Rhodiola liquid extract: medicinal properties and contraindications

Rhodiola liquid extract: medicinal properties and contraindications
Rhodiola liquid extract: medicinal properties and contraindications

Rhodiola rosea is a medicinal herb that has long been used in folk medicine. It is customary for different nations to treat various diseases, from severe fatigue to impotence and tuberculosis.

The plant is also widely known among athletes. Let's consider its characteristics in more detail.


Rhodiola rosea is a perennial herb. Due to its thick bronze-colored root with a pearly sheen, the people began to call the plant "golden root". The rhizome can reach up to eight hundred grams in weight. Rhodiola rosea flowers are yellow-green in color with yellow petals. The flowering time of the plant is the first half of summer, and the fruit ripens in August.

rhodiola liquid extract
rhodiola liquid extract

Grows in Siberia, Altai, the Urals and the Far East. Rhodiola rosea loves moisture very much.

Healing properties and contraindications

This is a very useful plant. It has been used in folk medicine for centuries as a means of increasing mental capacity and physical strength.

Rhizomes are used in medicineplants. Rhodiola liquid extract in alcohol is a good stimulant of the central nervous system. It is taken with severe fatigue, lack of performance, diseases of the nervous system.

Tibetan medicine has found its use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system. In Mongolia, they are treated for skin diseases, tuberculosis, broken bones and wounds.

In folk medicine, in addition to the root, which helps with gout, diabetes, impotence, and so on, the aerial part is also used. For trachoma, it is used as a decoction and lotion.

rhodiola rosea price
rhodiola rosea price

Besides the fact that Rhodiola rosea has healing properties, it also has contraindications. So, febrile states, too strong arousal and hypertensive crisis may occur. If Rhodiola Liquid Extract causes these symptoms, stop taking it immediately. But this is rare.

The product is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as well as people suffering from insomnia and excessive excitability.

Besides, you should be careful when using the drug with other herbs, as there is a risk that the side effects of the latter will increase due to Rhodiola rosea.

"Rhodiola extract": instructions for use

The medicinal plant will be useful if the patient is sick with asthenia, neurasthenia, drug addiction, alcoholism, SARS and other diseases, or suffers from excessive fatigue and overstrain, the extract can help.

He is mistaken forhalf an hour before meals five to ten drops up to three times a day. Treatment can last no more than three weeks. If the disease is associated with a mental disorder, then, starting from the indicated dose, it is gradually adjusted to 30-40 drops. Treatment in this case may increase up to two months.

Rhodiola rosea medicinal properties and contraindications
Rhodiola rosea medicinal properties and contraindications

In addition to the extract, you can find dry supplements in the pharmacy. They make tea or simply make a decoction of them. For tea, take 10 grams of the mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. After 4 hours, strain it and drink half a glass three times a day.

For a decoction, 20 grams of herbs are brewed in a liter of water, boiled for 10 minutes. Then pour the contents into a thermos and leave for another day to infuse. Take a decoction of a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Tinctures and solutions

In folk medicine, tincture is made from Rhodiola using the underground part of the plant. It's easy to prepare. Half a liter of 40% alcohol is added to 50 grams of raw materials. For half a month insist in a warm, dry and dark place. It is taken in the same way as in the form of an extract, but in larger quantities, 20-30 drops each. The plant solution is prepared as follows: 10 grams of the herb is poured into 200 ml of boiling water. The solution should stand for 4 hours. After that, it is filtered and drunk in half a glass three times a day.

How raw materials are harvested

The main medicinal component are rhizomes. They are harvested when the plant ends its flowering period. In order for the thickets to recover, the collection at this place is repeated only after 10-15 years. Young plants that havepair of stems, not used for harvesting.

To improve athletic performance

Besides medicinal uses, "Rhodiola Liquid Extract" is widely used in sports, as a supplement. The benefits of it are no less than the athlete is given by various synthetic drugs. The extract not only stimulates the nervous and immune systems, but also increases collagen synthesis.

Athlete "Rhodiola liquid extract" helps to cope with stress and physical fatigue.

Rhodiola extract instructions for use
Rhodiola extract instructions for use

During training, it often happens to endure an increased load, which causes emotional breakdowns. Also before competitions it is necessary to endure the strongest stress. All this leads to fatigue. Rhodiola rosea helps to calm down, relax emotionally and physically.

The next day after training, a dorepatura appears, movements are often constrained due to pain. The plant extract penetrates directly into the muscle and relaxes it, making it easier for the athlete.

Specialists note that athletes are so energized by taking this remedy that they are able to spend even more time in the gym than usual.

Sports result

Positive results will not be long in coming if Rhodiola extract is taken correctly. Reviews of a positive nature (and there are many of them) indicate the real effectiveness of the drug. Muscle tone improves, all exercises are performed without much effort. Therefore, the athletes give their best.

Many alsothere is an increase in endurance and a significant improvement in mood.

Those athletes who suffered from painful krepatura noticed that muscle pain decreased. Their recovery went much faster.

Rhodiola Rosea

The price of the drug "Rhodiola extract liquid" in a pharmacy depends on the form of release.

But, in general, this most useful medicinal plant is quite inexpensive. If Rhodiola rosea is purchased as a liquid extract, its average price is from 300 to 400 rubles.

Rhodiola extract reviews
Rhodiola extract reviews

And the cost of dry packaging is only 175 rubles.
