The beneficial properties of linden have been known since ancient times. This unique plant is used both in official and in traditional medicine. All parts of a tree are useful: flowers, bark, leaves, twigs. Each part has a specific composition that determines the application of the plant.
Most often in folk medicine, lime blossom is used. Decoctions are made with it, infusions that help with inflammation, cramps, pain and more.

Description of the plant
Linden flowers are umbellate, consisting of ten or more flowers on elongated pedicels, which fuse with the vein of the bract below. The flowers themselves are regular in shape, up to a centimeter in diameter. The color of the flowers is whitish-yellow, with a faint, pleasant aroma.
The bract is membranous, with a dense network of veins, up to seven centimeters long and up to two centimeters wide.
Tree Features
Our distant ancestors knew about the beneficial properties of linden. They harvested the flowers of the plant and appliedfor the treatment of a variety of ailments.
The plant is able to destroy bacteria in the body, remove urine, increase sweating, and remove phlegm. Features of the application depend on which ailment will be treated. For example, if the plant will be used to treat coughs, colds, then it is taken orally. Rheumatism is cured with poultices. Linden infusion helps to cope with pathologies of the urinary system, headache. Decoctions fight fever, relieve spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, treat colds.

Procurement of raw materials
To preserve the beneficial properties of linden, it is necessary to properly harvest raw materials. This is done in dry weather. Collect those parts of the plant in which about half of the flowers have blossomed, and the rest are buds. Gather the flowers together with the pre-flowering leaf.
The blanks are dried in a ventilated area. To prevent the plant from breaking, the color is laid out in a thin layer. It is not worth mixing the raw materials.
When dried, the fragrance of flowers almost completely disappears. Stop drying when the peduncles become very brittle, dry.
Harvested raw materials are stored in a dry place. Shelf life of the color is two years.
Composition of Linden
Useful properties of linden are determined by its composition. Each part of the plant contains a certain amount of a wide variety of substances.
The flowers are present:
- Essential oils containing farnesol.
- Polysaccharides, mucus.
- Flavonoids, saponides.
- Carotenoids.
- Ascorbic acid.
The leaves of the plant contain a lot of protein, there are carotenoids and ascorbic acid.
After flowering, fruits ripen. They are rich in fatty oils.
Pharmacological action
Useful properties of linden flowers help fight a variety of ailments. This plant has the following effect:
- diaphoretic, antipyretic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- accelerates regeneration processes;
- antiseptic;
- antispasmodic;
- lower blood pressure;
- increase diuresis;
- increase the secretion of gastric juice and bile;
- sedative.

What pathologies does it treat
Useful properties of linden color help to cope with flu, colds, bronchitis. Good results are shown by the use of inhalations with linden in children with infectious diseases. Also, the plant is used in the form of a hot infusion as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory agent.
The use of color helps to cope with neuralgia, cystitis. Decoctions are made for gargling with bacterial infections. And this is not all the useful properties of the plant.
Traditional medicine
Useful properties and contraindications of linden determine to whom and for what ailments the plant can be used, and to whom it is forbidden.
In folk medicine, there are many recipes for preparing medicine from a plant: infusions, decoctions, bath products, preparations for external and internal use.
Linden infusion has several optionscooking. For the treatment of colds, tuberculosis, coughs of various etiologies, with bronchial catarrh, as well as to eliminate headaches, the following infusion is used: a tablespoon of flowers is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for half an hour. Before use, the product is filtered. The prepared composition is enough for only one dose, and you need to drink the infusion at least three times a day. It is best to prepare a fresh remedy before each use. You can use the infusion to gargle.
To relieve colic, spasms and pain in the intestinal area, it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of linden. To prepare the composition, eight tablespoons of raw materials are taken, poured with a liter of water and put on a slow fire for five minutes. Then the broth is allowed to brew for half an hour. The finished product is filtered and added to the bath, which is taken for no more than twenty minutes.
Helps linden from food poisoning. To do this, you need wood charcoal, which is taken in a teaspoon three times a day. Coals also help to cope with prostatitis. For treatment, the coals are crushed and brewed like coffee. Duration of therapy - a week.
With a cough of any etiology, lime blossom helps a lot. To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to pour two tablespoons of flowers into 0.5 liters of boiling water, then leave to infuse for fifteen minutes. Then the product is filtered through a sieve. The resulting infusion is taken throughout the day in equal parts.
Linden decoction helps with gastrointestinal diseases. To prepare a medicine, you need to take a spoonful of seeds and pour them with a glass of water, put on fire. Means boil fifteenminutes. Take the drug three times a day, dividing the glass of funds into three parts.
Linden decoction helps to cope with neuralgia, cough, SARS. It is used for rheumatism, gout, used as an additive in baths. With a decoction, compresses are made for mastitis.
To prepare a decoction, take two tablespoons of flowers and pour two cups of boiling water. The remedy is insisted for half an hour. Take one hundred ml 4-5 times.
For compresses, a more concentrated decoction is made, for which three or four tablespoons of flowers are boiled over low heat. The resulting product is filtered, add a teaspoon of soda. This tool is moistened with gauze folded in several layers.

