Alternative medicine 2024, October

Sage for conception: how to take?

Sage for conception: how to take?

The desire to have a child is logical for every woman. Well, if it happens on its own, without medical intervention. Unfortunately, today more and more women are faced with the fact that pregnancy does not occur even after many years of marriage. In this case, they usually turn to doctors. But traditional medicine can also help. How effective is sage for conception and how to use it correctly?

Treatment of prostate adenoma with folk remedies: traditional medicine recipes

Treatment of prostate adenoma with folk remedies: traditional medicine recipes

Can prostate adenoma be cured with folk methods? Treatment - how long will it take? What means are more effective, and what should not be expected to have a positive effect? All these questions concern a man if he is diagnosed with this. Prostate adenoma is not the end of life, the disease is treated, there are several ways to eliminate it. You can resort to the possibilities of official medicine, or you can strengthen them with recipes of folk wisdom

Rosehip: useful properties and contraindications

Rosehip: useful properties and contraindications

Rosehip is a well-known medicinal plant. For medicinal purposes, mainly its fruits are used. But no less valuable are the leaves, roots, seeds and flowers. About how to brew and drink wild rose, about the beneficial properties and contraindications of the plant, we will tell in this article

Radish: useful properties, use in traditional medicine and contraindications

Radish: useful properties, use in traditional medicine and contraindications

Radish is one of the most ancient types of vegetables, which was eaten in ancient Egypt, as evidenced by the images on the pyramid of Cheops. Our ancestors knew about the benefits of the product. In Russia, it was used to treat all kinds of ailments, they prepared a variety of dishes. Since ancient times, it has been valued for its excellent taste and rich content of nutrients and vitamins

Linden: useful properties and contraindications

Linden: useful properties and contraindications

The beneficial properties of linden have been known since ancient times. This unique plant is used both in official and in traditional medicine. All parts of a tree are useful: flowers, bark, leaves, twigs. Each part has a special composition that determines the use of the plant. The beneficial properties of linden have been known for a long time, which you will learn about from this article

Zirconium bracelet: reviews, photos, instructions for use

Zirconium bracelet: reviews, photos, instructions for use

For quite a long time, such jewelry as a zirconium bracelet has been especially popular with many people. In addition to its fashionable and stylish appearance, this product has good healing properties. Zirconia bracelets for men and women are equally relevant. After all, by purchasing the above jewelry, we care first of all about our he alth

Choosing the most effective remedy for barley

Choosing the most effective remedy for barley

Stye is one of the most common eye infections. This disease can affect anyone, regardless of age and lifestyle. Our ancestors treated barley in the most bizarre ways. Some of the most interesting, from our point of view, folk remedies for barley on the eye, we presented in this article

Banana cough treatment: effectiveness, recipes, reviews

Banana cough treatment: effectiveness, recipes, reviews

To get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to use effective recipes. Treating a cough with a banana is a great way to help you quickly cope with the disease. The article will discuss the features of therapy with this fruit, a variety of recipes and contraindications

Golden root. Application in traditional medicine

Golden root. Application in traditional medicine

Rhodiola rosea (golden root) is a perennial plant belonging to the Crassulaceae family, reaching a height of fifty centimeters. Its rhizome, turning into a root, is covered with gray-brown bark. The plant is quite unpretentious. It is able to appear on any soil and tolerate winter periods well

Bee bread: useful properties and uses

Bee bread: useful properties and uses

Bee bread is "baked" by worker bees to feed their younger generation - bee larvae. This bread is called perga. It is "kneaded" on flower pollen and honey with the addition of bee saliva. The result is a unique medicinal product that can save people from dozens of diseases. What and how is treated with bee bread, how and to whom it can be taken, what side effects it has, read the article

Healing properties of burdock. Which side to apply burdock to a sore spot?

Healing properties of burdock. Which side to apply burdock to a sore spot?

In folk medicine, there are many plants that have closely kept pace with humanity since ancient times. Among such natural healers, burdock rightfully occupies a place of honor, otherwise it is also called burdock. This useful plant, as well as which side to apply burdock to a sore spot, will be discussed in this article

How to take flax seeds for maximum he alth benefits?

How to take flax seeds for maximum he alth benefits?

