Tall perennial plant meadowsweet vyazolistny blooms with white, airy, like clouds, delicate inflorescences from late June to mid-August. And the aroma of flowers is honey. The taste and smell of honey is preserved in tea brewed from inflorescences.

Vyazolga meadowsweet (meadowsweet) has long been used by the people to treat gout, rheumatism and respiratory organs. The sweat and diuretic properties of the plant were valued, it was used to treat dropsy, to relieve inflammation in the urinary tract. Also meadowsweet was used as part of the body cleansing course. Tea from the plant is drunk as an antipyretic for influenza, other infectious diseases and colds.
Relatively recently it became known that meadowsweet can have a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation, thin the blood and thus prevent the formation of blood clots. That is why herbalists recommend using decoctions, infusions or tinctures for the consequences of a stroke, craniocerebralinjuries, in old age, especially with a decrease in memory. Improves microcirculation, peripheral blood supply in case of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, hemorrhoids.

As a blood-thinning agent, meadowsweet is more effective in the form of tincture. It is necessary to pour 30 g of dry flowers with vodka (0.5 l) and insist for 14 days, then strain, drink in a course - 3 weeks, 4 times a day before meals 2 tsp. Meadowsweet in combination with sweet clover (with yellow flowers) works well in the same direction. They take dry meadowsweet flowers and dried tops of sweet clover, grind the raw materials, mix them. A teaspoon of the mixture brewed with boiling water is infused for about 10 minutes. They drink for a month, 3 times daily before meals - half a glass. Meadowsweet tea: for 2 tsp. dry inflorescences of boiling water 200 ml, infused for 15 minutes, strain. Drink hot tea in the amount of half a glass 3 times a day. Meadowsweet meadowsweet is included in the recipe of many herbal teas. A painful condition with hemorrhoids will be removed by a decoction made according to the recipe: take 100 g of ordinary oak bark and horse chestnut bark, highlander grass, meadowsweet flowers, sage leaves - all 50 g each. The crushed raw materials are mixed. They take 2.5 liters of cold water and pour herbal collection (3 tablespoons) into it, heat it to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. A glass of decoction is cast for an enema, the rest is used for a cool sitz bath.

What substances does meadowsweet meadowsweet contain? The chemical composition of the plant includes the most effective flavonoid quercetin, salicylates (aspirinnatural), ascorbic acid and other useful substances. The inventor of alternative medicine drugs, Rodimin, suggests including meadowsweet in the collection of medicinal plants for certain diseases. These fees are applied in the form of balms. To do this, a well-chopped collection is poured into a saucepan and poured with boiling water in a volume of 1 liter. Boil for 10 minutes, no more, on the weakest fire. Immediately after this, high-quality vodka (0.5 liters) is poured into the broth, the pan is closed tightly. The cooled broth is filtered, squeezed out wet raw materials, poured into glassware. Drink constantly with those diseases that are listed below. Dosage - 1 tablespoon, 3 times a day. Prepare fresh balm every month.
Collections of medicinal plants for balms according to E. M. Rodimina (dry raw material)
1. Neuroses, insomnia - meadowsweet, black elderberry - all ingredients 50 g each
2. Jade, cystitis - meadowsweet - 30 g, 50 g each of wild strawberry and black elderberry, common cumin - 20 g.
3. Gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer - meadowsweet and sandy immortelle - 50 g each, licorice naked - 30 g, gray alder - 20 g.
4. Thrombophlebitis, ischemic stroke - horse chestnut, meadowsweet, wild strawberry - all 50 g each
5. Dystrophy - meadowsweet - 30 g, citrus (lemon) - 20 g, blueberries - 100 g.
6. Dermatitis (inside and out) - meadowsweet, arc clover, onion - 50 g each
Do not pass by such a healing plant as meadowsweet. The photo will remind you how the plant looks: fluffy fragrant inflorescences, white as clouds. Dry the flowers, as usual, in the shade and inventilated area.