Iodine prophylaxis is a regulated process for the use of drugs and foods containing iodine. It is a necessary element of the life of the body, as its positive effect on metabolic metabolism and endocrine organs, in particular on the thyroid gland, has been noted.
What is iodine
This chemical element is mined in the form of peculiar plates that can be distinguished by signs such as:
- dark shade;
- metallic sheen;
- good solubility in ethanol and its derivatives (sodium iodide, potassium iodide and chloroform);
- lack of interaction with water.
Industrially, this substance is produced using the ashes of algae growing in the sea and liquids containing oil.

The concept of iodine prophylaxis
This is a set of measures, the purpose of which is to prevent iodine deficiency in the body. Such a threat may arise due to severalreasons:
- radioactive release emergencies;
- nutrition deficient in iodine;
- bad environment;
- certain social causes.
Often a person is affected by several of these factors at once. That is why iodine prophylaxis is necessary for almost everyone.

How iodine deficiency manifests itself in the body
Iodine prophylaxis is carried out in case of a deficiency of this microelement, which negatively affects the state of he alth. First, there are disturbances in the production of vital hormones, this is especially true for the thyroid gland. By the way, it is because of this that a diagnosis of “endemic goiter” appears in the history of a person. In fact, it refers to the increase in this endocrine gland due to compensation by the size of the lack of hormones produced.
Secondly, the body's resistance to infectious and viral diseases decreases, general he alth deteriorates, that is, weakness, drowsiness appear, the so-called "retardation", that is, a slowdown in the occurrence of a response. Vision may also decrease. There is a theory that iodine deficiency negatively affects intelligence.
It should be noted that different categories of the population have different symptoms. For example, if a child suffers from iodine deficiency for a long time, then the consequence of this may be a slowdown in physical andmental development. Often diagnosed cases in which the pathology is asymptomatic. This significantly complicates the process of applying preventive measures, since a disease that develops in this way can bring much more trouble.
The group of those who especially need to carry out activities such as iodine prophylaxis includes people whose working regime is accompanied by overstrain, stress and too much workload. This, in turn, entails the wrong diet (snacking, eating on the run) and insufficient rest periods.

What is this procedure for
Iodine prophylaxis ensures that iodine deficiency is replenished. This is especially important during pregnancy and in childhood. Iodine deficiency in this case significantly affects the development of the child, regardless of whether he was already born or not. The mother's body also suffers, because during pregnancy, iodine is required more than the standard norm. By the way, it is about 200 mcg per day.
The goal of iodine prophylaxis is achieved through the use of two types of exposure. The first of them, mass, is an adjustment of the diet and the inclusion in it of products that contain a much-needed element. The second, individual, involves taking medications prescribed by the attending physician when iodine deficiency is detected.
Indications for the use of drugs containing iodine
Similar drugs are prescribed in such cases:
- with endemic goiter;
- hyperthyroidism;
- thyrotoxicosis;
- atherosclerosis;
- tertiary syphilis;
- poisoning with toxic substances, in particular mercury;
- diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract of an inflammatory nature.
It should be clarified that for each disease a certain form of the drug is needed, therefore it is strictly forbidden to prescribe such a method of treatment as iodine prophylaxis on your own.

How to apply
The goal of iodine prophylaxis is most often achieved by regular consumption of foods containing an increased amount of iodine. These include:
- seafood;
- nuts;
- milk and its derivatives;
- apples, persimmon;
- spinach and sorrel.
It must be remembered that heat treatment adversely affects the safety of iodine in the product. It is also lost due to improper storage. In order to get the most useful element, you need to cook food correctly:
- follow all recommendations for storage and initial processing;
- cook foods by adding them to an already boiled liquid (they should not be finely chopped);
- do not expose the future dish to a strong boil (using a double boiler would be a better solution).
If the s alt used is iodized, then it is advisable to put it in the dish after thermal procedures. ATotherwise, there is too much loss of valuable substances (the most acceptable in iodized s alt is the presence of potassium iodate).
Today, in addition to similar s alt, there is also iodized milk on store shelves. Together with another product (an oil from the same group), it represents a new generation of products. Including them in your diet will ensure you get your daily iodine requirement.

The method of iodine prophylaxis includes the use of balanced complexes containing vitamins, microelements and amino acids. In addition to their direct function, they strengthen the entire body, gradually reducing the consequences that arose due to immunodeficiency.
There are also medications, the adoption of which provides an accurate effect on the affected organ of internal secretion. They are characterized by a precise dosage of the active substance. These include Antistrumine, Yoks, Microiodine, Camphodal and others.
Attitude towards biologically active additives is ambiguous. They showed themselves from different sides, so you should not rush to accept them. But if you decide, be sure to coordinate your actions with your doctor. This also applies to the above groups.
Iodine deficiency is a dangerous pathology for the body, which should not be ignored. It will be much more difficult to get rid of the problems that have arisen after her.