Wormwood tarragon or tarragon is a herbaceous perennial plant. The height of its erect stem ranges from forty to one hundred and fifty centimeters. In August, and also in September, tarragon is decorated with pale yellow flowers collected in panicles. The fruits of the plant appear in October. There is tarragon in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, in Mongolia and Pakistan, China and India. It also grows in North America.

Tarragon, the beneficial properties of which are due to the beneficial substances contained in its composition, includes:
- carotene that strengthens the immune system;
- alkaloids that destroy harmful bacteria;
- flavonoids that help activate many enzymes;
- essential oil that has a calming effect;
- ascorbic acid, which accelerates the absorption of iron by the body;- coumarins, which strengthen capillary walls.
All these beneficial substances are found in the stems, leaves and roots of the healing gift of nature.
Etarragon herb, the beneficial properties of which are widely used in folk recipeshealers, it is recommended to improve the functional abilities of the stomach, normalize sleep and appetite, as well as to reduce foci of inflammatory processes. The medicinal plant is used to restore the menstrual cycle, eliminate ailments of the respiratory organs (bronchitis, tuberculosis and pneumonia). With the help of wormwood tarragon, they relieve stomach cramps, treat digestive system disorders, and normalize the functions of the gonads. Tarragon can also eliminate toothache.
What other effect can a medicinal herb have on the human body? Tarragon also shows beneficial properties in relation to blood vessels. He treats their various pathologies. Reception of a medicinal plant eliminates nervous disorders and depressive states. Alternative medicine recommends this herb for headaches and dropsy, impotence and helminthic infestations. Tarragon, the beneficial properties of which are contained in its healing composition, enriches the human body with the substances it needs, strengthening the immune system and raising the tone. An amazing herb is capable of purifying the blood.

For the preparation of medicinal raw materials, the tops of tarragon are taken. Dried herbs are stored in jars with tight lids.
Tarragon, whose beneficial properties are due to the presence of vitamins A, C, B1 and B2 in its composition, helps with eczema and scabies, muscle twitching and epilepsy. The herb is used in the form of steam in the treatment of neuroses. To prepare it, a tablespoon of raw materials must be steamed with a glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused for sixty minutes,filtered and taken one hundred grams 3 times throughout the day.

Tea is prepared to improve appetite. For him, they take a mixture made up of a teaspoon of dried tarragon, half a dried pomegranate peel. Add three teaspoons of any tea. The mixture is brewed with boiling water and infused for ten minutes.
Shows tarragon medicinal properties and when used externally. A handful of dried grass is mixed with half a liter of curdled milk. The resulting product, wrapped in gauze, is applied to the affected areas, covered with cellophane on top. The use of tarragon requires compliance with the established dosages. Its use is strictly prohibited for women who are expecting a child. Tarragon can cause miscarriage.