Hippocrates first spoke about the benefits of flaxseed for the human body. And indeed, thanks to its balanced composition, it is used today not only as a prevention of certain diseases, but also in their direct treatment

Lower pain: home treatment with folk remedies

Lower pain: home treatment with folk remedies

From the article you can find out how to treat lower back pain at home, for what reasons they occur, and also how to prevent their occurrence

What foods to lower blood pressure? Which foods raise blood pressure and which lower it?

What foods to lower blood pressure? Which foods raise blood pressure and which lower it?

What is pressure and how does it happen? How to monitor your pressure so that it is normal? What products to lower the pressure or, conversely, increase it? The answers to these and other questions are contained in the article

Garlic tincture for alcohol: scope and recipe

Garlic tincture for alcohol: scope and recipe

Garlic tincture for alcohol is prepared simply and taken according to the scheme. After using it, you will begin to feel much better than before, because one of its main properties is to rejuvenate the body

Useful properties of beets and contraindications: what do we know about it?

Useful properties of beets and contraindications: what do we know about it?

Eating beetroot every day, we do not always think about its qualities. But the beneficial properties of beets and contraindications are of great importance for the body

Olive oil with lemon: benefits and harms, recipe, reviews

Olive oil with lemon: benefits and harms, recipe, reviews

New Year's holidays, summer kebabs, alcohol and fast food - all this causes great harm to our body, especially the liver. There are many medicines that can help in this situation, but if you do not like pills, you can find an alternative and prepare the drug yourself. Some of the he althiest foods are olive oil and lemon juice. How you can help your body and what he althy dishes you can cook from these products, you will learn from this article

Percussion massage is an excellent remedy for cough in adults and children

Percussion massage is an excellent remedy for cough in adults and children

An adult who catches a cough can independently regulate its strength, thereby getting rid of sputum. But young children are not yet able to cope with this task, so their cough simply tears the airways without bringing relief

Essential oil of sage: properties and uses

Essential oil of sage: properties and uses

One of the most famous medicines from which essential oil is obtained is sage. Due to its unique properties, it finds application in a variety of fields

Leech Treatment: Review and Applications

Leech Treatment: Review and Applications

Leech treatment, reviewed by the most famous personalities in history, is no less popular today. Each nation has its own recipes for the use of hirudotherapy

What are s alt lamps and how do they work?

What are s alt lamps and how do they work?

S alt lamps have become a huge breakthrough in the modern world. They are widely used in various he alth centers, sanatoriums and massage rooms for the treatment of physical and mental he alth. Science has long determined that devices have a beneficial effect on the state of our body and help relieve fatigue and irritation

Goji berry - reviews of doctors. The use of goji berries. Tibetan goji berries - reviews

Goji berry - reviews of doctors. The use of goji berries. Tibetan goji berries - reviews

Every year humanity discovers more and more miraculous possibilities of nature. In the first place are plants that can help in the fight against almost any he alth problem. Today it's time for goji berries, which are almost legendary

Wax moth - treatment. Wax moth larvae extract. Wax moth - application

Wax moth - treatment. Wax moth larvae extract. Wax moth - application

Traditional methods of treatment do not always bring the proper result. Sometimes medical therapy needs to be supported with alternative or folk remedies, one of which is wax moth tincture

Mustard honey: useful properties and contraindications

Mustard honey: useful properties and contraindications

This delicacy is loved by both adults and children for its amazing taste and aroma. There are many varieties of sweetness, but in this article we will talk about mustard honey. Useful properties and contraindications of the product will be described below

Japanese water treatment method: detailed description, reviews

Japanese water treatment method: detailed description, reviews

The fact that the Japanese are recognized centenarians is known to many. And this despite the fact that the inhabitants of Japan had to endure nuclear explosions in Heroshima and Nagasaki. But even this does not prevent them from having excellent he alth and living to a ripe old age. For many centuries, and maybe even millennia, the Japanese method of water treatment has been practiced in the Land of the Rising Sun

Cascade shower: indications and contraindications

Cascade shower: indications and contraindications

It has long been proven that properly prescribed water treatments can help get rid of joint diseases, they are great for diseases associated with disorders of the peripheral nervous system. And, of course, some aesthetic flaws can also be removed with water

Folk remedies for flatulence in adults

Folk remedies for flatulence in adults

Flatulence is a serious problem faced by a huge number of people every day. Errors in nutrition and various diseases lead to the fact that there are more gases in the intestines, and their natural discharge is disturbed. Today we will talk about folk remedies for flatulence

Does milk help with heartburn?

Does milk help with heartburn?