Other plant recipes
The beneficial properties of linden leaves and flowers are well manifested with other medicinal plants.
For the treatment of rheumatism, it is necessary to take lime and viburnum in equal parts. Raw materials are brewed with boiled water and infused for two hours. Take a quarter cup in the morning and evening.
You can use another remedy for rheumatism: linden, raspberries, coltsfoot, oregano are taken in equal parts. Then two tablespoons of the mixture are poured into a glass of boiling water. Take the composition of a quarter cup.
Linden with chamomile is used as a disinfectant, anti-inflammatory agent. To prepare a remedy, it is necessary to pour raw materials with boiling water and let it brew for half an hour. Gargle with the prepared remedy twice a day.
Knowing everything about the beneficial properties andcontraindications of linden flowers, you can prepare a remedy for fever. To do this, two spoons of lime color are placed in an enamel bowl, poured with 0.5 liters of water and cooked in a water bath for twenty minutes. The pot is then removed from the heat and allowed to cool. A couple of tablespoons of honey are added to the finished product. Take a warm infusion of one hundred milliliters as a diaphoretic, antipyretic.

Benefits of wood for women
The beneficial properties of linden for women have been known since ancient times. This plant helps nursing mothers, is used to treat obesity. The plant helps in the treatment of mastitis: for this purpose, raw materials are used as lotions.
For nursing mothers, it is recommended to make an infusion of linden leaves. To prepare the product, take ten grams of raw materials, which are poured with 1.5 glasses of water. The infusion is allowed to stand for two hours. Take a glass before meals.
The beneficial properties and contraindications of linden for women should be carefully studied, as the plant is used to treat obesity. Proper intake of the remedy helps to get rid of five kilograms of excess weight in a couple of months. To prepare a remedy for excess weight, you need to pour forty grams of grass with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. After that, the composition is filtered. Take the remedy fifty grams three times a day.
You can use another remedy: fifty grams of linden is mixed with 0.5 liters of birch sap and the same amount of rhubarb decoction. The composition is placed in a water bath for five minutes. acceptremedy for one hundred grams before meals 3 times a day.
Composition of four tablespoons of linden, two hundred grams of ginger root, one lemon and a spoonful of green tea helps fight obesity. Everything is mixed with a liter of water and insisted for an hour. This remedy is very aggressive towards the stomach, therefore, before use, it should be diluted with water, taking 50 ml of the composition and 200 ml of water. The resulting composition should not be taken with gastrointestinal pathology, sore throat, gum disease.

Before you start treating pathologies, you need to find out what beneficial properties and contraindications the color of linden has. The plant should not be consumed by people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies.
Do not apply the composition to those who suffer from an allergic reaction to flowering. Another contraindication is the presence of renal failure.
Useful Linden
Linden tea is an excellent remedy for colds and coughs. It helps to restore immunity, restore strength after illness. The plant is useful not only for adults, but also for children, the elderly. Linden blossom can improve brain function and improve mood, reduce high blood pressure.
Linden honey is of great value. It helps to support the body during menopause, for the treatment of gastritis, cystitis, gastric ulcer.

In addition to internal use, linden is used externally. Decoctions and infusions are used as lotions, compresses, added to the bath. These fundshave a warming effect, help to get rid of excess weight, restore he alth to the body.