Hyperextension is an exercise on a special simulator that is suitable for both beginner athletes and regulars in the gym. Designed to strengthen the muscles of the lower back, making them stronger, stronger and more resilient. In this article, we will learn everything about the hyperextension technique, understand what it is and why many athletes recommend doing this exercise not only in the gym, but also at home.

What is this
Hyperextension is a fairly popular and no less effective exercise. It is performed either on a special simple bench simulator, or on a gymnastic ball.
Safety precautions are recommended and an experienced trainer should be consulted before starting exercise. Hyperextension is a great way not only to strengthen the back muscles in the lumbar region, but also to tighten the stomach, reduce volume. That is why both men and women often resort to this exercise.
What is useful
Hyperextension is a really useful exercise. In addition to the fact that it strengthens the back muscles and is part of therapeutic and preventive physical education, it also allows you to maintain your posture, straightens the spinal column, improves blood circulation in the back, which prevents the development of diseases that destroy the bone and muscle structure.
On the simulator, hyperextension helps to get rid of pain in the lower back, it is especially useful for those who are in a sitting position for a long time. Accordingly, during training, the muscles are fully nourished due to improved blood circulation. Hyperextension can really be a prophylactic against a herniated disc.

Another incredible benefit of exercise is getting rid of congestion in the lower torso. As a rule, people who lead a sedentary lifestyle often have swollen legs, varicose veins appear, the blood thickens, and blood clots form. The tissues do not receive proper nutrition, which is why a person is faced with numbness of the limbs, convulsions.

Compared to many machines, hyperextension has not so many contraindications. As a rule, if you have any complications and diseases of the spinal column, then before visiting the gym it is recommended to consult with an orthopedist, take an x-ray and analyze the condition of your back.
Brief list of diseases:
- Vertebratehernia.
- Protrusion.
- Cracks and fractures of the sacrum, spinal column.
- Arthrosis and arthritis.
- Sciatica, kyphosis, lordosis, myositis.
- Tumours.
- Osteochondrosis, osteoporosis.
Proper technique
Hyperextension is a simple exercise. To perform correctly, you will need a special bench. You can find it in any gym. If you don't know what the machine looks like, just look at the photo below, or ask your trainer.

- Step 1. Lie face down on a hyper bench with your ankles securely under the footrests. Do not start the exercise right away, first you need to make sure that your position is correct and safe.
- Step 2. To do this, you need to adjust the height of the bench so that the hips lie on a wide pillow. You should have enough room to bend at the waist without any restrictions. Please note that leg locking is only performed when the ankles are completely adjacent to the footrests.
- Step 3. Keep your body straight, literally hanging your upper body off the floor. Cross your arms over your chest or put them behind your head - this will be your starting position. Tip: You can also do hyperextensions with weights to create extra stability. To do this, simply take one iron pancake or dumbbell and hold it in front of you.
- Step 4. Begin to lean forward at the waist slowly as far as you can keep your back straight. Do this movement while inhaling. Keep moving forward until you feel a good stretch in your hamstrings. At this moment, you will feel how it will no longer be possible to bend over with a straight back, and it involuntarily begins to round. Tip: Never round your back while doing this exercise. No need to look at others who have already trained and stretched their muscles so much that they can bend low enough. The main thing is that you do this exercise keeping your back straight at all times.
- Step 5. Slowly lift your torso back to the starting position as you inhale. Tip: Avoid the temptation to make a strong arch in the back while the body rises up. The back must be straight!
- Step 6. Repeat a few more times.
Recommended for
The hyperextension exercise is suitable for almost all people. If you do not have malignant and benign formations, inflammatory processes, infectious diseases of the back muscles, then feel free to go to the gym and start the first classes.
Who will benefit from the hyperextension exercise:
- Firstly, if your muscles have weakened due to hard working conditions, sedentary, standing and sedentary lifestyle.
- Secondly, if you have the initial form of scoliosis, asymmetry begins to form, the posture is broken, the shoulders are lowered forward, and the shoulder blades are back.
- Thirdly, if you are a novice athlete who simply needs to have strong, enduring and strong muscles.
- Fourthly, if you are overweight, there areproblems with the cardiovascular system, metabolism is disturbed.
Which muscles get stronger
Hyperextension for the back is very useful. So let's find out which muscles will be involved if you decide to perform this exercise:
- Spinous muscles.
- The longest muscles.
- Iliocostal muscle.
- Glutus maximus.
- Posterior thigh muscles.
That is why with the help of hyperextension it is possible to strengthen the muscular corset of the back, get rid of hemorrhoids and carry out its prevention, improve blood circulation, restore immunity, get rid of osteochondrosis and spondylosis. In addition, this exercise noticeably tightens the buttocks, relieving them of sagging and sagging. But at the same time, it is important to know how to do hyperextension correctly.