Everyone knows what heartburn is. Many are saved from it by various methods: take pills, eat soda or drink milk. Heartburn is manifested by bitterness in the mouth, increased acidity of saliva, a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Unpleasant sensations can last for a long time, aggravated by turning the body, bending over, moving

What helps golden root tincture and how to prepare it yourself?

What helps golden root tincture and how to prepare it yourself?

Golden root is a rather rare medicinal plant, which is often used as a tincture to treat various ailments and stimulate the human central nervous system. This article describes the beneficial properties and contraindications of golden root tincture, as well as the recipe for its preparation

How to clean the kidneys at home?

How to clean the kidneys at home?

Kidneys are an important organ of our body. Edema, swelling in the eye area and back pain indicate problems in the work of the organ. If there are no serious diseases of the renal system, then ailments are associated with toxins accumulated in the body. How to clean the kidneys, and we will talk further

Pomegranate peels: useful properties, treatment and cooking methods

Pomegranate peels: useful properties, treatment and cooking methods

With the help of pomegranate peel, the treatment of many diseases can be carried out in a fairly short time. This is how dysbacteriosis, colitis, dysentery, salmonellosis, stomach ulcers, intestinal ulcers, cholera, typhoid fever and acute appendicitis are cured. Moreover, the process of making an aqueous infusion for all these diseases is approximately the same, but the application and dosage are different

Kefir for constipation: effectiveness, benefits and harms, reviews and tips

Kefir for constipation: effectiveness, benefits and harms, reviews and tips

If there are problems with the digestive system, different remedies are used, for example, kefir for constipation. But any technique has its own nuances of use. You need to know about contraindications and rules for the use of any remedy. This is the only way to improve the functioning of the body and help it, and not harm it. The same applies to the question of how to use kefir for constipation. What are the nuances of use here? What is the use of this product, and when should it not be used?

Chinese medicine: wormwood cigar

Chinese medicine: wormwood cigar

Mugwort cigar or moxa has been used in Chinese medicine for a long time. She treats a variety of diseases. Moxibustion is one of the most effective procedures in China and is called jiu therapy. This method of treatment is based on the knowledge of Eastern doctors about biologically active points and the unique properties of wormwood

Sinusitis in a child - home treatment: the most effective methods

Sinusitis in a child - home treatment: the most effective methods

Sinusitis is considered one of the most unpleasant and dangerous diseases. Most often it occurs in young children, creating a lot of inconvenience

Sage flowers: useful properties, use in traditional medicine

Sage flowers: useful properties, use in traditional medicine

Sage is an invaluable "green doctor" used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. A plant with a rich aroma contains many vitamins and mineral components that have a beneficial effect on all body processes. Useful properties of sage flowers, we will consider in the article

Chestnut leaves: description, application, photo. chestnut leaves in autumn

Chestnut leaves: description, application, photo. chestnut leaves in autumn

Fruits, flowers, seeds, bark and leaves of the edible chestnut are widely used in alternative medicine. Official science has proven the therapeutic significance of all components. In this material, the place is reserved for green leaves bordering the crown of the tree. You will learn useful information about the properties, application, and also learn how to prepare healing decoctions

Grape leaves: benefits and harms, properties, taste

Grape leaves: benefits and harms, properties, taste

Grapes are loved by many. It is delicious not only fresh. Great wines, amazing desserts, original salads - this is just a small list of what can be prepared based on its berries. In addition, their use in folk medicine is invaluable due to a wide range of medicinal properties

White acacia: medicinal properties. Recipes, application

White acacia: medicinal properties. Recipes, application

This magnificent shrub grows in many areas. But is it only for its decorative properties that it is valued by gardeners? How do knowledgeable people use it in the treatment of various diseases and where can I find a recipe from its flowers that can become a panacea for a serious illness?

Astragalus herb: application, medicinal properties

Astragalus herb: application, medicinal properties

Astragalus was nicknamed by the people "the grass of life of the Kremlin leaders", or "the grass of immortality". For what healing properties is this plant so named, where can it be purchased, how to properly prepare a drug from it? Everyone can find answers to the questions posed in this article

Nettle tincture on vodka: application, medicinal properties, contraindications

Nettle tincture on vodka: application, medicinal properties, contraindications

Stinging nettle, familiar to everyone since childhood, is a unique drug with virtually no contraindications. How to prepare an alcohol tincture from it that can cope with many diseases?