eaten fresh, slightly frozen, processed and dried. Kissels, compotes, fruit drinks, juices, marshmallows, light natural wines, jelly, jam are made from them.
Useful properties of blueberries havemultifaceted character. This berry helps in the fight against excess weight, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and the development of metabolic syndrome. There are studies showing that wild fruit juice improves insulin and blood glucose levels.

And for the prevention of colds and viral diseases, blueberries can also be used. Its beneficial properties from this point of view are due to the fact that it contains powerful antioxidants with antibacterial properties, and well stimulates the functioning of the immune system. It promotes the he alth of the genitourinary system, preventing the development of inflammatory processes. The basis for this is complex polymers that prevent colonies of b-intestinal bacteria from developing on the walls of the urinary tract.
If you need to find a means to preserve youth, then this is blueberries. Its beneficial properties in this case are manifested in the process of neutralizing free radicals. This is due to the high content of vitamin C, blue pigments and anthocyanins. According to ophthalmologists, blueberry extract is saturated with specific compounds that slow down the process of visual impairment. They can delay or even prevent many age-related eye problems. In particular, anthocyanosides can be effective in preventing myopia, hyperopia, cataracts, macular degeneration, infections, and dryness that affects the retina.

Blueberries also have a positive effect on brain he alth. Substances in its composition prevent neurotic disorders, death of neurons, cells. It is believed that this berry can help with Alzheimer's disease and preserve memory until old age. Blueberries help maintain good functionality of the central nervous system. The compounds contained in it, such as pterostilbene, ellagic acid, anthocyanin, have a preventive effect on certain types of cancer. In addition, blueberries help with constipation, being an effective laxative (if there are many).