Kefir for constipation: effectiveness, benefits and harms, reviews and tips

Kefir for constipation: effectiveness, benefits and harms, reviews and tips
Kefir for constipation: effectiveness, benefits and harms, reviews and tips

If there are problems with the digestive system, different remedies are used, for example, kefir for constipation. But any technique has its own nuances of use. You need to know about contraindications and rules for the use of any remedy. This is the only way to improve the functioning of the body and help it, and not harm it. The same applies to the question of how to use kefir for constipation. What are the nuances of use here? What is the use of this product and when should it not be used?

What is the use of kefir?

does kefir help with constipation
does kefir help with constipation

Many wonder if kefir helps with constipation.

The product is an excellent source of calcium, vitamin A and phosphorus. These elements have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. One glass of kefir at night and kefir in combination with bran in the morning will certainly help anyone get rid of constipationand unpleasant sensations, and besides, they will give lightness. Benefits of this product include:

  1. Fatigue reduction. Kefir makes it easier to endure stressful situations.
  2. Improve the quality of sleep.
  3. Contributes to the cleansing of the digestive system from harmful substances.
  4. Great thirst quencher.

How does this dairy product affect the human digestive system?

How does kefir affect the body?

what kefir to drink
what kefir to drink

Answering this question, experts give the following list:

  1. Firstly, kefir helps people cope with pathogenic intestinal microflora for constipation. This improves the work and activity of beneficial microorganisms.
  2. Substances that are part of kefir significantly improve the appetite of patients.
  3. Creates an acidic environment that improves the absorption of many nutrients.
  4. This product contains milk protein, which is very easily absorbed by the human body.

In addition, kefir in its composition is replete with large amounts of calcium, vitamins and phosphorus. All this contributes to a significant improvement in metabolism and the normalization of the activity of all systems. But its main effect in constipation is to restore the disturbed intestinal microflora. It is this reason that most often turns out to be a factor in the appearance of constipation.

Use not a store-bought product, but a homemade one - make kefir yourself. Orchoose "live" grades of a shop product. If kefir can be stored on the refrigerator shelf for a week or more, there are no live lactic acid bacteria there.

Harm and contraindications: when it is better not to use this product

kefir with butter
kefir with butter

So, the use of yogurt for constipation helps. But the benefits of this product are not always achieved. In some situations, its use can only harm the human body. Doctors note the following situations, in the presence of which it is impossible to drink this fermented milk product to eliminate constipation:

  1. In the event that a person has an increased acidity in the stomach.
  2. With the development of diseases such as intestinal or stomach ulcers, as well as gastritis.
  3. In the event that the patient often experiences a sensation such as heartburn.
  4. In case of intolerance to the ingredients that make up kefir, you should not drink it either. Lactose is mainly one of these components.

One very important limitation has to do with the age of the patient. Drinking kefir with constipation for babies up to one year is only allowed in small quantities. It is best to consult a doctor before doing this. Excessive consumption of this product can cause a backlash. For example, a small child may begin to suffer from diarrhea.

How to use kefir in this pathology?

I have a stomachache
I have a stomachache

So, how to drink kefir for constipation? What are the recipes for dealing withconstipation? Answering this question, it should be said that you can always drink plain kefir. To do this, it will be enough to take just one glass on an empty stomach in the morning or in the evening three hours after dinner. But this method will only help with mild constipation. In the event that the problem lasts more than two days, you need to use completely different recipes.

Tips for using kefir, or what should it be combined with?

The most common and proven combinations are presented below in the article.

  1. Kefir with oil is often used for constipation. To do this, add a spoonful of sunflower or olive oil to a glass with a dairy product.
  2. It is important to consume fiber to improve bowel function. She, for example, is very rich in buckwheat. You can cook it by mixing with kefir. Another recipe involves the use of raw buckwheat, which is poured with kefir overnight. Both of these options are equally effective. Which one to use is a matter of patient preference.
  3. Dried fruits are excellent for constipation, especially dried apricots with prunes. These products can also be added to kefir. Little patients will definitely like this remedy.
  4. Another effective remedy is the addition of ginger. Use dried root or juice squeezed from a fresh product. Ginger is required to stir in one glass of kefir. Dried ginger is added in the amount of half a teaspoon. Add juice as much as you like. The juice is quite pungent, so many people don't like it.
  5. You can alsouse a mixture of this fermented milk product in combination with bran. First prepare the second component. The bran is placed in the oven, where it is heated until golden brown. After that, they are cooled and poured with boiling water. After thirty minutes, the water is drained, and the resulting bran in the amount of a tablespoon is added to the fermented milk product.
  6. If you add finely chopped dill to kefir, then, in addition to the laxative effect, you can get a diuretic effect.
kefir for constipation reviews
kefir for constipation reviews

Very often kefir is used as a prophylactic. During the period of bearing a baby, many women experience constipation as a serious problem. This happens to almost every woman. At the same time, it is not recommended to use medications, as they can have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus. In this regard, for prevention, and in addition, to improve the functioning of the intestines, doctors advise pregnant women to consume kefir every day.

Judging by the reviews, kefir with oil from constipation helps very quickly.

Kefir with butter

Especially in the presence of constipation, it is advised to mix kefir with butter. The fact is that a product such as oil is an equally effective way to solve the problem of constipation very quickly.

To do this, a spoonful of oil is added to a glass of warm kefir, and it does not matter which one - it can be, for example, sunflower or olive oil. Then the product is mixed and drunk a few hours before sleep. In the event that a person takes this recipe as a habit, no constipation will soon bother him.

Can kefir be constipated?

man on the toilet
man on the toilet

Can kefir cause constipation in people? This is a very good question. After all, it is generally accepted that this fermented milk product, on the contrary, is aimed at restoring he althy bowel function. But you always need to know the measure. In addition, it is worth noting that constipation may occur in a person if he takes low-quality kefir.

In addition, if there is an allergy to milk, when using kefir, certain digestive problems may also occur. It is in connection with this that you need to drink exclusively high-quality, and at the same time fresh kefir. It is best to prepare it at home with beneficial bacteria in order to get the maximum benefit for the body.

What yogurt to drink for constipation?

How can you make natural kefir yourself?

Today, there are a lot of kefirs of various fat content on the shelves of stores. But not all of them will help cure constipation. It would be best to prepare this drink yourself. You just need to add a spoonful of sour cream (and store-bought kefir is also suitable) to eight hundred milligrams of warmed milk. The starter should be beaten and placed in a warm place for twenty-four hours. The resulting kefir is popularly called daily, it is in this state that this fermented milk product perfectly helps cleanse the intestines, preventing constipation.

Reviews on kefir for constipation

In reviews, people are not always enthusiastic about the effectiveness of kefir. People report that this fermented milk product simply does not help with a similar problem. These users report that they are rarely helped by any laxative products, mostly by medications.

kefir with oil for constipation
kefir with oil for constipation

Others, on the contrary, argue that kefir serves as a good laxative, and if it is also combined with additional products, the effect can be completely amazing.

For example, consumers especially praise the combination of kefir with dried apricots and prunes and write that this combination very quickly helps to cope with even the most severe constipation. The same is said about adding sunflower oil to kefir. Therefore, we can conclude that kefir helps with constipation.
