A runny nose, familiar to everyone firsthand, is swelling of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by the separation of secretions accumulating inside and narrowing of the nasal passages.

This condition causes a disruption in the natural respiratory process and is most often a symptom of a disease present in the body. With a runny nose, a person has to breathe through the mouth, which is not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous, since harmful microorganisms can freely enter the lungs.
How to treat a runny nose?
An effective measure in the fight against the common cold is the use of essential oils, characterized by strong pharmacological properties. Such funds are characterized by high efficiency of action, do not cause side effects and have no contraindications except for individual intolerance. How do essential oils help with a cold? Natural preparations, characterized by mild action and the absence of side effects, can be used in several ways:
- for instillation of the nose,
- for massage,
- for inhalation,
- for room fumigation
- forhealing baths.
Useful aromatherapy
Which essential oils for the common cold are considered the most effective? Napkins and cotton pads soaked in various oils (for example, mint, lavender and eucalyptus), which are recommended to be laid out in different places in the room, will have a lightening effect.

The coniferous aroma will fill the room, which will have a positive effect on the respiratory system of people in this area. Aerosol spraying of essential oils during seasonal infections will help stop the spread of pathogenic viruses.
Treatment of the common cold at the initial stage
At the initial stage of rhinitis, it is recommended to smear the area under the nose with any of the oils: lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree. By the way, tea tree essential oil, with its sharp and not very pleasant aroma, is 11 times stronger in terms of effectiveness than the widespread Phenol antiseptic. Its components, which have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, are able to fight not only the common cold, but also antibiotic-resistant microorganisms. The use of such a remedy helps to quickly relieve inflammation in the nasal cavity and destroy harmful bacteria.
Effective against the common cold essential oil of lavender, which is best used in inhalations and therapeutic baths. The product is characterized by disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties, quickly relieves symptoms such as nasal congestion and shortness of breath; When inhaled, it stimulates the immunesystems. Also, lavender oil restores the functioning of the nervous system, is used for insomnia and increased fatigue.

Effective against the common cold essential oil of camphor, which has wound healing and antiviral properties. It is recommended to lubricate the wings of the nose with a natural remedy, which will greatly facilitate breathing and help clear the nasal cavity.
Ether on biologically active points
A combination of several essential oils can act on biologically active points. As a base, it is desirable to use 50 ml of olive oil, to which you should add 2 drops of peppermint oil and 5 drops of pine, geranium, rosemary, eucalyptus oils.
An option for another healing combination: combine 4 drops of geranium, eucalyptus and peppermint oils with 30 ml of olive oil. Add 5 drops of sage oil and 2 drops of pine oil here. With the finished mixture throughout the day, it is recommended to massage the sinuses and wings of the nose, as well as the forehead in a circular motion.
Ether baths
If there is no temperature, you can organize a bath with essential oils. Pour foam into the water prepared for bathing, in which dissolve the essential oils for cough and runny nose: mint (3 drops), cypress (4 drops), eucalyptus (2 drops). To facilitate the respiratory process and relieve nasal congestion, 15-20 minutes of such a pleasant water procedure will be enough. A warm bath with tea tree oil will save you from a runny nose, which is best taken before bed. To enhance the effect in water, you canadd 5-6 drops of eucalyptus oil and 2 drops of spruce oil.
The most common use of essential oils is in the sauna. It is there that the expansion of the pores occurs, which ensures the rapid entry of nutrients into the body and the expulsion of colds.
Nose instillation
Thyme (tea tree, eucalyptus) essential oil helps with a runny nose, 2 drops of which are recommended to be combined with 0.5 teaspoons of olive oil and used for instillation of the nose.

Introduce ¼ pipettes of the aroma mixture into the nasal passages and lie down with your head thrown back for 2-5 minutes. On the first day of treatment, instillation should be done hourly, then 2 to 3 times a day. For preventive purposes, a single application during the day will suffice.

Also, essential oil can be applied to a tissue and inhaled, which will positively affect the condition of the nasal cavity.
Ether balm will help
You can cure an inflamed nasal cavity with a balm, to prepare which you should melt vaseline (1 tablespoon) in a water bath, which is combined with 2 drops of thyme and 6 drops of eucalyptus. Throughout the day, you should lubricate the wings of the nose and mucous membranes with a medicinal composition, the basis of which are essential oils from the common cold. For children, this balm is completely harmless. It is advisable to store the medicinal product in the refrigerator in a hermetically sealed container. Use within one week.
Properties of eucalyptus oil
Essential oil of eucalyptus is most often used for the common cold - the most common remedy in the fight against colds. The clear liquid is characterized by a mild aroma of freshness, which makes the treatment a pleasant experience. The natural remedy is effective in the treatment of the common cold, as it is characterized by a pronounced antiviral effect, relieves inflammation of the nasal cavity and ensures rapid tissue repair.

Also, eucalyptus can normalize fever and relieve headaches. The expectorant properties of the drug are indispensable in the treatment of cough. A more pleasant and soft aroma, unlike fir with its sharp coniferous smell, have essential oils of arborvitae and pine, which contribute not only to the effective treatment of nasal congestion, but also to strengthening the immune system in general.
Inhalations for a runny nose with essential oils
You can defeat a runny nose with inhalations produced on the basis of various essential oil combinations:
- cinnamon and lemon oil 3 drops each;
- thyme, pine and lavender oil - 3 drops each;
- eucalyptus, pine, lemon - 3 drops each.
To carry out the procedure, essential oils for the treatment of the common cold should be diluted in water based on a 0.5-liter container and inhaled immediately: cover with a wide towel, bend low over the container and inhale oil vapors for 5 minutes. Repeat 4-5 times a day.
Before using essential oils, you must make sure that they are accepted by the body. If positivethere is no effect, it is recommended to seek medical help within a week. In terms of their effectiveness, essential oils are in no way inferior to the most modern pharmaceutical preparations, and in some cases even surpass them.