Let's learn how to hyperextension properly. The exercise itself is very simple, but you must follow the safety precautions and precautions so as not to harm the spinal column.
Most common runtime errors:
- Firstly, a person without prior training uses additional weight. This can lead to injury and muscle recovery after a workout.
- Secondly, you do not need to strongly bend or unbend your back. Your body in the starting position should resemble a straight line. All movements must be done as carefully as possible, slowly and smoothly. During a strong overextension, you givehuge load on the lumbar.
- Third, do not bend your knees too much if you want to strengthen your back muscles - this is a classic technique. If you decide to direct the benefits of the exercise to the buttocks and thighs, then the knees will still need to be bent.
Perform without a simulator
Don't worry if you can't find a dedicated bench. Hyperextension without a simulator is also done!
Option 1. This exercise is performed on the floor. You can do this at home and in any gym. The main thing is to put a yoga mat or use mats. The execution technique is simple. First, take a prone position, face down. Fix your hands on the back of your head, close your legs and press to the floor. As you inhale, slowly raise your torso as high as you can. It is not necessary to take your hips and legs off the mat. Stretch your back as much as possible, and then fix the pose for a few seconds. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times for 3-5 sets. Please note that the body must be straight. If there is an unpleasant pain and discomfort in the lower back, then you are bending a lot while inhaling

- Option 2. Simultaneous lifting of arms and legs. Hyperextension for the back is incredibly beneficial, especially if you do it regularly and follow the technique. To perform this exercise, you need to lie face down on the floor. Draw out the arms and legs. While inhaling, simultaneously raise the limbs as high as possible without lifting the hips fromland.
- Option 3. With the help of a fitball. Another alternative exercise. To do this, lie on the gymnastic ball so that the hips and lower abdomen are pressed to the surface. Rest your toes on the floor, try to keep your balance. As you inhale, lift the part of the body that goes from the line of the waist to the top of the head.
Additional weights: why, when and how
Only those people who have been playing sports for a long time should do hyperextension with a load. If your back muscles are weak, the extra weights can cause them to stretch:
- You should not have problems with the cardiovascular system, diseases of the spinal column and injury.
- Hyper with weights if you can comfortably do up to 15 reps at a time without feeling too tired, stinging, or stressed.
- You can use dumbbells, kettlebells, and barbell pancakes. As a rule, additional weight is held in front of you, but in some cases the iron is placed on the back (in the area of the shoulder blades).
- If you still decide to put pancakes on your upper back, then you must have a safety net. For example, after a few repetitions, if your body gets tired, then it will be impossible to remove the additional weight on your own. But a backup assistant will help you with this.
- Never start with big weights. This should be done gradually, adding 1-2 kilograms each.
Replacing hyperextension
If your gym does not have a special simulator - it does not matter. Hyperextension can always be replaced with no less effective and common exercises:
- Planck. Perhaps the best and safest method for strengthening the back muscles, aligning the spinal column and tightening the abdomen. The first days it will be very difficult to do the bar, but if you can withstand at least 5-10 seconds in the early stages, then this is a good reason to be proud of yourself. The bar should be performed as carefully as hyperextension. The back should be straight and even. The total time spent in a static position is 5-10 minutes. Many athletes hold up to 30 minutes and then make the task more difficult by holding the bar with only one hand.
- Deadlift. This exercise must be performed strictly according to technique, otherwise there is a risk of injury. Many athletes deadlift in front of a mirror - slowly, carefully, carefully and without adding additional weights. First you need to start with a light neck to understand the essence of the exercise.
- Superman. Another way to replace the hyperextension exercise. To do this, lie on the floor, lift your legs off the ground, but pressing your hips to the floor. Extend your arm in front of you and point it towards the wall. After that, it is worth fixing the pose for a few seconds. The head, arms and legs should be slightly raised above the body.

In conclusion
Now you know what hyperextension is, what muscles work during this exercise and how it affects the back. Strengthen your body, carry out the prevention of degenerative diseases. The main thing- feel free to perform hyperextension both in the gym and at home. Your back, stomach, and buttocks will eventually say, “Thank you!”