Spiky rosehip, the photo of which can be seen in our material, is a perennial shrub known for its healing qualities. The fruits and roots of the plant are used not only in traditional, but also in folk medicine. What are the benefits of using the product? What chemicals are concentrated in the structure of the plant? What are the medicinal properties of the wild rose needles worthy of attention? We will talk about all this in our article.
General information

Let's start with a description of the wild rose. The plant belongs to the category of perennial shrubs. According to the classification, the rose hips are classified as a member of the rose family. The maximum height of the plant is about 2 meters. The branches have a brown tint. The bark is densely dotted with evenly distributed scutes, seated with straight, thin spines. The leaves are elliptical with ragged edges.
The flowering of the plant is observed from late spring to mid-summer. Inflorescences contain five petalssoft pink shade. The fruits have a berry-like texture. The inside contains numerous angular seeds dotted with hairs. Fruit ripening occurs in August. Seeds fall into the soil around September.
The wild rose is widely distributed in European countries. The shrub is found in Asia and North America. The plant prefers forest edges, ravines, rocky slopes of mountain gorges, banks of reservoirs. In such places, there are not only single bushes, but also entire thickets of wild rose.
Plants harvesting

Flowers, fruits and rhizomes of wild rose are harvested as soon as night frosts begin to be observed. Raw materials are distributed in an insignificant layer in baskets to prevent product deformation. The fruits are subjected to a gentle heat treatment in the oven, preventing burning. A well-dried product should have a brownish-red tint. Store raw materials in sealed containers or linen bags, placing in a dry, well-ventilated place.
Rhizomes are dug out of the soil in late autumn. Raw materials are carefully cleaned from the ground, but at the same time they are not washed with water in order to avoid subsequent decay. The product is cut into small pieces and then dried in an open space. Properly harvested roots can be used for several years.
Chemical composition

Rose hips are rich in sugars. ATThe structure of the plant contains many organic acids useful for the human body. If we talk about vitamin C, there are several tens of times more useful nutrient here than in citrus fruits. The plant also acts as a source of vitamins B, K, E and P. A few berries of wild rose can satisfy the body's daily need for vitamins.
Among other useful substances, it is worth noting the abundance of carotene, flavonoids, s alts of iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. Tannins, essential oils, pectins were found in the structure of the plant.
Useful properties

The medicinal plant wild rose is famous among the people for its choleretic and anti-inflammatory qualities. The hemostatic effect of the fruits of the shrub is known. The use of the product contributes to the active synthesis of hormones, increases the activity of enzymes. Such properties have a beneficial effect on cell renewal, help to increase the body's resistance to the effects of adverse environmental factors.
Wild rose hips are widely used in alternative medicine. Traditional healers have long used the rhizomes and fruits of the plant to prepare multivitamin formulations that have helped fight the development of scurvy.
Due to the high concentration of tannins, the leaves of the shrub can be used to make astringents against diarrhea and internal bleeding. The shoots of the plant are added to warm baths when necessary to eliminate the effects of rheumatism.
Infusions based on rose hips are useful to use orally to strengthen the heart muscle. Such funds act as a source of nutrients that improve digestion, activate the kidneys. Medicines prepared from the fruits of the plant help in the event of the development of colds, providing a general strengthening effect on the body.
Means based on rose hips are not recommended for people who are prone to developing thrombophlebitis. Since the substances in the composition of the plant have an astringent effect, the likelihood of blockage of blood vessels increases.
With caution in the use of rosehip infusions should be people suffering from hypertension. The list of contraindications also includes peptic ulcers of the digestive system, a stroke.
After using concentrated decoctions of the plant, it is advisable to resort to rinsing the mouth. Such products contain an abundance of organic acids that can have a corrosive effect on tooth enamel.
Vitamin tea recipe

Rosehip tea avoids beriberi and has a general strengthening effect on the body. Prepare the remedy as follows:
- About 2 tablespoons of dried fruits of the plant are carefully ground with a knife or with a coffee grinder.
- Raw materials are poured with boiled water in the amount of 0.5 liters.
- The container is hermetically sealed with a lid, covered with a warm cloth and insisted inwithin 4-5 hours.
- The liquid is expressed through cheesecloth folded in several layers.
Vitamin tea is consumed in half a glass before meals 2-3 times a day. To improve the taste, it is allowed to dissolve in the composition of a small amount of sugar or natural honey.
Hypotension remedy

With a sharp drop in blood pressure, it is recommended to use an infusion of dried rose hips. About 100 grams of raw materials are crushed and poured with strong alcohol in a volume of 0.5 liters. The container is covered with a lid and sent for a week in a dark place. The tool is shaken periodically. The finished composition is filtered with high quality. The resulting liquid is consumed 20-35 drops 3 times a day before meals.
Antibacterial infusion with diuretic properties

To eliminate the development of diarrhea and activate the work of the kidneys, it is enough to prepare the following remedy. A tablespoon of the leaves of the plant is poured with a glass of boiled water. The container is wrapped and infused until the liquid cools to room temperature. The composition is filtered, and then taken orally 3-4 times a day, several tablespoons.
Decoction against stomach colic and indigestion
Carefully crushed branches of a bush in the amount of 3 tablespoons pour 0.5 liters of water. The composition is placed on moderate heat and brought to a boil. The flame is reduced to a minimum, continuing to boil the product for 10 minutes. The container is removed from the stove andcover with a lid. The vessel is insulated, after which the agent is insisted for an hour. The broth is brought to its original volume using boiled water. If there are problems with the work of the digestive organs or there is a pronounced discomfort in the stomach, the medicine is taken in a few tablespoons before each meal.
Kidney Stone Dissolver
A tablespoon of grated root of the needle-rose hips is poured with 250 milliliters of water. The mixture is brought to a boil over low heat. The container is kept wrapped in a warm cloth for 2 hours. The liquid is decanted and consumed in half a tablespoon 2-3 times a day, shortly before meals. In order to quickly remove stones from the kidneys and activate the bladder, the course of therapy is continued for a week and a half. The solution makes it possible to break down mineral deposits in the tissues of the organ, significantly reducing pain during drug therapy.