St. John's wort herb - a cure for many diseases

St. John's wort herb - a cure for many diseases
St. John's wort herb - a cure for many diseases

Traditional medicine has always been distinguished by the use of medicinal plants. For many centuries, curative recipes have been collected for many diseases. Specially trained people, usually healers and healers, were engaged in fixing the methods of treatment and preparation of medicines from natural components, and thanks to their work, valuable methods of getting rid of various diseases have come down to us. Modern medicine recognizes the indispensability and usefulness of medicinal plants, and many practitioners prescribe natural remedies along with medications. For example, recipes from St. John's wort are known, the herb of which is used for various diseases and ailments.

St. John's wort plant

hypericum herb
hypericum herb

In nature, St. John's wort is perennial and annual. It grows in the Northern Hemisphere, mainly in temperate climates. In the European zoneas a rule, such types of St. John's wort are common, the grass of which differs in the shape of the leaves (perforated and tetrahedral). Moreover, both species have almost the same healing properties.

St. John's wort, or common, as well as tetrahedral are perennial plants with a developed system of preserved rhizomes. The flowers are usually yellow or golden in color, with five petals. They can be singly or in umbellate inflorescences. Propagated by seeds from the fruit-box, which cracks and crumbles when ripe.

Collecting and harvesting plants

what is useful St. John's wort herb
what is useful St. John's wort herb

For medicinal purposes, flowers and stems of the plant are used, while taking into account that the flowering period falls from June to August, and it is during these months that grass should be collected. St. John's wort should be dried in a ventilated shaded place.

The best harvesting option is to collect St. John's wort, the grass of which has many succulent leaves with well-blooming inflorescences. In this case, you can also use the drying method on special dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C.

St. John's wort

For complete information, let's consider the benefits of St. John's wort. The healing properties of this plant are due to the content in the composition of substances such as flavonoids (querticin, rutin and others), which play an important role in strengthening the walls of capillary vessels. St. John's wort also contains acids (ascorbic and nicotinic), alcohol, vitamins PP and P, carotene, essential oil, tannins.compounds and other substances.


Medications from St. John's wort, the herb of which has a slightly toxic effect, should be used with caution. However, it was noted that the use of this medicinal plant in the form of tinctures, herbal teas and decoctions has a healing effect on the entire body. Healing agents from St. John's wort help stop bleeding and heal wounds, also have a bactericidal and astringent effect, while relieving inflammation. Also, this plant is used to reduce spasms and pain, and as a diuretic. In addition, it is used for migraines, in gynecology, the treatment of various rashes, diathesis and other diseases. At the same time, recipes for preparing medicines differ depending on the disease.

Some recipes for infusions and decoctions

St. John's wort herb infusion
St. John's wort herb infusion

In case of inflammation of the throat (tonsillitis, sore throat), it is recommended to use an infusion of St. John's wort, which is prepared as follows. One tablespoon of dry collection is placed in porcelain dishes and poured with a glass of boiling water. Insist for half an hour and filter, the resulting remedy should be gargled up to 5 times a day.

In case of inflammatory processes in the genitourinary organs, it is good to take a decoction of the herb in the same proportions, only it should not be insisted, but boiled for about 15 minutes.

Another recipe can be used for gastritis, cystitis, colitis, headache, stomatitis and toothache, as well as to improve blood circulation in the veins and regulate the acidity of gastric juice. For thisyou need to take three tablespoons of dry collection or fresh finely chopped grass and pour a glass of boiled hot water, insist in a dark place for about 4 hours. Take before meals 3 times a day, 50 ml. The same infusion can be used to wipe wounds and make lotions and compresses externally.

St. John's wort is popularly called a remedy for 100 diseases, because it contains many useful and biologically active substances. This plant is given to us by nature so that humanity can be cured of many diseases, and we need to use the potential and knowledge stored in the world around us.
